View Full Version : Blood fetishes/ cutting/ etc to reduce anxiety

04-27-2013, 11:52 PM
Ok... Weird topic. I have had an off sns on thing with cutting with my anxiety and panic. After years not its started again. On my inner thighs... Now I'm cutting my ankles and ... This is weird ... Sucking the blood. I will squeeze the skin to push it out... It'd like stress ebbing from my body. For the first time I'm Licking it... It's a relaxing things altogether maybe?? I don't know but wanted to know I'd others have blood fetishes or things that help relieve anxiety and stress.

04-28-2013, 12:48 AM
Not done that but do have suicidal thoughts. Think you need to go talk to someone until it gets really bad again. Stop it early while you can - otherwise it will be harder to get better again.
Accept medication or any other help they offer to get over the cutting as soon as possible.

04-28-2013, 01:04 AM
Not done that but do have suicidal thoughts. Think you need to go talk to someone until it gets really bad again. Stop it early while you can - otherwise it will be harder to get better again.
Accept medication or any other help they offer to get over the cutting as soon as possible.

04-28-2013, 02:50 AM
I dont have the medical knowledge... but im a good listener and i can offer a friendly ear if u need someone to talk to:)


04-28-2013, 04:02 AM
I'm not suicidal nor do I have suicidal thoughts ...the cutting is not something I do at an attempt if my life or for attention as its not on my wrists. It's on my inner thighs and my ankles and watching the blood is relaxing to me. The physical pain is a release. Just wondering who else feels this way. After years not doing it I have started again. I have a high pain threshold and have tattoos ... It's in no way a sign of wanting to end my life. Does anyone else do this? Understand? If you don't want to lost publicly please send a private message. Would like to talk to someone who understands.

04-28-2013, 03:25 PM
I really would like to talk with someone else who does this. For years I stopped... But started again. I'm liking it...but know I need to stop again.