View Full Version : General Discussion
- Im slowly slipping away.
- Tingling feelibg.
- I'm convinced I have OCD, help please!
- Should this still be happening?
- I get too emotional all the time!!!
- Comfused
- Car accident
- Screwed up by googling citralopram!
- Progress finally
- Am i going blind
- Worried
- And I'm is my anxiety. :(
- Klonopin and alcohol?
- Trying to Sort Out Anxiety Issue - Weird dreams every night?
- Is this caused by anxiety?
- Hi , is this anxiety ?
- Really need some help right now!
- bad liver health in nations with mandatory military?
- Nausea, fear of vomiting public ect
- Been the worst week for me
- To E-man :D
- I feel like crap!!!!
- feeling hurt
- Funny videos new good stuff laugh
- bad liver health in nations with mandatory military?
- New here, just started Lexapro
- depersonalization and derealization?
- Hey y'all.
- OCD and deper... derelia... I'm spaced out... Feeling so crazy plz HELP
- Bp 125/85 - dangerous!!!
- Is it notmal
- Do you think the internet causes more anxiety than you'd be feeling otherwise?
- Tired.
- panicking
- Leaky Gut Syndrome
- Bad bews at the drs
- Hearing and anxiety.
- Need a chat.. Stressed..
- 7am anxiety attack :(
- Health anxiety.!!
- Heart palpitations
- Losing My Job
- Just a nice general thread...
- EXTREME ANXIETY!!! help :)
- I had a scare...
- Auto calm
- Being too hard on myself
- freaking and trapped
- Guys advice please
- Vertigo like symptoms help!!
- burnnnn
- Major chest pain
- Shine any light on the topic?
- Always shaky and fast reactions.
- music
- because my body is rude and I don't wanna ask my Dr.
- Can you atually overcome anxiety??
- Ancient medicine
- shoveling snow
- Mouth problems
- Worried about missing school D:
- A quick note to forum/FB friends.
- Racing heart
- Games, anyone?
- Derealization attacks!!
- Hello! *im scared, help*
- Bad dream. :/
- Need help!
- I just need to vent
- Scared
- Happy Valentines all my forum friendz <3
- Can't sleep!! Ugh
- Can anxiety really cause this many symptoms?
- Bitchy anxiety tonight
- Still cant sleep :(
- Is this an anxiety trait?
- Good morning
- How was your valentine?
- Broken the Cycle!
- feel like im breaking down!
- Happy valentines day!!!
- Anyone advice needed
- Hi
- Has anyone
- A must read thread
- Anxiety causing vertigo?? :/
- Should I leave the Forum???????????????
- Today really sucks for me
- Head Pressure
- Bad news and the good news
- Happy Valentine's Day
- Anyone ever had this simptoms ?
- Diabetes
- very lady like question
- Cheating OCD manifesting from a situation that happened 4 years ago
- Ughhhhh
- Does lexapro affect sleep in some manner?
- panic attack
- Niacinimide Vitamin B3 info thread.
- how it's working
- buzzing
- Hey suggest games plase
- Bad day :(
- Suicidal thoughts |
- me once again!
- Dp is finally dealing with dr.
- A sharp feeling
- I can't go near anything that reminds me of the stomach flu, is this abnormal?
- Eyes!!
- Had enough!
- made a big mistake
- Confidence and self-esteem problems
- question for the girls on here
- Physical symptoms..
- Anxiety Up Today
- moderaters
- Pain
- Trying to get a good book on the kindle
- ¤¤trigger warning¤¤ SWINE FLU SCARE
- Hello :) Quick question?
- Generalized anxiety disorder - scared all day
- Wellbutrin for anxiety/weight loss
- Anxiety over lowering dosage
- Idk where its coming from
- Anxiety over height
- In need of some support
- Pregnant with health anxiety
- Cant fall back asleep!
- Worried... Week off college
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder - physical symptoms
- this is never ending!
- Now i really need some advice
- What's some of the worst things anxiety makes you feel?
- The paranoia has returned
- Why do you suppose we don't obsess over our anxiety symptoms...
- Hi me again
- Happy!
- A key to peace. Gratititude! 5 day challenge guaranteed, or your money back. :D
- Panic Attacks
- I Have Had Every Type of Cancer
- Hopeless
- getting so sick of this : /
- real physical problems and anxiety. (If you are too health anxious don't read)
- Please need help!!!!!!
- What my bully does!!!
- I dont understand
- Driving a car?
- Could just use someone to talk to
- Skin is crawling!!
- Does anyone here get stereotyped?
- Had a good day!
- Heart fluttering
- Feeling a little short of breath
- tingling or numbness down left arm?
- It was all going so well...
- How's everybody doing?
- Hey! 💕💕💕
- Clean House
- Do you all ever feel guilty about taking meds?
- I want to feel normal again!
- Omeprazole
- Creatine - Does it affect my anxiety?
- Achievements of the day or month if you want :)
- going out out!!
- Heart beating fast after exercise, normal?
- Seriously in need of help, advice, and ???????
- bad day.
- Feeling rubbish
- All in my head.
- I'm leaving the Forum!!!!!!!!!!
- armed robbery
- Flying
- Desperate for some advice! Please help!
- Had an emotional breakdown at work.
- Do you find having a pet to be therapeutic for your anxiety and/or depression?
- Neverending brain tumor thoughts
- magnesium
- Funny taste
- Is there a difference between "bad" anxiety and "good" anxiety?
- Search or not to Search.... never ending story...
- Need someone to talk to me :(
- Not caring mood activated.
- Today was Frightening
- Increasing dosage of medication
- Ooooookaaayyyyyy
- its going to be a bad day.
- Good morning
- Anyone else make lists for their Pdoc/Tdoc visit?
- I'm bbaaaaaAAAAACK!
- Random question -- bad idea?
- Pulpitations
- Migraines and dereization
- Anyone?
- Motivation!
- need something to help panic attack in the moment
- Scared for my hubby
- Thoughts That Hurt
- Weird question
- GAD going up again-- Eek!
- Marijuana induced depersonalization
- Well i think it's time for a change!
- Muscle twitching
- Suffering from anxiety just want some advice
- Is this OCD or something else? I'm terrified, help please!
- is it normal that sometimes I just want to be alone?
- Is this all really anxiety
- Hospital Appointment
- Should I see a doctor?
- Almost unable to leave my own home, don't know what to do!
- awareness of body sensations
- Bad day
- Please help by sharing a link
- Hello everyone!
- Feel so fed up and constatly detached from reality
- had a suicidal thought today 2days before menstrual
- Struggling wih wifes anxiety
- Someone please help me!!!!!!
- throwing In the white towel
- Possible Elder abuse? Causing anxiety for whole household!
- Work Anxiety - Hibernate, Adapt or Migrate.
- new to forum
- Thoughts of death
- Anyone in need of one-on-one Therapy? Life Coach here!
- Marijuana use lead to a massive panic attack
- Please help!
- Will these random palpitations last forever?
- List Any Anxiety Sufferer Should Read
- Does worthlessness ever give you a break...?
- How do you really know??
- Feeling good :-)
- Exhausted :( whats going on with me
- Since panic attack, I've not felt the same...please advise.
- Any advice?
- Mmmmm
- Derealization still an issue
- Sick + anxiety = SH*T! :(
- How to Hold an Anxiety Intervention? Help!!!!
- What is this?
- Fear of going out and driving with windows down.
- New to this...looking for some help.
- irrational fears-panic disorder HELP!!!
- It sucks........
- pinworms!!
- Anxiety or depression in property or landlord
- Anxiety and fitness / training or physical illness / do you feel rough?
- First week on Lustral...
- Do these fears EVER ease off..
- I just wish .....
- Hot Flashes
- Really need some advice
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