View Full Version : Bad bews at the drs
02-12-2014, 10:03 PM
So I went to the drs today because I've been extremely fatigued, pain constantly and tingling and numbness in my extremities. I've also experienced debilitating migraines along with visual and speech disturbances. I've been nervous about ms for awhile but now I'm terrified because my dr mentioned it today! She referred me to a neurologist for further testing. I have an appt next week. I'm so beside myself. I don't even have children yet. My bp was high and everything! Im just do discouraged and I feel like just giving up.
02-12-2014, 10:20 PM
So I went to the drs today because I've been extremely fatigued, pain constantly and tingling and numbness in my extremities. I've also experienced debilitating migraines along with visual and speech disturbances. I've been nervous about ms for awhile but now I'm terrified because my dr mentioned it today! She referred me to a neurologist for further testing. I have an appt next week. I'm so beside myself. I don't even have children yet. My bp was high and everything! Im just do discouraged and I feel like just giving up.
Whats up jloca. I have the same EXACT symptoms you have, high BP and everything and feel the same way you do. I have been through so many tests and the results are always the same, the Dr's look at me like im crazy. But it's real and I know it's tiring and hard on life but don't give up, there is relief ahead for both of us!
02-12-2014, 10:31 PM
I'm guessing at your age that's more of a precaution rather than a likelihood, right?
I remember quite a few people here going down a similar road, and everything coming back fine. Infact, MS is quite the condition. Doesn't happen too lightly.
I remember actually, thinking some of the people here who were going for further screening were very likely candidates, and it came back with negative results.
Just about your doctors checkup; Looking at the all round picture seeing as the neuro will check for the MS; I've had all of those symptoms, to the extreme, that were anxiety related, and have gone on to be perfectly healthy other than a minor ddhidbysyd ugh, sorry, a minor spasm I get. Joke :)
But those symptoms are defiantly worth a check up, glad you're getting it -- but not massively uncommon - so I hope that keeps you slightly peaceful during your testing period.
Another way to look at it, is those symptoms can be caused by certain deficiencies. B12 for instance is a big deficiency that can cause anxiety and all of those symptoms. I don't know if you've checked that, but that's worth a test if not. I thought maybe that was my problem at one point, but it wasn't.
I'm all about that complete game.
But I guess the philosophy I held on it all was no worry. No worry fuck it. Whatever happens, fuck it, I can't control it. Whatever my blood results were gonna show when they came back, whatever my EKGs were gonna show, my X-rays, my MRIs, my biopsies... Well there was nothing I could do about that. It was already there, already happening, already in my genes. As much as it scared me, and as weird the idea that I might be sick was to me, I couldn't do anything about it.
And I wanted to know what I could do something about.
If you read medical book after medical book, they'll tell you that healthy minded people, with faith, and energy, have better recovery rates and better quality of life living with their condition, that the drained struggle. That's what you can control. That's all ever I done on a day to day basis. Call it a defence mechanism to my health anxiety maybe, but I tried to always ensure I was in a relaxed and healthy state.
That was gonna help me prevent future disease, and help me fight off, or manage the ones I was afraid of getting.
There are different aspects that make up all optimum health:
I tried to make sure muscles were relaxed with PMR.
I tried to make sure my mind was relaxed by CBT and meditation.
I tried to ensure my body was healthy through exercise and good levels of anti-oxidants and mineral balances
I tried to ensure I had faith in something, God, myself, my family, the medical institution, love... Whatever
I tried to make sure everyday I done something I enjoyed, just in case
I tried to keep emotions outside, as the repressed shit is cancerous!
And day by day, I think that done something pretty special to my subconscious mind. All of that stuff convinced me that I was healthy. And that just as importantly, I was resilient. And I was healthy. And I was resilient. And health anxiety therefore begun to minimize.
So, I mean, best of luck with your neuro follow ups.
I hope it's all clear, and you're plain sailing, and that after that, you'll take a lil of this info and do something pretty special to your subconscious mind too. Cos it's win/win that way!
If you're able, lying low for a few days doesn't hurt.
When you're down, when you're tired, it's all about drawing that strength from places, to face what's ahead. I hope you can find some inspiration right about now. I hope you can find some love.
Then get back out there and get in top of it all.
Best :)
02-13-2014, 12:14 AM
Whats up jloca. I have the same EXACT symptoms you have, high BP and everything and feel the same way you do. I have been through so many tests and the results are always the same, the Dr's look at me like im crazy. But it's real and I know it's tiring and hard on life but don't give up, there is relief ahead for both of us!
Thank you for the encouraging words! I stopped telling people my symptoms because they always roll their eyes like "here we go again" but I know how I'm feeling and it's real! Everything is always negative for me too, except the high bp now. But that's why none if the suitors believe me anymore :/
02-13-2014, 12:23 AM
Thank you jessed03. It feels a little more reassuring to talk to some people who have been in my position. You are absolutely right on keeping a balanced and calm state of mind, and health. I've been working out with a trainer for almost 4 months, taking vit d3, omega fatty acids, and a multivitamin, and trying to watch how I eat (although that's my biggest downfall as I eat when I'm anxious :/). All of this and I still feel like crap everyday. That's why I'm feeling so discouraged. I have no energy, no motivation anymore. And now that I'm worrying about MS, forget it!! All I wanna do is curl up in my bed and cry. But I thank you for the encouraging words and I'll try to stay positive!
02-13-2014, 12:24 AM
Also I'm 31, so it is not uncommon to be diagnosed between the ages of 20-40.
02-13-2014, 01:51 AM
Thank you for the encouraging words! I stopped telling people my symptoms because they always roll their eyes like "here we go again" but I know how I'm feeling and it's real! Everything is always negative for me too, except the high bp now. But that's why none if the suitors believe me anymore :/
I get the same "here we go again" reaction from my GP.. It's frustrating to feel a certain way and have the only people who can help you think you're crazy..
I wish nothing but the best for you and I hope you can ease your mind knowing that your Dr visits are good to go!
It's hard for me because I notice more females on here than males, so that makes me feel like something is wrong with me for real....:unsure:
02-13-2014, 05:29 AM
I have been to a Neuro..I know what to expect...Hope you're feeling today too!!!
02-13-2014, 05:47 AM
I have been to a Neuro..I know what to expect...Hope you're feeling today too!!! E-Man..:) What do you mean E-man? What do you expect?? I'm ok, didn't get much sleep last night :/
02-13-2014, 06:02 AM
What do you mean E-man? What do you expect?? I'm ok, didn't get much sleep last night :/
Yes,..what they will actually do at the Neurologists office and what they'll order from there...MRI, EEG, EMG,..had all that done. :)
02-13-2014, 06:24 AM
Did you have similar symptoms?
02-13-2014, 06:34 AM
What do you mean E-man? What do you expect?? I'm ok, didn't get much sleep last night :/
I was to neuro and it was not painful or anything, Do not worry, it could be as easy as lack of certain chemicals in your body. Anxious people always expect the worse. Ask me how many times I had cancer? YOu would not believe.......
Please keep us posted:))
02-13-2014, 07:41 AM
I'm not worried about the pain, I'm worried about the results
02-13-2014, 07:48 AM
I'm not worried about the pain, I'm worried about the results
It is going to be ok:))
02-13-2014, 08:01 AM
It is going to be ok:))
I hope you're right.
02-13-2014, 10:04 AM
Did you have similar symptoms?
What are all of the symptoms friend??...:)
02-13-2014, 10:16 AM
Tingling in my legs and feet that feel similar to a sparkler, waking up with arms numb almost every morning, frequent headaches and migraines with aura, chronic pain especially in tailbone, lower back and legs, extreme fatigue despite working out and taking vitamins. Hard to say if I'm having visual disturbances or just part of the migraines but frequent dry eyes, high blood pressure (this is new for me) and vertigo. Also feel spacey, tongue tied and confused. My husband is always yelling at me for doing absent minded things. I leave doors open or unlocked, lose my phone, etc. I'm so scared and depressed right now. I can barely work.
02-13-2014, 10:45 AM
Hmm..I also have many of those same symptoms too.
I have cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis and retrolisthesis in my back.
This causes the spinal nerves to be compressed and pinched slightly.
Which in turn causes my legs to be constantly "squeezed" or numb.
Also, it affects my arms too and I get tingly sensations in my arms like all over and then they move to other areas.
I think you need a complete blood test at first, if they haven't already done one because I'm wondering about your thyroid function (energy levels are controlled by that)
And also a complete hormone panel screen too....
Have they done ANY blood work on you yet to check those things and including checking your vitamin D levels??? (tired feeling if low)..
Also, believe it or not, anxiety/depression can cause many of these (physical symptoms) themselves but I find that hard to believe in this case considering you work out.
That releases the feel good chemicals, did it for 5 solid years and got huge and was happy too...
What other tests have been done? The EEG is a cakewalk, the EMG sucks a** bad, and the MRI was a cakewalk too...that's "usually" what a Neuro will do first...
02-13-2014, 11:49 AM
Hmm..I also have many of those same symptoms too. I have cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis and retrolisthesis in my back. This causes the spinal nerves to be compressed and pinched slightly. Which in turn causes my legs to be constantly "squeezed" or numb. Also, it affects my arms too and I get tingly sensations in my arms like all over and then they move to other areas. I think you need a complete blood test at first, if they haven't already done one because I'm wondering about your thyroid function (energy levels are controlled by that) And also a complete hormone panel screen too.... Have they done ANY blood work on you yet to check those things and including checking your vitamin D levels??? (tired feeling if low).. Also, believe it or not, anxiety/depression can cause many of these (physical symptoms) themselves but I find that hard to believe in this case considering you work out. That releases the feel good chemicals, did it for 5 solid years and got huge and was happy too... What other tests have been done? The EEG is a cakewalk, the EMG sucks a** bad, and the MRI was a cakewalk too...that's "usually" what a Neuro will do first... E-Man...:)
So I had recent blood work which was perfect go figure. I'm constantly getting my thyroid tested because it is enlarged, however it's within normal limits. Vitamin d was never checked or hormones for that matter, but I've been taking 2000 iu of vit d3 plus a mvi daily. I had an MRI of the brain in 2011 which was normal. I've never had any imaging done of my back.
Listen to this: in march 2013 I went to a chiropractor for my headaches. I figured I'd give it a shot, my neck was full of knots and tension (my father suffered a stroke that past February). So naively I laid on his table and before I could count to three, he had adjusted my spine! Initially, I felt great. I went home that night and developed severe lower back pain above my tailbone. I didn't connect it with the chiro. Thought it was my period! I have not felt right since then.... I went back to him one more time and told him about the pain. He felt that it was unrelated. So, I wonder sometimes if it had to do with that. I had an X-ray of my coccyx which was negative but that's it.
02-13-2014, 12:04 PM
So I had recent blood work which was perfect go figure. I'm constantly getting my thyroid tested because it is enlarged, however it's within normal limits. Vitamin d was never checked or hormones for that matter, but I've been taking 2000 iu of vit d3 plus a mvi daily. I had an MRI of the brain in 2011 which was normal. I've never had any imaging done of my back.
Listen to this: in march 2013 I went to a chiropractor for my headaches. I figured I'd give it a shot, my neck was full of knots and tension (my father suffered a stroke that past February). So naively I laid on his table and before I could count to three, he had adjusted my spine! Initially, I felt great. I went home that night and developed severe lower back pain above my tailbone. I didn't connect it with the chiro. Thought it was my period! I have not felt right since then.... I went back to him one more time and told him about the pain. He felt that it was unrelated. So, I wonder sometimes if it had to do with that. I had an X-ray of my coccyx which was negative but that's it.
Ok..I get it now. Blood test perfect. (so are all of mine)
Thyroid is enlarged but in normal ranges.
Extra Vit D daily is great. Should still be tested if at all possible along with your hormones too.
The Neuro will probably order a brain MRI since the migraines and also a spinal MRI as well considering the lower back pains.
My physical therapists has advised me not to go to a chiro, and my Doc also said not to go that route yet too..
You may have lower damage but it would be hard to connect with a chiro or anything he did..
Usually, there's damage that must be viewed with a scan of some sort as xrays cant always really see what's wrong, in your neck..
Have you ever done anything to hurt the neck??? Even years ago????
02-13-2014, 12:11 PM
Ok..I get it now. Blood test perfect. (so are all of mine) Thyroid is enlarged but in normal ranges. Extra Vit D daily is great. Should still be tested if at all possible along with your hormones too. The Neuro will probably order a brain MRI since the migraines and also a spinal MRI as well considering the lower back pains. My physical therapists has advised me not to go to a chiro, and my Doc also said not to go that route yet too.. You may have lower damage but it would be hard to connect with a chiro or anything he did.. Usually, there's damage that must be viewed with a scan of some sort as xrays cant always really see what's wrong, in your neck.. Have you ever done anything to hurt the neck??? Even years ago???? E-Man...:)
Probably. I'm a nurse so I've been pulling and lifting people for years. I can't really pinpoint one thing in particular....
02-13-2014, 12:14 PM
It just seems like all the problems became worse after I saw him. Not saying he didn't know what he was doing but maybe I already has a pre existing back injury and he just exacerbated it? I wish I never went there..
02-13-2014, 12:15 PM
That's it!!! Yes, you have damage to the cervical spine and it is pinching and or compressing the nerves (trigeminal) that run up to either side and through your head....How often do you get these migraines and what do you do to try to stop them? Carbamazepine?..Gabapentin??? Tylenol??? Any of those in the past??....
Sorry to ask so many questions but it gets us places that we need to go....
E. :)
02-13-2014, 12:17 PM
It just seems like all the problems became worse after I saw him. Not saying he didn't know what he was doing but maybe I already has a pre existing back injury and he just exacerbated it? I wish I never went there..
It is VERY possible, but not always the case...No one will let me see a Chiro and they all say that once I start "adjusting" the natural flow...I would have to keep going back to keep 'adjusting" it...Ive never been to a chiro yet, but wanted too!!! :)
02-13-2014, 12:18 PM
I also had a disease called (trigeminal neuralgia) in August of 2011..A month long migraine and the only thing that would touch it was..xanax. :(
It did go away though as sometimes it never leaves....
02-13-2014, 12:26 PM
That's it!!! Yes, you have damage to the cervical spine and it is pinching and or compressing the nerves (trigeminal) that run up to either side and through your head....How often do you get these migraines and what do you do to try to stop them? Carbamazepine?..Gabapentin??? Tylenol??? Any of those in the past??.... Sorry to ask so many questions but it gets us places that we need to go.... E. :)
Full blown migraines - once a month, but they can linger for days. Regular tension headaches weekly. I take Tylenol ES and Motrin! That's all. I'm paranoid about drugs, side effects, etc. I take lexapro 20 mg daily for 12 years now. Doesn't work anymore but that's another story for another day lol. The only thing that helps is darkness, ice packs, and sleep until they subside. My dad suffered from trigeminal neuralgia. No worries, I appreciate your concern.
02-13-2014, 12:32 PM
Ok..Today, go to the nearest cheapest store and get some muscle rub cream and the next time this headache starts, rub some on the back of your neck right on the cervical spine. this will help to "relax" the nerves and hopefully prevent the headache in the first place. If you had access to some (voltaren gel) which is a prescription, then that would be even more awesome because its a topical pain med. You should also TRY Excedrin ES because it has caffeine in it, and believe it or not, the caffeine is a great addition to a headache reliever because of what it does to the blood vessles in the head very quickly. You seem to be doing ok with your anxiety, I "wonder" if maybe you could try lower your lexapro dose just about 5mg per day to see if that may actually be adding fuel to the fire in your head too???...THAT is possible as well....OMG You Dad had TN too????...Did it go away???
02-13-2014, 12:46 PM
Ok..Today, go to the nearest cheapest store and get some muscle rub cream and the next time this headache starts, rub some on the back of your neck right on the cervical spine. this will help to "relax" the nerves and hopefully prevent the headache in the first place. If you had access to some (voltaren gel) which is a prescription, then that would be even more awesome because its a topical pain med. You should also TRY Excedrin ES because it has caffeine in it, and believe it or not, the caffeine is a great addition to a headache reliever because of what it does to the blood vessles in the head very quickly. You seem to be doing ok with your anxiety, I "wonder" if maybe you could try lower your lexapro dose just about 5mg per day to see if that may actually be adding fuel to the fire in your head too???...THAT is possible as well....OMG You Dad had TN too????...Did it go away??? I have taken excedrin in the past and it works.... But makes me jittery. I usually drink an iced coffee along with my Tylenol Motrin combo, which ironically is the same ingredients as an Excedrin. But for some reason excedrin gets me too nervous. I have been told by a colleague to decrease my lexapro several times! I'm scared. I seem ok on the outside but I still suffer from anxious episodes and really I avoid situations that cause me high anxiety. So I'm not "dealing" with it all that well. I can't travel, I got off an airplane before take off this past October because I was too nervous. :( My father had several treatments with a laser to kill the nerve in his face that was inflamed. He now has residual numbness to his lips but the pain is gone. He is 84. Toughest man I know but I saw the trigeminal neuralgia bring him to tears on several occasions.
02-13-2014, 12:57 PM
hmmm...The Excedrin is usually the BOMB for this, and yes, it makes NO sense that you can do the same thing with your combo and not get jittery...I would reallllllyyy think about lowering that dose, especially if youre having these terrible headaches and ask the Doc for a benzo to help with the panic because obviously after 12 years the lexapro isnt helping you with panic as it should..especially if youre avoiding social events too. Yes, TN can bring a powerfully grown man to his knees, I know that part well... Try the muscle rub cream or get a scrip for some voltaren gel too!! :)
02-13-2014, 05:45 PM
Ok sorry about the delayed response, it got a little busy at work. I will try the cream but what about the tingling sensations?! They're so bad today. I'm also feeling bewildered, I hate that. I need sleep. Thank you for all your help today! :)
02-13-2014, 05:54 PM
The tingling sensations are caused by the damage in your neck and spine,..have someone rub that all the way from your neck to your tailbone then that should help the tingles in your arms/'s compressing nerves. If you could convince your Doc or a Doc you work with to write you a scrip for Voltaren gel then that would be wayyyy more awesome and no pills!!!..just rub it on and viola'...pains subside. :)
02-13-2014, 06:36 PM
The tingling sensations are caused by the damage in your neck and spine,..have someone rub that all the way from your neck to your tailbone then that should help the tingles in your arms/'s compressing nerves. If you could convince your Doc or a Doc you work with to write you a scrip for Voltaren gel then that would be wayyyy more awesome and no pills!!!..just rub it on and viola'...pains subside. :)
Thanks will do! At least that should help until my appt next week. I can def get a doc to write me a rx for that. I hope that's all this is. Positive thoughts.
02-13-2014, 06:41 PM
That's all it is.. and Voltaren Gel is awesome stuff too...Good luck at the upcoming appt!! Keep us updated...
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