View Full Version : Generalized anxiety disorder - scared all day
02-15-2014, 10:40 PM
I am scared of everything. I had a traumatic experience a few years back where my son who was only 2 months old had died. I feel like this fear is coming from that area of my life but I am not sure how to kick these feelings I am having.
I fear death.
I fear that my death will cause other people pain and suffering that they do not deserve. I know this sounds conceded but I suffer from my son dying and he was only 2 months old
I fear that people look down on me or think that I am stupid
I fear that I am going to die in my sleep which keeps me up all the time
I fear my parents are going to die and I have no way of controlling this
I fear all my friends are going to die and leave me to fend for myself
I know I am just rambling on about things that no one wants to hear, but these thoughts are real and they are becoming more frequent and harder to control
I also am quite sure that I have Generalized anxiety disorder but I can't seem to get this under control. A lot of these thoughts and feelings are being heightened when I leave the house so I am also becoming borderline agoraphobic.
I can't even enjoy myself anywhere I go. My girlfriend tells me I have to STOP thinking about this and just think about something else, but I have taken psychology and know that when you focus on not thinking about something, you actually will think about it more. Pink elephants....
Please don't tell me to see a therapist, because I have been to many and my anxiety has gotten worse since then. Can anyone explain ways to control these feelings or just get rid of these thoughts entirely. I hate the fact that I have to "CONTROL" my anxiety when I know I can actually cure this!
02-15-2014, 11:26 PM
Its not the thought syou need to control
its the reaction you have to those thoughts
Everyone get some screwed up thoughts occassionally
The anxious mind doesn't let them slip away and decides to treat them as real threats
Soooooo. to get address that you needs calm mind
I calm mind can be achieved through meds, meditation and natural ways
Your choice how to get there
Once your mind is at peace a bit, you can work on reversing the thought process that has you on the place you are
02-15-2014, 11:44 PM
Yes, in the meantime, find something to focus your mind: a hobby, a chore, anything! With your mind racing its the only thing to do. You have trauma that has brought this on so you'll need to find a coping strategy to be able to get through. You're not alone in this...
Hi jdurant, I can relate in that I have also lost several close relatives over the last few years, including my mom. You do start to worry that every time the phone rings, it's going to be something awful. I used to worry about death all the time, not so much my own, but any one around me. I've been told this is pretty normal reaction to loss, especially sudden or traumatic loss. Like mine and yours was.
The difference between having this 'normal' reaction and an anxiety fueled reaction is that we obsess over these thoughts and worries. Finding good mental health is the ability to have those thoughts and then let them go without dwelling too much. Trust me, I know it's hard!!
It's helpful to me to think of the people I do have in my life and how blessed I am to have them. Even tell them out loud, I'm grateful to have you, I'm so lucky to know you, you're important to me. Its all about getting the positive energy going! You can do this. I hope this is helpful :)
02-17-2014, 10:55 AM
I can relate with the loss of many loved ones. Anxiety often allows those insecure thoughts to flood our brains doesn't it?? What I've been working on lately is trying to recognize what anxiety is trying to make a phobia and what I actually need to focus on fixing, that I have control over. As Nixon was saying, I went the medication/therapist/brain sync route but you can find what works for you to start some new brain paths away from all of the death! Good luck
02-17-2014, 11:49 AM
I am scared of everything. I had a traumatic experience a few years back where my son who was only 2 months old had died. I feel like this fear is coming from that area of my life but I am not sure how to kick these feelings I am having.
I fear death.
I fear that my death will cause other people pain and suffering that they do not deserve. I know this sounds conceded but I suffer from my son dying and he was only 2 months old
I fear that people look down on me or think that I am stupid
I fear that I am going to die in my sleep which keeps me up all the time
I fear my parents are going to die and I have no way of controlling this
I fear all my friends are going to die and leave me to fend for myself
I know I am just rambling on about things that no one wants to hear, but these thoughts are real and they are becoming more frequent and harder to control
I also am quite sure that I have Generalized anxiety disorder but I can't seem to get this under control. A lot of these thoughts and feelings are being heightened when I leave the house so I am also becoming borderline agoraphobic.
I can't even enjoy myself anywhere I go. My girlfriend tells me I have to STOP thinking about this and just think about something else, but I have taken psychology and know that when you focus on not thinking about something, you actually will think about it more. Pink elephants....
Please don't tell me to see a therapist, because I have been to many and my anxiety has gotten worse since then. Can anyone explain ways to control these feelings or just get rid of these thoughts entirely. I hate the fact that I have to "CONTROL" my anxiety when I know I can actually cure this!
very sorry to see this, read this,..our thoughts are with you friend...and it's quite ok to ramble here too. We all ramble...
From the looks of your words, it's abit more than just GAD...this overwhelming fear of everything, the loss, the trauma, the stress, the disorder...
and also becoming agoraphobic too...It's easy for people to say stop thinking about it, talk is cheap, words are cheap, it isnt that simple....
There really ARE some good therapists, but, you obviously (considering circumstances beyond your own control) will need a Psych to really help you...
How long has this been going on, and which medications have you tried thus far???.....
Medications (certain ones) can help to remove the thoughts whereas it is virtually impossible to do alone without help...especially these.
Hoping we can help you here!
02-17-2014, 02:26 PM
I do have the same thoughts, but lately my meds are stabilizing my moods, and I went back to meditation which is a huuuuuuuuuuge relieve. I think you should see the doc, make a list in bullets of your problems or thoughts, you need help. When you calm down world looks a bit friendly.... Go to doc, therapist, talk to someone you can trust, Do not fight with it alone, that's my two cents :)
02-18-2014, 12:38 AM
I have tried a generic antidepressant from a family doctor( forgot the name), paxil , and I occasionally use xanax. I don't like taking xanax because it chills me out so much and gives me a banzo hangover. I literately feel like I am on adrenaline injections in my classes because I get so scared and the thought is always " I am going to die" or " I am going to pass out and people won't know what to do". The sad thing is I know how irrational these thoughts and how outrageous these thoughts are yet I still think them over and over. After class, I feel so run down because my adrenaline has been causing my heart to beat uncontrollably fast for such a long time. These thoughts and feeling make it so hard to concentrate thus making it harder for me to actually go back to class because I feel as though I am wasting my time and I am not learning the material. I tried to do a deep breathing exercise during these periods but there is no stopping them. I also hear from others that I should just stop what I am thinking, and focus on something other than those thoughts. For myself though its like the pink elephant. When I try to forget about a thought or a feeling it will come back 10 times worse. If anyone has different techniques that have worked for them, please let me know. I will try anything to get this under control
02-18-2014, 01:10 AM
Really, the thing that works for me is to just keep pushing forward, no matter what. Don't let an anxious thought stop you from anything. Just keep pushing, eventually and truly they lose power! It isn't easy but it can be done, if the will to overcome this is strong enough, use that to fuel your hatred for anxiety by simply not listening. Let yout body feel the adrenaline, and just accept your body's reaction and try to push forward. Good luck
02-18-2014, 12:24 PM
This is pretty much on the ball .
"""I can't even enjoy myself anywhere I go. My girlfriend tells me I have to STOP thinking about this and just think about something else, but I have taken psychology and know that when you focus on not thinking about something, you actually will think about it more. Pink elephants...."""
So think about it , its the running from something that keeps it there . Think of it like a bully , you stand up to it and then it will fade away . Honestly your thoughts are normal and everyone has them , its your anxious mind that is keeping them there and giving them more meaning than needed .
I think Forwells has it... don't run from it. Confront the feelings, experience the grief. I know it hurts and my heart goes out to you, but he's right... the more you confront it, the more it will subside. Is there a help group you could join? A church group, some kind of support group for people who are going through similar experiences?
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