View Full Version : General Discussion
- Thank you ALL!!!
- Cervical arthrosis...darn
- Tingling?
- Famously Anxious...
- Was doing good-today..not so much.
- Got a question for couple and about things in general
- Relaxation Techniques
- Creative anguish (for artists only)
- check this out
- creativity and anxiety
- how/when did it start for you?
- Question
- Brain Tumour Concerns Again
- i hate high school
- very bad back pain,neck pain and, headache
- very worried
- Quacks
- when you say foggy headed???
- Marijuana induced anxiety (apparently) Please read
- Eye contact, walking, lip biting, looking like an IDIOT
- Anxiety and the heart ???
- Alcohol and Marijuana help emotion pain ?
- I hate High School History class !
- Left arm pain?
- Question on breathing
- What does your pain feel like?
- Positive thread - make a plan and get your life back
- Which Claire Weeks Book?
- How Religion affects Anxiety/Depression
- movie theaters
- do you work?
- And now a destructive one - The gods don't want me well
- Living with Anxiety
- hypnotherapy could it help or cure?
- driving....
- getting the flu....
- Is my medication making me tired?????
- Can anyone relate to these fears?
- I need advice or something.
- I'm not sure what I have. Do you know?
- Chest Tightness
- Palpitations/PVC's
- gas pains, strained neck muscle, or something serious :(
- 2 questions....
- Who can relate: A lot of guilt and anxiety, STD fear!
- Just cant cope feeling like this HELP
- Im a mess
- advice, citalopram, anxiety
- Being scared, does it do anything?
- New Symptoms
- Anxiety and Diet.
- Losing yourself
- Anxiety at Restaurants...V-day...$#!T
- I feel like I have to relearn everything I know-EVERYTHING!
- Helpage!
- Anxiety ? possibly...
- Becoming very outcast in life
- Jitters Becomes Moderator
- Am new and desperate
- Public Speaking SUCKS
- Fears about death and about the afterlife (if it exists)
- Are these panic attacks?
- Do I have an anxiety disorder?
- Connection between intelligence and anxiety
- long term anxiety attacks
- anxiety?
- An Anxious Valentine
- Is anyone good at on-line research?
- Not getting enough air?
- how people act towrad anxiety
- calm mentally, jittery physically
- vivid dreams
- Somethings i thought were normal.
- Anxiety or......... hand/shoulder trembling
- Feeling Nervous - Replies Needed
- The Chat Room
- HIV Anxiety
- went to the doctor, it didnt go well
- Obsession about other peoples' bad behaviour
- My Story ......more venting
- popping-fluid in head anyone else.
- Can Anxiety cause a...
- No where land...HELP
- migraine with no headache?
- Asthma-like symptoms?
- Anxiety Symptoms - The List
- Headaches
- First Post About My Condition
- New member - Anxiety symptoms???
- I really need a response here-- serious fear!
- Just dont want to live anymore
- Do you get neck/shoulder pain, stiffness, whooshing sounds??
- unease mind
- Speech Anxiety URGENT HELP NEEDED!
- feeling low
- Lexapro - Lightheaded??
- lack of concentration
- Is my fear realistic??
- has anyone ever tryed
- read if you have time!
- panic Attacks after drinking
- Class A Drugs, Anxiety, Heart Disease and Parkinsons
- anxiety causes high blood pressure and...
- Chest problems
- Genetics?
- visualization
- constant nauea
- Can this med help my symptoms?
- Derealization 24/7 for the last 15 years....
- healed?
- Procrastination?
- Trouble sleeping?
- Celexa
- what is wrong with me?!?
- the anxious zoombie
- Heart Rate during an anxiety Attk
- Someone PLEASE answer me
- feeling loooonely... might be a cause for anxiety ._.
- celexa to Paxil
- Feeling spaced out...sometimes.
- overcoming anxiety of fighting?
- I am so scared
- Poll- how long did it take for your meds to kick in??
- Anyone aktually fear vomiting?
- Believing my doctor & hypnosis
- Has anyone managed anxiety without meds?
- Its Been too many years suffering and need help
- Unsure of symptom
- Lexapro
- Anxiety and feel like crying...but not sad??
- I have GAD, could I also have PTSD? Please read...
- Be careful how you approach your mind
- Contantly changing symptoms
- Anxious All The Time
- Question for those....
- some questions
- I feel I am out of this world
- sick of being sick
- Marijuana Helped Me
- difficulty swallowing?
- Health Anxiety/Crying
- on and on and on and and.....
- Feeling claustrophobic/need air
- anxiety disorder well accepted ...?
- Relief for Migraine pain
- Nausea and vomiting from anxiety.
- Losing weight?
- Could This Be Anxiety Causing This
- Im not quite sure, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
- GAD. Will i ever get over it?
- blurry spotty vision
- more sleep problems
- great site
- Imagery of violence loss of control
- Imagery of violence nad some ideas to defeat them
- Can anyone help?............
- HELP! Breathing Problem and Chest Pressure/Tightness!
- Seroxat
- what is the catalsyt for your attacks?
- Need some support please
- diarrhea!
- Phone Anxiety
- if im allergic to zoloft then...
- Overcoming Anxiety
- Sleeping/anxiety/depression
- Help me
- Lexapro 20 mg
- Anxious and confused
- Can lack of sleep and being worried cause appetite problems?
- Your Safe Person
- Travel?
- tough day
- clouded judgement
- paranoia
- Feeling bad.
- Things are bad again
- discrimination
- New, need brief advice...anything would help
- Questions
- Please help
- the critical factor in the recovery of Social Phobia
- Just started Lexapro
- Xanax, Buspar, or?
- Hello everyone!!
- Any hypos??
- Can anyone help me?
- military
- Anxiety Compounding
- Suffering from anxiety could someone help ?
- 23 year old life falling apart please help!
- Does anyone else have horrible anxiety about therapy?
- my anxiety problems
- shame....
- Anxiety and muscle tension and tendon/ligament tightness
- statistics
- Chris G - My Anxiety Story
- Anxiety and heart palpitations a side effect of Prilosec
- Face Twitching
- how long to try a medication
- New here, another face question
- Xanax
- Sick With Anxiety
- asthma
- Driving
- Is this Normal
- Stagess?
- white spots caused and the cause of my anxiety/depression
- Burning Skin feeling
- Generalized Anxiety
- Need help
- Anixous 17 year old, please help!
- I need your thoughts..
- Please please please help me, I don't know what else to do.
- "this is for the people of the sun" RATM
- People Who Have Cured Anxiety
- all in my head?
- Will never be able to attend college classes :(
- Careers for people with SA??
- obsessed with 4.0
- My Anxiety Problems
- ionized calcium
- gallbladder problems and anxiety
- weed
- For those with social anxiety....
- Symptom: Numbness
- I dont understand
- Weird weird sleep
- Finding a psychologist
- scared for my brother
- General Anxiety Disorder and Exercise
- eye muscle spasm causing anxity/ stress
- My Friend's Anxiety
- Wow, I'm glad I found this website
- Can anxiety cause tingling in hands and feet?
- Waking up in the middle of the night
- How can I ask my parents for antidepressants?
- can there be any longterm effects of prolonged anxiety?
- Eye problems and an update
- Is it ever going to go away?
- my boyfriend is hurt with my anxiety
- recently started feeling anxiety
- My three headed monster
- Paxil discontinuation help
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