View Full Version : Positive thread - make a plan and get your life back

01-29-2007, 07:22 AM
I can't write a "how I recovered in four easy steps" guide yet.
But I'm dangerously close to that.

People, make a plan. Do it right now, or before going to sleep or first thing tomorrow morning while you drink your decaf cappuccino: write down, on paper or at the computer, those things that made you feel better in the past and especially, think of those that you know would make you feel better now and you don't do, because of some excuse you give yourself that doesn't deserve much of your attention. We all have those and they're probably different for everyone. But here's mine:

- Wake up earlier to see the morning again.
- Read "Self Help for your Nerves" by Claire Weekes.
- Re-Kick-Start my design studio.
- Just do not dwell on my symptoms even for a second. With just no excuses.
- Appreciate and be grateful (to myself, Life or God) for any step forward. Done some, close to doing more.

You do of course realize that this apparently small points recquired determination and self discipline and I'm making it because of that: I WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE. I want to recover. I don't wanna get sucked up by anything wich isn't pure, beautiful sunny life.

Life sucks at times but that's it. Don't complain, wise up and move on. Do all the beautiful things you haven't done because "oh my I feel so ill".
I don't want to sound preachy, maybe slightly charismatic, but remember that: there are those projects, dreams, very simple things around that make us feel ALIVE but we don't see them, we don't recall them because we're too anxious or depressed to do that. So take the anxiety and depression apart for just few minutes and see what your life would be without this shit. Wonderful. Now you know you CAN HAVE that life.

And you wonder why the f*** did you forget about those things? They were so little and simple, why did you stop doing them if they made you feel NOT depressed and NOT anxious?
Because it happens. It was right, and now it is possible to recover and start again.

All my love and support to the people struggling with a condition that makes you see things too dark. Which I digged deep in myself.

01-29-2007, 10:03 AM
Another great post by the artist in Italy. :bow: I love it when a plan comes together.

I have a plan it involves Winona Ryder, A bottle of Jack Daniels and a Loooong Weekend Away... Oh sh*t I feel asleep again.


01-29-2007, 06:41 PM
YEEHAW! That sounds like a great plan, I know you can do it! And yeah, there will be bumps in the road but that doesnt mean you have to crash and burn.

Im going to create mine today. Sick and tired of "sittin in my shit" too

01-30-2007, 03:01 AM
Do it. I'm still congratulating with myself for having began that.

Jitz, you see, now you're 300. 300 for dog's sake!!!!

01-30-2007, 03:18 AM
Yaaayyy! go me! go me! :D

In some ways we are more confused than ever, but we feel that we are confused on a higher level and about more important things.


01-30-2007, 04:50 AM
What do you mean? For the very first time in ages I feel not that confused...

01-30-2007, 08:13 AM
MMMmmm... is not the nature of confusion the feeling of not being confused? Are you confused yet.

Biscuits... Helicopter... Aftershave... Bubble Gum.

How about now?


01-30-2007, 08:39 AM
I'm sorry Jitz. You're still not confusing me. I don't know if it has anything to do with my plan, but honestly, I have a very clear mind now. Has been worse, can get clearer, but still if I'm confused at all, I am in a very small amount.

I know this is enviable. It's totally worth it. But, yeah. I've been confused. A lot.

But anyway I would like to know more people are finding my ideas useful and are determined to get out of the shit. Thinking most people prefer to stay anxious instead of recovering makes me want to live in another planet.

01-30-2007, 09:10 AM
Good to hear it, worth a try though. ;) I think people will find your plan very helpful. And not confusing. It has nothing to do with your plan and more to do with my sense of humor. :) Keep up the good work you are a shining example to us all.

01-30-2007, 04:51 PM
1-Wake up early and watch a cartoon with my toddler
2-Watch sermon on TV or read Bible or self help book
4-Go in public and when anxiety hits remind myself "I DONT HAVE TO CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF ME TODAY" taking life one day at time
5-Pray before bed, not just for myself and my worries but for others more, and give praise for what Ive been blessed with, continuously ask for strength, knowledge and wisdom.

I think youre right, alot of time we want to stay anxious. Maybe life is less boring with the drama and fears or I think it can be an addiction. We will all reach a point where we are sick of it though. I dealt with these fears for so long Im just ready to move on and live my life. Im young, I dont want to look back on my life and realized I wasted so much time and energy worrying Giving fear more power than it deserves. I think Im really ready this time.

01-31-2007, 02:23 AM
Ditto. Props on taking this step. We don't need additional drama.

01-31-2007, 02:26 AM
Ah, one thing I would like to "stress"...it' more the attitude than the plan itself. But my all means one should do and enjoy making a plan.

01-31-2007, 11:07 AM
I feel like just writing the plan down in order like that helps me.Its like a reminder, Ive put that daily list on my refrigerator.
At times I get really down and have like no energy or Im really indecisive so this list helps me and I make to-do lists of stuff that needs to be done or things just to get me out of the house. I am making several lists now because Im a little ocd and need things IN ORDER. Its keeping me on track!