View Full Version : Paxil discontinuation help

04-30-2007, 10:52 AM
Hey everyone! I need some advice. I was on Paxil 5 mg for 1 week. It made me manic...and all I had was some little anxiety. I went up to 10 mg for one day which made it the worst, then down to 5 for 5 days, then 2.5 for 5 days and 2.5 for 5 days, then to 0. I have been completely off for two weeks as of yesterday. I am still experiencing the blah's and mood swings and anxiety....the few zaps, tiredness, and just plain weird. Just wondering how long you think it will last!? Tired of feeling off and not myself from my body trying so hard to adjust. Sometimes I can't sleep for anything, I have night sweats, weird dreams and nightmares. I just wondered if anyone else went through this and how long it took them to feel normal again.Thanks!