View Full Version : Alcohol and Marijuana help emotion pain ?
01-27-2007, 01:34 AM
Do you think it'll work ? Atleast thats what I've heard. I heard it gets you in the mood and takes all the bad sh*t away. I wanna try to get rid of my anxiety but don't know how. Exercise does NOT help me.
V for Victor
01-27-2007, 11:25 AM
Please do not turn to alcohol or drugs to "treat" anxiety. Even if they DO help take away the anxiety/depression, they do not put your mind in a healthy state where you can think logically about what you need to do to overcome these problems in the longterm.
You should speak with a doctor about maybe going on medication. Antidepressants do not cloud your mind or impair your reasoning like drugs and alcohol. Instead, they level your brain out chemically, and you can then think clearly and then proceed to use therapy to learn to control your problems, not just cover up the symptoms for a while.
01-27-2007, 02:39 PM
Exactly what Victor has said.
I will tell you now, from experience, the drugs and alcohol DO NOT HELP! Whatever IDIOT has told you this is well an IDIOT. I know for a fact that smoking marijuana as well as some hard core drugs I used in my past have MAJORLY contributed to my anxiety. Marijuana ESPECIALLY even though everyone likes to say its the least harmful of drugs...I never had OCD symptoms and now, 5 years of being off the shit I was on, I have more mental problems than ever. I have alot of work through just to feel normal again. I just cant stress it enough that you will only get worse.
01-27-2007, 07:23 PM
I agree with both of them. I know personally, alcohol made my anxiety 10 times worse. I am away at college and that is what everyone does on the weekends is 'party'! I have had to stop drinking alcohol for the most part because it was making me miserable...Even if the night i was out drinking I felt a little better the next day my anxiety was at it's worst. It was like my hangover lead to one huge panic attack- I decided that drinking (even if it's fun at the time) is NOT worth it's after affects in my life. I still go out and hang out with my friends but do not drink more than one glass of wine or beer because I realized that trying to drink away my anxiety was defintiely the wrong answer!
* I did however recently buy and anxiety workbook at the bookstore last week - I felt kind of stupid buying it but now I am so glad i did. I have started to go through it and it's already helping me so much with positive thinking, relaxation techniques and just other healthy ways to deal with anxiety. Maybe you should give that a try :) I've only just started my journey through the book but it already seems to be helping!
tenacious G
01-28-2007, 01:56 PM
well, my doctor wouldnt give me any medication for "my" anxiety, so drinking and smokings all ive got... except i think i recently found the complete ROOT cause of anxiety that every anxious person has, and i can smell victory in the air...
01-29-2007, 03:46 AM
Research shows Cannabis can be the root trigger of some peoples anxiety as long term use triggers paranoia and memory loss, also when you remove the drug and return to reality it can be difficult for you mind to adapt. Alcohol is definatly not the answer, many of the worlds alcoholics where built on a platform of self treatment with alcohol. Also alcohol can trianxiety attacks as you are not in full control. Basically dont do it.
"MMMM alcohol, cause of and solution to all of lifes problems." - Homer Simpson
01-29-2007, 05:46 PM
Another thing about drinking, just a couple of glasses can actually INTENSIFY any anxiety you may have!! How long have you tried exercise and is it too vigerous??
LadyAsh-I also had the anxiety/panic attacks triggered by hangovers. NO FUN! Whats the book called that you bought??
01-30-2007, 02:52 AM
My anxiety first started to present whenever I had a drink. I just thought I had devleoped an allergy to alcohol.
01-30-2007, 08:09 PM
Even though I know that drugs and alcohol are not the healthiest answer to anxiety or other mental health issues, I don't know that I can completely agree with any of the other posts made to this thread. Had it not been for my drinking over the last several months I think I would have gone completely insane! My psychiatrist has recently prescribed clonazepam for my anxiety and it is just now beggining to help. I haven't stopped drinking yet, but I feel much closer to success than I have in recent times. Once again I'm not encouraging you to use drugs or alcohol, but at the same time you have to do whatever works to get some relief. Especially if you medications aren't working, which has been the case with me until recently
01-31-2007, 01:57 AM
The reason most people on this board disagree with the use of alcohol is similar to the reason we dont advise drugs alone. Because you become addicted convinced that without the alcohol you could not cope. You are wrong you are stronger than you think. I understand you are getting councilling and that is good. My brother sufferers with anxiety and depression and self medicated with alcohol, This is fine in the short term but long term it can wreck your life, he became an alcoholic. This along with other issues such as suicidal tendancies and bad reactions when taken with anxiety meds explains peoples reluctance to accept alcohol as the solution to the problem. It isn't the answer just the gateway to a whole new range of problems. :|
why not take this test and see if you are alcohol dependent:
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