View Full Version : Travel?

04-05-2007, 06:48 PM
Does anyone have any advice for traveling?

I started having trouble with panic attacks about 3 years ago, and I haven't traveled much in that time. I mainly have panic attacks (and am afraid of having panic attacks) in certain situations, like during church, at the doctor, eating out, etc. For a while I was totally housebound, but have gradually worked up to going many places, eating out sometimes, and taking some short overnight trips (to a city about 90 mintues away).

I'm still living with my parents, and they want to take a trip this summer to go visit some relatives who are several states away. I'm rather nervous about it.

Flying is not an option, since they don't fly. I don't want to take the train, as I think I would be more likely to panic there (plus, I really hated the last couple train trips we took years ago). So we're going to drive.

4-days out and 4 days back, plus some time there.

How do you cope? Does anyone have any advice for traveling? I think it's just the idea that it's so far from home (my safe place) that's scaring me. I keep trying to think that it won't be that different from the smaller trips I took to the city. (I've spent as much as 4 days there.)

Tif =8-)

04-05-2007, 08:03 PM
ok now as I spend most my days in a car and suffering panic attacks I'm am an expert in the way of travelling and taking your mind of any attacks (though hopefully you will be too excited and they wont emerge).

if your on a boat the fruit machines work well,

if you are on a coach or in a car, take pens and notepads and play little games, i often play games with my kids or my b/f like a-z of topics...(music, kids games, internet, bands, tv programs, animals, films, actors ect ect ect)

or numberplates, tally chart the number plates by registration.

Find things out the window (a-z)

these are just 3 ideas but they all work well, i can give you alot more ideas if you want them coz I also use these at night when I can't sleep, now these might sound like kids games but at the end of the day if it works then use it :D , hope this helps. xx

04-06-2007, 12:03 PM
Thanks for the tips!

I should probably also add that I do get car sick :sick:

So, reading, drawing, playing video games or watching tv, those are all pretty much out.

I'm planning on bringing along a huge bag of lollipops or something similar (that often seems to help the queasiness). And I'm gonna download some good stuff into my iPod (I'm thinking that some audiobooks and stuff would be a good idea). I'm just gonna close my eyes and listen the whole way, lol. :snore:

I keep telling myself that once I get into it, I'm sure that I'll enjoy this trip, just like I enjoyed the shorter ones. It's just, you know, I'm still nervous about it......:unsure:
