View Full Version : General Discussion
- My Sinusitis Hurts
- Healing like no other...
- Natural Cleaner
- My Story
- Alcohol
- Medications
- Great site for those with eating issues due to anxiety
- Looking for advice on meds for anxiety/depression
- Damn, I decided on a career...but fear of vomit..
- The way I feel.
- i feel horribbly guilty
- having a special person in your life
- Anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- eharmony
- Am I going crazy !!! I want my life back :(
- Anxiety and unusual connected disturbs
- For Sinusitis Remedy
- Solution for Burns
- For Bee Stings and Mosquito Bites Solution
- Mouth Sores Problem
- Allery Solution
- Spaced out, dizzy etc.
- Hypnotherapy?
- Does anxiety/panic always feel like your dying?
- Ambushed by anxiety - long and . . .
- to stop thinking about it
- help please
- For Fever, Cough and Cold
- Alternative Deodorant
- For Baby Diaper Rash
- Grinberg Method
- Confussed
- acupuncture
- Am I losing it or do I have a real problem????
- For Gum Problems
- For Wound Problems
- Menstrual Problems
- heart palpitations
- Acceptance
- How do I even start?
- I want to make money.
- A bad experience at school.
- Will this help me out a little ?
- Just an update....
- Getting there
- Night problems
- Fast-Acting Anti-Anxiety?
- Need a little sympathy w/ one particular anxiety symptom...
- Aspartame and Anxiety connection?
- Need to Talk
- Help
- Need to Exercise?
- Husband's Stress
- a day of stress
- Anxiety or Paxil?
- Severe anxiety but is it a disorder ?
- Burning and Burning Skin
- still being punished
- Am I bipolar or is it just anxiety?
- quick question
- Is my life over?
- So Scared
- Can't bring myself to write it down...
- Single dilated pupil
- meal
- I'm insane now.
- Anyone feel the same way?
- Work Anxiety
- Cervical problems - anyone?
- Pain on left side of chest - that is the heart, me thinks
- meds
- I can't believe it!!!
- im a freak
- pressure in the forehead area
- Kava Kava
- Slight sagging on one side of the face
- anxiety
- trouble
- having difficulty making eye contact with a piece of paper
- "Googlers" of the World Unite and Take Over!
- fed up with all of this.... caution slight vulgarity
- Travel Anxiety
- Summer dizziness
- Staying in your safe zone
- working
- Seroxat
- Citalopram
- How's everyone?
- Cipralex
- a xanax question
- being anxious in my dreams
- back again
- Help, I am scared of everything!
- can't handle the guilt (PLEASE REPLY)
- Mental hypochondria
- Anyone else experience vision problems?
- How long to overcome SA ?
- Mum wont even start to get over anxiety/depression
- muscles twitching - need some help!
- wanting people to feel sorry for me
- New Here : my issue
- finding a doctor?
- Quiting smoking when you suffer from panic and anxiety
- my eye anxiety problem
- I have a higher IQ than the average person
- Anxiety came and hasnt left for 3 years
- zoloft
- Long lasting Lightheadedness, Tight Muscles - All Anxiety?
- Tachycardia?
- Does your anxiety pull you inward?
- movies about anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, depression, or
- Just because I have PTSD and panic attacks....
- Have you ever tried...
- hope this is anxiety
- Does anyone here have a HARD time just staying home?
- Anxiety and vision
- Seeking affordable treatment in Chicago
- anxiety symtoms
- pschosomatic symptoms
- Feel like I'm going down again - help
- New to these boards - my story
- Things do get easier
- anxiety and hormones
- new here, a little insight would be great
- Fear of being bipolar II?
- Is reflex action the same as anxiety? Breathing problems.
- complete recovery from social phobia and OCD
- Can non drowsy antihistamine stop anxiety? Example Claritin.
- AnxietyForum sold
- Difficulty in breathing and inhalers? Do they work?
- what are your worst symptoms of anxiety to deal with?
- Terrified
- Nauseas ALL day... anxiety?
- Anyone else tend to eat when you get anxious?
- what med can you take when pregnant?
- vision and tiredness
- when was the last time you sat down in a packed restaurant?
- advice|?
- Heart jumping and miserable
- Telling my Dr. Help please!
- Please tell me it gets better
- new girlriend...
- Freaking out
- Long read, can you help?
- meds without weight gain
- New here -have a few q's re: anxiety-related issues
- Newbie, help pllleeeaassseee !!!
- Help Please First Timer On A Forum
- Anxiety or Illness
- how often do you smile?
- anyone think of yourself as an obstacle for everyone you...?
- Anxiety?
- The Big Picture
- Queation about mornings?
- Afternoon disabling anxiety
- Advice please
- Paxil CR FDA only drug approved for Social Anxiety Disorder
- people finding out the real 'anxious' you
- "Disconnected" Feeling 24/7
- what are your symptoms
- so tired of not feeling normal
- treatment options
- I am really worried?
- Unpleasant Anxiety
- Family Stresses
- Turned Eye?
- New member to the forum
- Is this anxiety? Please help me...
- Dont look on the net if you have other health problems
- What does caffine/sugar do to you?
- what a year...
- Life-long low self esteem. Is it really possible to change?
- Prozac?
- Anyone Passed Out From A Panic Attack?
- Lifetime on Paxil?
- Aromatic Bath for Stress
- Family Stresses
- Working Late everyday?
- Are mornings the worst?
- Do you panic that you can't breath??
- A New Approach For Those Who Are Frustrated
- what do you drive? manual or automatic?
- employment woes, anxiety, and more disappointments
- Curiosity (lucky I'm not a cat)
- Anxiety On Holidays
- Final confirmation that its anxiety?
- burning
- Only Physical Symptoms
- Anxiety & Lofepramine - Anyone else ?
- Please give me any suggestions/advice/insight
- universal health care + Preventative therapy
- afraid of epilepsy
- Could I have Anxiety Issues??
- Sometimes it is good to seek a second opinion.
- pain behind eyes
- Don't know what to do
- When you feel like you can't breathe from anxiety?
- Anxiety worse when things are going good???
- Fearful Realization
- Suggestions to get relief from stress.
- Medical question about anxiety and breathing. Is this why?
- Fall and winter
- how bad do you panic??
- how much has anxiety affected your driving?
- Flashing Lights and Anxiety
- Computer Anxiety
- What's wrong with me? I worry all the time...
- I feel like I am completely losing it...
- back again
- spouse support
- Losing feeling in my arm
- Safer way to get relief from stress.
- Sources needed on cognitive behavioral therapy
- Any help would be greatly appreciated!
- Some advice would be very good
- I need help and advice
- Please someone help me out.
- worried about something new
- Anxiety avoidance of tasks causing anxiety - Procrastination
- the chills?
- Help...numbness.
- Convoluted Mental Stuff
- more problems... withdrawl? meds?
- Will I be able to come off of the meds?
- Do I push for my wife to go on vacation next week?
- Does this sound like its to do with anxiety?
- HELPFUL anxiety forum
- Which is worse??
- I feel like Im not "right" in the head
- Antidepressants make you emotionally numb
- help! anxiety, panic, and OCD (now phobia!)
- Help with overthinking?
- excuse to commit suicide
- Diagnosing Anxiety is it your job or the doctors?
- What worked for me
- Anyone else developed Alcoholism?
- Stress and Anxiety
- anxious?
- Depression lasting 2-3 days plus anxiety
- !!Getting Married in 3 weeks....PETRIFIED!!
- Excercise and Anxiety
- Anxiety? Depression? confused about diag.
- Vitamin C Question
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