View Full Version : General Discussion
- New to GAD and DP treatment
- Free from depression for 4 months now
- Can anyone tell me the difference between CBT and DBT?
- Magic thinking, another reason why I am afraid of my thoughts...
- I think I am developing a gambling addiction and it I am feeling a bit anxious
- any hints on what to do when breathing excercises stress you out?
- I'm trying to understand a person who has anxiety. Can you help me?
- Major Test Anxiety
- Irrational fear?
- Girlfriend has gone "ghost"
- Fear iof thinking negative and selfdestructive thoughts.
- I'm too attachted to a tv show...
- What do you need help with???
- Anxiety as a symptom of depression
- Anxious without realizing it?
- What is the best course of action when trying to get over a trauma?
- Anyone else have HORRIBLE neighbors?
- How to stop looking for reasons to be anxious?
- Quitting Time- New Job Woes
- Has anyone ever woke with a vibrating head?
- You can block posts you don't want to read
- I don't know how to feel anymore
- Flush Face?
- AvPD - Could I have it?
- Essential Oils?
- Wobbly eyesight
- I feel like i am in a twisted hell...
- posting
- Eye floaters
- You can't control the outside chaos.....
- Familiar faces.
- Update Sleep issues and Anxiety
- For those who have done therapy, please tell me how it worked out for you
- (Sarcasm Inbound)
- How to deal with noise?
- How do you deal with performance anxiety?
- Does alochol help you socialize if you have social anxiety?
- Skipped heartbeats information
- Doctors giving up on me???
- Would a 'trigger warning database' be helpful or harmful?
- Questioning reality
- Bravery
- I have an idea that could help people
- klonopin
- Severe anxiety with getting back into the work field
- Tension Headache and muscle spasm
- I've been disassociating every day for the past few weeks.
- Please see this questions!
- Possibilities of acting out while under the influence
- Trip Anxiety and Getting Rid of them
- 7 Cups
- Help with panic attacks please :(
- Help for a worried husband
- 7 Cups of Tea
- Fainting sensation
- Anxiety is back
- Family Worries
- Toxic Relationship with my mom. I feel like she's obsessed with me.
- Has anyone ever experienced these symptoms before?
- Made a huge withdrawal
- How to talk to a Girl who has Anxiety?
- Health Anxiety Issues
- Massive Fear!!!!! And Sadness!! help
- Coping In The Meantime
- Exposure and Response Prevention
- Anxiety Or Incoming death?? Help Me!.
- Whenever I hear noise where I live from other tenants, be it music or whatever...
- Girlfriend Suffers with Anxiety - Need Help.
- scary experience at the ER yesterday
- Loud Thoughts
- What changed?
- New paralyzing fear (dentist)
- Anxiety leading to derealization and/or depersonalization
- Mental Block - Grief, University, Health Anxiety
- Anxiety or Something Else??
- New here and looking for some help
- ACT therapy and one of my tools to get better
- 100 % rejuvenated after having Showers.
- Relationship Anxiety
- New Here
- Questions relating to troubles with meditation
- SSRI poop out
- i ain't right ;)
- Coffee triggered my panic attack.. Now I can't get over it
- How to live with an anxiety sufferer?
- Bad anxiety. Need advice.
- Feel like I can't get enough air -- HELP!
- Writing an essay about Anxiety
- Elevated CRP (inflammation marker) and anxiety!!!
- Help
- Lost All Motivation At Work Part 2
- Still anxious after haldol
- Does anyone experience this?
- Brain Fog
- Embarrassing Sweat Marks under my Armpit
- This is getting unbearable...please help
- Did my meds poop out?
- Allergic reaction fear
- Panic at doctor office
- Emotion based Tachycardia
- I Need Advice
- Left eye twitching
- What is happening to me?
- Vitamin D defiency
- Is It Me Or Is It The Person?
- Hey guys, new here!
- Reassurance Seeking
- relationship spending and hobbies?
- Job Seekers UK
- Audiobooks
- Girl I liked left University
- Is This Normal? -Will It Go Away?
- Sleep and anxiety update
- Can Anxiety Make you Anxious Over EVERYTHING?
- OCD About My Future, Uncertainty, & What I Will Do? Treatment? -Please Read
- Not coping with relationship anxiety
- anxiety about widowed mom talking to another man.
- Has anyone ever went through this before? -Cycle/Worry Please reply
- Too anxious to go to therapy and I don't know what to do
- Please read, is this normal? GAD
- Exercises to stop trembling?
- Weening off of Lexapro..advice?
- High Anxiety
- Anxiety and Depression podcast
- Please help.. don't know what to do!
- Scared of Going Crazy
- Worry? Anxiety Brings It On? If you can relate, please reply!
- i can't eat anything!
- Can't breathe
- Will Someone PLEASE read -(There is no triggers) - GAD
- Help - It's getting harder to support my fiance's anxiety
- Pins and Needles
- How to hold a job? :(
- How to held a job? :(
- The worries
- Struggling a Lot Right Now
- PLEASE comment -Nervous Breakdown?
- New to this. Just need to vent
- Anxiety symptoms??????
- worried about being anxious.. but not actually anxious?
- Cold hands, legs and arms
- Society
- Black sheep
- Can I Trust My Mind?
- Unsure as to what my doctor meant?
- Antibiotics/depression/exhaustion Just a personal observation
- Please, I Need Your Help!
- Anxiety and MS
- Swings
- constipated or appendicitis?!
- Can't get a job cause of anxiety issues
- Comparisons
- Medical ID?
- Just sharing my thoughts
- Tense
- travel
- Worst anxiety I've ever had..
- Im New, but feel like i'm going to die?
- Really Would Like Someone
- Strange Cycle? -Wondering...
- How can I get over my fear of crime?
- Mild dizziness from anxiety
- Can Depression come on after strong anxiety?
- Just afraid of everything?
- How To?
- Please Read (Is This All Anxiety?)
- General anxiety disorder or just anxiety?
- I am doubting myself due to my low IQ.
- Will the anxiety ever go away?!
- Counselling Conundrum
- Dealing with big life changes
- Completely new to anxiety...need help
- Feel like I'm a about to have a...
- Anxiety "Triggers" Are Destroying My Career and Life (Please Read)
- Help Please!!!
- Stomach and weight issues, anxiety is ruling my life
- Trying to Write a Novel, Anxiety Interfering
- GAD: More like 'can't stop thinking' than 'can't stop worrying' - anyone else?
- So Excited To Have Found This Website! Suffer With Panic Attacks
- Nobody Believes Me.
- Therapy for Anxiety, help needed?
- Anxiety/sleep/med reduction update, For those who asked
- Sensory Overload?
- How to change my thought process
- Prozac for Anxiety? Panic Attacks & IBS
- Getting nowhere or no help from my counselor, should I switch or stop going?
- I'm blamed for everything.
- New member-loved one with anxiety
- Concerning lump?
- Feeling So Sketchy
- Feeling of withdrawing into myself when stressed, what is it?
- Everytime I am at Work
- Long Time suffering looking for some suggestions
- Struggling with uploading my YouTube videos.
- How to bring up anxiety with new doctor tomorrow?
- Is this an anxiety disorder?
- Health Anxiety. Anyone else???
- The Panic Puzzle Program
- Having a hard time coping
- Heart Anxiety
- food related anxiety..
- My post
- My YouTube channel dedicated to helping YOU (:
- physical symptoms.. but not anxious?
- Tightness in chest and throat.
- Can't stay awake and feeling faint all the time?
- Tick/Lyme fear and obsession
- Sudden dizziness
- anxiety attacks and eating
- Is this just my anxiety?
- Overactive mind
- I think my mom has an Anxiety disorder and I need help talking to her about it
- Are you ashamed of your triggers and how you manage them?
- Can Anxiety Cause Chest Pain
- A few questions
- panic attacks in public
- constantly checking my body
- Any Alternatives to Bach Rescue Remedy? Or any good anxiety blend supplements?
- Help with abandonment
- Relationship Anxiety
- update on Lexapro weening
- New and need help
- Muscle Twtiching/Fear of ALS ruining my life
- Should I stop taking my medication?
- Are my medication working?!
- Is this anxiety?
- anxiety when standing/walking?
- ibs and anxiety
- Update on Skipped Beats
- Can't sleep!! Help!
- Study Anxiety
- I feel so lost
- New here...
- SSRI stopped working after 15 years
- Need some stories/advice/ opinions on panic, heart racing, anything will help.
- Need guidance with OCD
- My anxiety issues. Anyone else?
- Any advice would help; my anxiety is taking over my life...
- The practice of sungazing CURED my panic disorder and my chronic fatige
- Rejected
- My Near Death Experience and Post Traumatic Stress (panic/anxiety)
- What can I do to feel better after a panic attack?
- New here! Radiation fears
- Need some answers help!!!!!!!!
- I just accepting the fact that I might have anxiety
- any advise for chest pains
- Anxiety while studying- any tips?
- Haven't been here in a while, I feel like I am dying......
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