View Full Version : General Discussion
- Variant c j d fear
- Is this anxiety/panic?
- Hypnotherapy ?
- Anxiety trying to hammer its way into my life..
- Need help anxiety making me feel sorta weird?
- celexa any good?
- Flu+Anxiety=X
- Misdiagnosed?
- Am I dying or it this normal anxiety ?
- Anxiety disorder minus the anxiety?
- Anxiety over buying a car.
- Anxiety Caused By Taking Herbal Ecstasy Please Help
- Anxiety and Self-Sabotage
- The Constant frustration!
- Advice anyone?
- Scared to go back to work
- up down and all around
- weird feeling of anxiety not to sure
- feeling blah
- extreme hypochondria
- How recovered are you?
- Crippled by worry of what others think of me...crippled by worry of making mistakes
- what is causing this?
- Having a really bad time
- hard to breath still
- Can you help someone who doesn't seem to want help?
- how can i stop being fidgety at home?
- Anxiety or panic attack ? Bad thoughts, help me !
- Anxiety, ibs
- Help Please
- HELP! Struck with possible anxiety...trying to find the source of the problem?!
- Supposed to be on Paxil
- Hello Again
- exercise and anxiety---no pain no gain?
- Recovery
- Chest Vibrations/buzzing/fluttering
- never give up
- Question
- My Story, I need some serious help! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!
- Severe Anxiety. Any recommendations?
- Help Please! Politics/Philosophy Causing Anxiety/Depression - Sound Familiar ?
- Help for excessive blushers
- I feel weird ALL the time
- The Panic Puzzle, any reviews?
- Iis this anxiety?
- Experiencing: Separation Anxiety with O.C.D
- 4 days to cope
- feeling depersonlized when in vehicle
- Starting to realize I cant control this
- please help
- Sleeping issues, please help!
- red squiggly lines in eyes
- Worried anxiety will re occur!!!
- Manic anxiety
- anxiety struck me for no reason out of nowhere
- Severe Anxiety with unknown cause
- Is this a brain tumour is it just possible anxiety making me think I have one?
- Hello - I'm new :) Anxiety sufferer...I think...
- Freak out in office meetings, pls help!
- Long Term Anxiety/Paranoia Issues
- what to do if anxiety leaves for awhile then comes back on?
- Alternative Medicine?
- Derealization!!
- To what extent can GAD be effectively managed or cured?
- New To Anxiety Treatment
- anxiety then depression cycle
- finding it hard to cope feel like i have tried everything!!
- Deja vu? sort of...
- feeling fake
- Anxeity My Life Story, and thoughts of how I first got it.
- New anxiety coping method (works with breath control)
- anxiety or what?
- Left Arm Pressure
- Light Headedness
- hypnotherapy
- how do i overcome driving anxiety?
- please help need advice
- i need some advice please
- It's been 3 weeks of anxiety..
- Is this anxiety?
- Does it ever end?
- I think I have anxiety/depression
- chest oain
- I think I'm going crazy
- Any good ideas???
- hi new here an very worried
- Feeling Quite Weird Mentally
- I keep on thinking i will have a heart attack if i have sex
- Feel Strange & Not Myself
- I quit Therapy
- Tea recommendations!
- I'm feeling so hypochondriac
- Tell me I will get through this
- Possitivity
- What are CBT/TEA forms?
- just new and need some1 2 tlk 2!
- I need some input please
- Whatever I have has evolved into something more physical...
- Talk to me
- not sure if i have anxiety cant explain or no one understands me!
- Strange undiagnosed chronic illness
- feel woozey and tired allergies or anxiety?
- fibromyalyga or anixety?
- At the End of My Rope.
- need help/opinions please
- hello
- new member, 1st post, scared and frustrated
- Counseling Woes
- Another shit day
- Significant Other With GAD
- online anxiety test
- pleasee help if anyone is going through what i am!
- My first post so can I feel as ill as this because of anxiety???
- Please help!
- requesting tips, on what to do when i start to feel anxious please
- Trying incredibly hard to stay positive...
- Went backwards terribly
- My anxiety troubles?
- Please read! I need help!
- Looking Forward To This!
- New to Forum!!! Help!!
- Am I going crazy?!
- Weird episode. Anxiety? Help!
- Anxiety Feelings
- Don't know what to do next
- What is anxiety?
- There IS a way forward
- Hi Everyone- The anxiety has returned
- Is it anxiety or no?
- Morning Sickness
- I feel like ive been given the red pill
- Advice Needed... Desperately !
- Anxiety - Music Video
- How to let go?
- Venting!!!!
- It's Back!
- New to this Forum
- Depression
- :(
- Need help fast....anxiety ruining my life
- now im scared!
- Anxiety related books
- Mental Issues
- My story and thoughts
- Am I asking too much?
- Hello All
- Anxiety & fear of being far away from home
- Please Help Horrible Hypochondriac Anxiety!!!
- At last a breakthrough with my anxiety!!!!!!
- I Need Help , Heres my Symptoms
- Anxiety in the Class Room
- Controlling anxiety by "sitting with it"
- Extremely Terrible Day and Night
- Help with eating anxiety?
- Sex Drive
- Anxiety Disorder Perhaps?
- Fear of being inside, being alone
- Anyone?
- Derealisation/unreality/depersonalisation/
- Anxiety strikes at work, pleaase help.
- My Anxiety
- Panic attacks while asleep :-(
- making myself feel like i do things i cant control
- Confused and Need Advice Please!
- anxiety/depression leading to occasional "episodes", anyone have this?
- I'm fed up of my Anxiety stopping me...
- Just need to talk
- Depression or anxiety??or both
- Something to get off my chest
- have OCD, parents wont help.
- how do i find good reliable help that will get me out this nightmare??
- need help, im scared of doing stressful things
- allergies and anxiety
- New here, anyone here to talk to?
- Need help!
- how do you cope with morning blues
- anxiety came back over the weekend
- Exhausted and just want it to go away! Anti-depressants the answer?
- Existential Anxiety Attack/ Delusion, Need Help Please!
- Anyone have any advice/similar feelings?
- May 21, 2011 Jesus coming?
- Fibromyalgia??
- over and over
- Delusions?
- OCD or not? And what do I do?
- My anxiety far
- My anxiety and sertraline.
- Do I need a lower dosage?
- Anabolic Steroids and anxiety
- anxiety headaches
- Any advice? Should I visit a doctor?
- My first Airplane trip and long distance holiday post Anxiety and Panic Attacks:):):)
- confused!
- Chat?
- Hearing sounds, voices, and songs
- Motor Skills impaired. Anxiety?
- Sorting out my depression once and for all
- ever had thoughts people were following you?
- need help/opinions please
- muscle tension due to stress help please
- What to do?
- Anxiety Sufferer?
- Chat Room
- Panic attack drug
- Scared
- First appointment - scared!
- Need Help w/ mild anxiety and derealization
- new here....need help
- Night time anxiety
- What's wrong with me?
- stuck in my own mind!!!
- New here with questions!
- Extreme Globus Hystericus (going crazy)!
- anxiety symptoms
- Need help understanding what I have
- Is This Common?
- doubting EVERYTHING
- Confused, im getting worse!
- So scared!!
- 'Displaced Anxiety/Stress'
- There is HOPE!! :)
- Things just got worse
- New to this forum and new to anxiety
- is this depression?
- Getting serious about treatment
- WEIGHT issues, please help!
- I think im going nuts
- hi to all new to this site
- Where do you go to get Cognitive Behavioral therapy?
- anxiety high feeling please help
- 15 years old, i think im suffering from derealization
- dizziness, vertigo.
- panic attack, AGAIN!
- Hello, I'm new and In need of help :(
- Finally making progress
- Please help with dizziness
- anxious breath
- New here and have a chest pain question
- Suggestions for me anyone?
- Your health and anxiety
- New to this
- Facebook
- changes
- hocd ? please help
- feeling a little strange.......
- Blurred Vision
- I have horrible, depressing, paranoid, agressive thoughts.
- What's Annoying About Anxiety
- What's wrong with me?
- Depersonalization;out-of-body;not being able to see yourself!
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