View Full Version : General Discussion
- Marijauna and Anxiety
- Help?
- Can anyone relate/ help my problem?
- new to celexa
- Anxiety or something more??
- what the hell is going on???
- CITALOPRAM medicine
- Migraines
- Help & Advice sorting out symptoms please
- Fear of anxiety developing into something worse?
- Anxiety Hangover
- rashes in anxiety
- Just Reaching Out...
- Feeling strange....
- I'm not alone!
- anyone else worry about epilepsy
- is it anxiety
- Yesterday at the mall, Please read.
- reaching out.
- stress/heart attack/anxiety
- My Theory About Anxiety and Panic Attacks
- Anxiety + Asthma
- Is it really anxiety?
- Is it really anxiety?
- My Anxiety.
- What is the movie of the year?
- Very scared
- undescribable syptoms
- memory/spelling
- Thought I was going to cry today
- Help Please
- Really bad anxiety
- Anyone else scared of having a brain tumor???
- can this happen
- Anxiety after heatstroke (or other traumatic event)
- Some Progress
- Feeling like my heart is going to stop whilst going sleep
- Has anyone tried this program?
- Does This Sound Like You???
- De-realisation support
- An anxiety plan of action
- I can't take my anxiety anymore.
- Does anyone here distrust their 'friends'?
- Am I crazy?
- An update after talking to my doctor – therapy?
- My worst anxiety symptoms - how I eased them
- unbearable
- any one out there like me?
- Caffine/ Panic
- Spammers?
- Sleeping is Hell. Chatter. Crazy? Please put me at ease.
- Help for someone supporting an anxiety sufferer??
- Pain?
- Nicotine
- A good day
- What's up people?
- Swine Flu...
- Reducing Excessive anxiety
- please help...talking to friend about anxiety
- Severe Panic Attacks... Concerned
- A simple exercise
- Sleep paralysis :D
- Help!! Do I have an anxiety problem??
- Scared..
- Please help me someone, I don't know what to do :(
- Scared...x
- Jolting awake -very werid- Help :S
- Dull ache in chest...increased anxiety
- For all those living in fear of the Swine Flu..
- What triggers your anxiety/panic attacks?
- Back again.. help me out
- Anybody in Ontario or the general GTA?
- What should I expect with a therapist
- My symptoms are getting worse please help
- Severe Anxiety with Paranoia Vs Acute Psychotic Episode
- Why are anxious cats treated more humanely than humans?
- How should a normal human feel?
- when to know if symptoms are anxiety or something underlying
- Weird situation then constant anxiety...
- Anxiety or not... what do you think
- Strange bladder issues - anxiety?
- In the witness box
- vitals with anxiety......What's your's?
- Will it go away?
- My story and how I got my severe panic/anxiety cured
- My story and how I got my severe panic/anxiety cured
- Think Im Having A Panick Attack, Please Help!!!
- anxiety and panic attacks all the time!!!
- Head Symptoms
- acupuncture to help anxiety
- Trembling hands
- Need Some Advise on an Unusual Anxiety Problem
- Do Red Dawn X Sleep walker pills work like Clonazapam?
- Psychology/Counselling
- Emotions
- Blood Pressure
- I have an idea to raise awareness .. need feedback ! :)
- getting panic-y when realy good things are happening.
- brain tumors.
- weird buzzing in leg.
- need to talk to someone
- Heart Skipping a beat
- Allergy Shots
- Irrational fear of irrational things
- Pittsburgh Area
- Trying to live Harmoniously
- Latest thought - causing some anxiety
- 5-HTP
- really loosing it.,
- The worst part of anxiety...
- How long do anxiety panic attacks last
- Sideeffects 2 anxiety panic attack meds
- are you like me?
- what do YOU believe causes anxiety?
- How do you try to explain?
- take effexor at bed?
- Anxiety without stress or worry?
- This sound like anxiety to you?
- I think a movie gave me an anxiety attack...?
- Please, I require some advice for my anxiety..
- i could do with some support right now
- Any tips for early mornings?
- My Story and looking for people like me
- Not sure what this is!
- Everything is Wrong
- A key I found that helps eliminate anxiety
- Can't cope anymore
- Neck/Shoulder Tightness, small lump(s) in neck.
- Tired of feeling alone
- Anxiety and Adrenalin rushes
- Anxiety problems?
- Depression & Anxiety?
- Hi im new.. need advice
- Heart Monitor
- How to start fixing Anxiety
- Caffeine= evil
- Anxiety sites taking the P!$$
- Extreme paranoia of mostly about Hiv and hpv as a virgin!
- Digestive Problems
- Gripped by fear
- Hair loss due to anxiety?
- Menopause and Anxiety?
- My daughter is having separation anxiety what to do ?
- twitching
- Does Heat and Humidity cause Anxiety?
- Head fog and exercise
- Anxiety when I have a certain duty
- Anxiety in me and my dog
- Trouble eating
- Chest Pains
- Fear of Reading and Sharing Opinions
- my left tonsil feels swollen , lump in the throat? ,
- Fear of using the phone?
- Effexor and Benzo's
- dizziness/numbness in head
- Why do I do it?
- Is Inositol safe ?
- Zoloft
- Can you feel high blood pressure?
- What is ment by social anxiety/ phobia ?
- Computer Anxiety?
- College stress
- Is there any time of day you feel better?
- tmj - anyone have it?
- Panic Attacks
- HELP!!!!!!!!!!
- understand if its really anxiety
- Anyone taking GABA, Ativan or Xanax?
- Lexapro
- My last year of hell
- why do i keep feeling like this?
- A Lack of Control Over Myself
- need some reassurance
- Situational Anxiety
- Australian Residents.
- Anxiety/Depression
- Anxiety about going to sleep
- first post... need help
- The Secret of Anxiety
- Moderate Expectation can Prevent Anxiety
- Why Should We Not Have Too Much Idle Time
- diaphragmatic
- Why Nothing Should a Person Fear
- Depression relapse or is it MORE this time?
- Do Not Always Regret Past Things
- Caring other people’s difficulties may help yourself
- A Possible Result of Constantly Fearing Failures
- Get Rid of Anxiety with Belief in the Positive Meaning of Li
- How Does Forgiveness Do A Person A Favor
- Why Physical Exercises may Lower Anxiety
- anxiety symptoms?
- Am I alone in being alone?
- strange :(
- Help! Is This All Really Just Anxiety?
- severe anxiety disorder for 7 months!!!!!
- 18 Year old with anxiety
- what do you think?
- spouse makes anxiety worse
- arrrr!!!
- What's your MBTI type?
- Week of stomach issues thanks to anxiety
- hot flashes
- growing up with a mentally ill parent causing anxiety
- Egoless and isolated
- Muscle Spasms?
- Is this Anxiety
- New Symptom Question
- dont know how much longer i can take this.
- new symptom any one
- Can Depression and Anxiety Make Me a Better Person?
- hypnosis and Anxiety
- Boredom, could it be anxiety?
- Does tea help you relax?
- Completely cured my anxiety, but now another problem!
- Help please
- Talking
- Stomach Pain?
- That blasted heart
- silly fears
- Does anyone else have this fear?
- wellbutrin
- all of my undiagnosed anxiety issues
- does alcohol make anxiety worse?
- a strange thought...
- help plZ
- thx 4 nuthin
- fear of dying
- Poetic Relief
- Relationships
- could this be due to anxiety?
- I did it! I'm 6 months symptom free and counting!
- The story of my life.
- GAD & PTSD & Other Anxieties + Dental Visit = Imposs
- Anxiety around my boyfriend.
- pleasing the inner child and removing the self critic
- Keeping fit- how to maintain a workout routine
- dizziness
- I Am My Own Worst Enemy
- Pinching pains in the back and the lower stomach.
- Having a bad day!!!!
- Can We Eliminate Anxiety And Panic without psychologist
- fight or flight?
- By By anxiety : Best month of my life
- New to this and need advice
- breaking point
- Leaving Home & Family
- Anxiety and Pregnancy
- Eating. My one big problem.
- Can't Stop Beating Myself UP
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