View Full Version : CITALOPRAM medicine

07-02-2009, 04:58 AM
Hi peeps.

Has any used this med? I have just been put on it today by my Doctor, he also wants me to see a Phyciatrist (cant spell i know). Would like to know peoples experiances of this drug.

Thanks, Coops

07-03-2009, 05:16 AM
No replies yet but i tried this last night before i went to bed.

I was watching TV about an hour after i took the med and wow it was like i was drugged up and drunk haha. Everything stared to look very odd it was like i was inside a swimmy dream.

Probably my body needs some time to addapt.

07-03-2009, 09:46 AM
I was diagnosed with a health anxiety... I am on this, been on it for i guess 2months now...

Was really high the 1st day, still a bit weird the next and felt really depressed for a few days when i wasnt depressed at all before... but you DO get better after 2 weeks believe me... i found it very hard during that time but was surprised how many people came out and told me they had been on the same treatment and how well you feel just 2 weeks later so stick with it :)

07-04-2009, 04:03 PM
I have been on the same medication now for about three months and it actually did not take long for me to start noticing a difference. It hits any depression symptoms very quickly and I have also not had many nausea bout or as many headaches since I started celexa (citalporam)

I have noticed though that if you miss taking it for a couple days you definitely start feeling loopy.

07-04-2009, 04:06 PM
it does sound like your doctor did not start you on the medication gradually however. My doctor started me on a very low dose and gradually increased it and I never once felt drugged up as a couple of you have suggested so anyone else out there that may be starting this med, make sure your doc starts it gradually.

07-06-2009, 03:50 AM
I'm on day 4 now and i still feel drugged up but not as bad as day one. I suffer from De-realisation which appears to be worse whooaa it is so weird.

I have no idea if i should stop or carry on.

07-06-2009, 02:43 PM
I have no idea if i should stop or carry on.

I think the questions you need to ask yourself are: What else have you tried to deal with your anxiety problem? Have you REALLY tried to deal with your anxiety using nonpharmaceutical means? And have you completely exhausted all nonpharmaceutical options? The reason why I bring this up is that 99.99999999% of the time you see a doctor for the first time upon developing an anxiety disorder, they will prescribe an SSRI as a first-line treatment. And 99.99999999% of the time that you see a therapist or counselor for the first time, they will refer you to a GP or psychiatrist so that they can give you medication. In short, medication is basically considered the first line treatment by 'the system'. But, as you are finding out, it is not necessarily the BEST treatment. So if you answer NO to the above questions, then SSRIs are probably not the best answer. Remember, meds should be a LAST resort, not a first resort.

07-07-2009, 03:44 AM
Ive stopped taking these things now, feeling a little better without them :)

I'm waiting to see a phyciatrist now.