View Full Version : Help! Is This All Really Just Anxiety?
08-27-2009, 12:00 PM
Hello. I'm a 43 year old male with no history of anxiety or any psychological problems, prior to this year. Over the past several months I've experienced a wide range of symptoms that I have been told are all related to anxiety. I'm a sceptic in general and am hesitant to embrace this theory altogether. I'm definately scared and confused by it all, and worry what may happen if these symptoms get worse. I was wondering if I detailed my experiences, perhaps I could get some feedback as to whether others have had such symptoms and whether this does sound like anxiety. Basically, back in February I started noticing my hands would ocasionally shake and feel weird. Then, I started having stomach problems that lingered for months. Finally, one day in May I got out of my car and felt dizzy and had unsteadiness in my legs. From then until now, the symptoms lingered and even got worse. The dizziness has been there to varying degrees all the time (yes, ALL THE TIME), when it's bad I feel like I'm tilting to one side, and feel like someone has their hand on the side of my head and is gently pushing it periodically. I notice my lip quivers sometimes and also I often, almost daily, get tightness feeling in my face kind of just below my eyes. The shaking in my hands got worse, to the point where I feel my arms "tremor" slightly almost all the time, not just infrequently like before. Finally, this shaking is accompanied by a tingling in my chest, and also a real feeling of nervousness that makes me restless and kind of fearful (its hard to describe). For a while, this symptom started really affecting my sleep. I don't have any increased breathing or racing heart. As far as doctors and treatments so far, I originally saw my GP, who diagnosed me with IBS and stress. He gave me blood and urine tests that were all normal. Later, I went to the emergency room due to the dizziness, and was given a CAT scan, EKG and bloodwork, and all were normal. I eventually saw a neurologist, who said it was stress. I finally got him to agree to an MRI test of my head, and that came back totally normal. He said no MS, no tumor, etc. Five weeks ago, I started seeing a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with general anxiety disorder and depression. I have been given some drugs over these past few months. Xanax seems to help many of the symptoms. The neurologist prescribed paxil, 10 mg, which I took for a few weeks. At that point, without noticing improvement, I went to the psychiatrist, and he told me to stop the paxil, and prescribed 10 mg of lexapro. I did notice improvement with the lexapro, for about two weeks, but then the symptoms came back to an extent, and the psychiatrist upped the dose to 15 mg (just this past Monday). I notice some improvement, but the symptoms still linger to a degree. Basically, I feel, like many of the posters here, that my life has become much more difficult to live. I struggle to not only appear normal at work, but to do my work effectively. I'm scared to death these symptoms will get worse and I will not be able to work, or live a normal life. Thats basically my story. Does this sound like anxiety, or is it possibly some other affliction that has been missed by the doctors? Have others had similiar experiences? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
08-27-2009, 08:16 PM
Hi Scooter,
Based on what you've mentioned in your post from yesterday, I would have to say, yes, all of your symptoms sound anxiety related. You have been checked out by several doctors and specialists to rule out specific illness and disease, and all results prove that you are in fact healthy.
Often times, it's a change in our lives (either positive or negative) that brings on the first symptoms of anxiety. As we become more aware of those body symptoms and sensations, we tend to obsess over them. As we focus so intently on those unwanted physical feelings, we create more unwanted feelings, that seemingly pose as being extremely dangerous and threatening to us.
There are typical personality traits in people who suffer with anxiety. They are usually analytical worriers. They are often perfectionists. They have very high expectations of themselves. Receiving approval of others is important. And most of all, they must always appear to be in control.
The anticipation and dread of your symptoms are an indicator that you are suffering from anxiety. But there is freedom from all of this: When you change the way you think, you change the way you respond and react. As a result, you change the biochemical reaction which will mimimize and eventually prevent your anxiety.
The truth of the matter is, anxiety will not hurt you. It won't damage you. It won't harm you. It is most uncomfortable and often times unbearable, but it is not dangerous to feel anxious. They are just feelings that have escalated due to your focus and fear of them. You can get better. You can do it without medication. A great place to start is with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or in other words, changing the way you think. And you can do this on your own, with the help of self help books, or with a therapist who can show you how to apply newly learned skills to help keep you calm and defuse the fear before it gets out of control.
08-27-2009, 09:24 PM
I have so many similarities to your situation. I am 47, never any psychological issues, and I have recently been diagnosed with anxiety. I know I'm stressed out, and I am definitely a high strung person, always desiring to be in control, but I feel totally overwhelmed by the symptoms and just feeling lousy. My worst symptom is the shaking - I have always experienced shaking (hands, legs, lips) during my lifetime when I was extremely anxious about something (public speaking, stressful social settings) but it has become so much worse. I wish I could be normal again. So frustrating... Am I to expect to feel this way for the rest of my life? Is it hormone-related possibly? I wish I had the answers.
08-28-2009, 12:08 AM
not to sound mean or anything ..but I wish my anxiety started in my 40's instead in my 20's.
Hope you get well. :D
08-30-2009, 06:54 AM
i have exactly the same symptoms. Everytime i feel the shakiness, numbness, dizziness etc i go to this forum and read d entries. Whenever im having an attack i go directly 2 this forum and reading d entries really helps me. Reading other people's posts reminds me that i'm jst hving an anxiety attack. Usually aftr a few minutes of reading all my symptoms disappear. I then go for days even weeks without symptoms then when i feel that im hving an attack i jst go and open this forum. Jst like now, my tremors and numbness are already fading and my mind is calm and peacefull. This forum is my therapyü
09-27-2009, 07:41 AM
i completly agree with the girl who said i wish mine started at a later date im 20 aswell and man alive is this mental illness taking over my life completly every small challenge is huge to me .i have loads of symptoms but its very difficult sometimes to believe that these symptoms are mind and not pysical because they can be so powerfull at times i dont know if its in my head or really hapening physicaly.
the symptoms can also mimic some major illneses which just feeds the heads going at 100mph.i can only rest wen the anxiety allows me.can u tell who has control?i have had some fantastic advice but putting it into practice is hard because im so so so incredibly unconfident and low atm i cant even begin to take in anything anyones sayin my bodys so tired pyhsically and mentally because of the attacks that i dont have the strenth to even think about beating it .im just lying here letting it win.
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