View Full Version : General Discussion
- Fear of 2012?
- Anxious feeilngs but not thoughts??
- A Victory
- I feel like a loser
- Work and Anxiety Don't Mix!
- Tmj?
- My anxiety story
- Mild anxiety, undiagnosed. Help?
- More than anxiety? Help.
- more than anxiety i need help people!
- Anxiety is taking over me, feeling complete guilt ;(
- Is there anyone else out there like me?
- Mouth / Facial Movements?
- Boyfriends little brother......
- that time of the month
- depakote for anxiety?
- Bad anxiety- low grade fever?
- Lexapro...thoughts?
- Chest Pains ?!?!?!
- Dang, even happiness can bring on anxiety?!
- Starting councilling on Sunday.....
- My case
- docs
- Anxiety Problems
- BUGGING OUT, the usual
- Crippling concentration and memory problem. Anyone have experience with this or know
- anyone get the derealization from anxiety?
- breathing and heart rate
- I think I am going to be sick..
- Feeling alone in my anxiety
- Smoking and Anxiety...
- Please help me, I'm not sure what I'm experiencing!
- making fiends
- Severe Anxiety - I would really appreciate some support.
- Zoloft and heightened energy is frightening
- does anyone know much on dependency anxiety?
- Relationship anxiety
- Still working on it... One day at a time.
- Well this is new...
- A relationship causing me anxiety
- no friends :(
- OCD and basic anxiety.
- Heres my story,
- something that's working for me .. finally !!! :)
- How do you cope with not being the best all the time?
- Two steps forward, one step back...
- All Mental
- living with boyfriend and anxiety
- Vacations
- It's all OK but sleep?
- EFT worrks for me :)
- A good strategy I've found
- Problems with University.
- Getting off caffeine = massively reduced anxiety
- Moodscope is wonderful
- Losing Friends
- Another new symptom?
- pulmonary embolism!?!?!?!
- Major anxiety over new puppy
- Multitasking getting one worked up?
- Shaky voice ALL the time.
- My Depression/Anxiety/Panic Disorder Story
- Anxiety or something else?
- Anxiety - Please help!!
- Do i have Anxiety?
- Please Help!
- I'd like to share an update in my progress
- Anxiety help
- burning sensation in head????
- Meditation Instead of Medication
- an alternative to medication
- Anxiety triggers
- The story so far
- Does anyone else suffer from not being able to believe things have happened in past?
- i don't get it
- New this really all anxiety?
- Anticipating anxiety attacks?
- Panicing about panicing?
- Bipola??
- anyone ever drink relaxtion drinks?
- Getting over the hump of meds in the first few weeks
- Anxiety symptoms
- Pregnant!
- Freaked me out HELP
- How do I work with anxiety panic attacks and depression
- Health anxiety
- Anxiety Question
- Im certain KNOW ONE else feel what im feeling?
- Anyone else have this one?
- My anxiety and fear of failure
- Sick in bed with very bad flu.
- Am new need help, not sure if this is anxiety
- Hey I need some advice! :(
- Neck, Anxiety or Neurological problem?
- Alternative treatment,chinesiology..Something for me? Or you?
- Panic attack-first day at work!!!!new job
- am i losing my mind? I really need answers.
- Any Norwegians here? Easier to express myself..
- Please Help Me - Anxious about tragedy, accidents, my children
- Sleeping and night anxiety
- Medicating Anxiety
- Really needs some answers.
- I need a friend or two!
- Not sure about what's going on!
- stress and diarrhea
- Anxiety Caused by Fatigue?
- Dont know how many more health dramas i can stand
- ARGH!!!!!! HELP. What am I doing wrong? :(
- Heart stopping?
- chest pain and the falling feeling
- How has anxiety affected your marriage?
- Help. new fears.
- embarassing.. need alternative to biting my nails
- For all anxiety sufferers
- Help Me Please...
- Feeling helpless
- anxiety making me question love
- scared
- Hey There
- locations everyone? so. california anyone?
- Traveling solo in Europe
- darkness makes anxiety worse?
- Re-arrange furniture = Panic?
- changing medication - effects
- feel like im about to relapse :(
- Only getting worse. help.
- Why do I allow this?
- iv been given CITALOPRAM 10MG? is it safe?
- Terror & Need Friends Working Recovery
- not going to make
- Too scared to sleep
- No interest in sex?!
- My experiences [Just a guy with anxiety disorder]
- How to overcome performance anxiety?
- I am really terrified, i feel so alone.
- My anxiety
- How many different types of meds are there for anxiety?
- Anxiety caused by girls and other social situations? Help.
- anxiety can cause highblood pressure??
- Any tips on tackling anxiety on a hangover?
- The Linden affect and panic
- Is anyone here emetophobic?
- finally found my trigger, now what?
- embarressing to talk about but anxious because i am horny?
- Full time jobs suck
- Iv been having Reiki sessions...and it really helps!!
- Why does no one understand..
- Scared of the Dentist
- Can Anxiety Actually *Cause* Symptoms of Prostatitis?
- Serve anxiety over girlfriend
- I want my life back.... Anxiety or Illness..
- please help! feel like I'm going crazy!
- severe anxiety when left alone
- Anxiety boyfriend
- celitopram
- Anxiety over boyfriend and no one to talk to
- health anxiety
- My Panic and Anxiety- CURED! How May I Help You?
- Anxiety after movies?
- Anxiety Clinic advice
- Hello, i need some advice
- overactivite sympathetic nervous system
- I havnt eaten anything all day from now worried im ill pl help
- What triggers your anxiety?
- I think im deep breathing wrong?
- Love
- Social networking for Anxiety Sufferers??
- Can anyone relate to this?
- your not alone.
- iv hit an all time low and feel so helpless...can anyone help?
- Is it possible to overcome?
- Has anyone experienced this? Intense Head Pain -Going through it right now
- I cant stop being sick and it a bug or anxiety? pls pls help
- Thoughts of self harm.
- Quick question :)
- Would you like to make money and tell your story to the world
- Another Tale Yet Again
- my story
- Techniques I Used to Overcome My Panic/Anxiety Disorder
- does anyone feel this?
- does anyone here also experience hallucinations?
- does anyone else see spots
- anxiety or a seizure
- Panic disorder blog displaying how I deal with my anxiety day by day
- panic attack or seizures
- panic attack or seizures
- anxiety sufferer with a bpd parent
- having a bad day
- Heart question
- Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Anxiety = IBS Trigger?
- pains in back of head on sides. numbness on left temple towards back anyone else
- Really scared! Reassurance please..
- ADs and drinking/weed
- Claire Weekes- Pass Through Panic -Free Download
- pains in back of head on sides. numbness on left temple towards back anyone else
- Really anxiety?
- Initial Help
- My story.
- Magnesium deficiency
- Terrified
- eyelid twitch
- never had this before
- Panic Returns
- cant get over it
- muscle spasms
- diagnosed with intrusive thoughts and anxiety.
- Help with sleep needed please guys!!!!!
- new to the forum, suffered for 6 years with anxiety
- Here I go again- any ideas?
- Anger problems?
- Converstation issues
- I'm not sure what's happening
- Anxiety , not sure how to deal with it
- 1st Panic Attack?
- Panic Running Rampant
- dr prescribed zoloft and ativan today for anxiety
- please read..
- zoloft and ativan
- Took my first step forward.
- Feel Like I'm Going Backwards
- Falling apart
- Throat choking problem
- need a lilttle advice please
- hangover or something more?
- OPTOGENTICS, new cure for anxiety, depression,brain disorders!! PLEASE READ
- Anxiety and Catastrophising
- Felling lost
- Teaching
- Looking For Input
- Professional worried that anxiety will ruin my carreer
- The Practice of Not Adding 2nd Fear
- aha, thats cool
- celexa ANY good stories
- New here and have some Q's about the Xanax i was prescribed
- Breathing exercises for anxiety. Please help with clarification
- Procrastination and Distraction
- some advice i guess?
- Any Help is Appreciated
- Anxious over upsetting a coworker
- CBT worked for my Anxiety disorder.
- What Do You Do On Days You Can't Focus?
- legs too fatigued to exercise
- Thinking to self?
- Anxious and scared all day everyday.
- Scared of my Anxiety
- wee anxiety poem
- Stressed and anxious
- Painful panic attacks, psychology and EMDR
- Is this an anxiety disorder, or something else?
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