View Full Version : General Discussion
- Not being able to catch a deep breath..
- liver failure leading to hepatic encephalopathy..last stage going to coma!!!PLZ HELP
- normal?
- Frustrated
- Out of control anxiety - relapse
- My First Big Social Event In Years
- Friendship Problems
- What living with anxiety is like....
- she cannot handle it anymore
- Mindfulness
- Autocalm-What is it? Is it any good?
- Any advice?
- parents
- My doctor says it's just anxiety, but I'm not so sure?
- holding breath in sleep
- vitamin D
- Cant sleep
- Intruive thoughts?
- Sleep Fidgeting
- Any tips for excessive sweating? Like good deodorant brands?
- Quotes To Think About When You're Struggling
- Emotinal Inertia: What A Struggle
- Benadryl for anxiety?
- After several months of misdiagnosis, I am just anxious
- SSRI makes me lazy, benzos makes me amnesiac
- Need some advice on dealing with anxiety about an ex
- Disability benefits
- Anxiety is affecting my career...time to change paths?
- Not anxiety, just need to vent some anger
- I've lost it..
- Treating allergies without increasing anxiety
- My anxiety is threatening to destroy my relationship
- What now..?
- Anxiety!!!!!!!
- Panic Buddies
- School
- clonazepam
- Larynx and vocal cords always tense and impeding enunciation
- imitation of someone I don't like? Help. Panic attack
- Anxiety and worry about my job
- I didn't ask for this life..
- Dont know what to do with those panic attacks or anxiety
- Struggling for a while
- quitting smoking...
- Scared I have PC
- Sleepless Over Soap
- Happy Ending
- What is happening here?
- Need reassurance that I will recover
- Nearing a year of recovery, we're back to square 1?!
- dealing with anxiety
- Paranoia
- anxiety and youth - please share your experiences?
- Afraid of Feeling Tired and the Need to Work Daily.
- need some thoughts please :(
- A Strange Feeling Accompanied by Likewise Strange Obsessions
- Sexual performance anxiety and psychological ED
- constant anxiety
- Bach rescue remedy
- Feeling Anxious over My Newly Bloated," Jelly Belly."
- wearing a bra to bed bad???
- Weird falling feeling in my head
- How to deal with people not liking you?
- Really struggling today :(
- Please Help.
- Constantly focused on breathing all the time.
- Anxious about everything after recovering from depression.
- Revolving Door Moods
- I had to leave work early today because I had an anxiety attack..
- What Worked For Me?
- A House Without Dick..........
- Newbie with anxiety (I think) help :(
- Moving with anxiety...
- I'm New- Had a question if someone might be able to help.
- My first actual crippling attack
- Easy 2-Step Plan for Removing Anxiety
- Obsession/attachment/addiction over a friend?help.
- Anxiety and marriage
- New Pet Anxiety
- Classic Lit. For Anxious Sorts
- Has anyone successfully beat/greatly improved their anxiety? Intro & story.
- Im A Hypochondriac...Can anyone help? :/
- Anxiety and Avoidance
- what happened? racing heart after alcohol.
- Suicide.. Please help me
- Anxiety + GERDish symptoms + Sinus Arrythmia
- Went to the Docs
- Not Panic
- There is hope - here's what helped me
- anxiety can really harm us?
- Anxious over WATER RETENTIOn
- how do i stop focusing on symphtomes? health anxiety
- Back pain
- EXTREME Muscle pain? Please help, ALS??
- Nearly swallowed or inhaled a coin. Feel traumatized
- Anxiety like crazy
- When Right Feels Wrong
- Coping with mothers suicide
- I fear I am on the verge of a relapse
- Reversing your Anxiety by Changing your Thought Processes
- New to this-- New to anxiety?
- First time poster - Heart Palpatations main symptom.
- Why can't there be a quick fix -.-
- Feeling Accomplished Today :)
- Do you feel like the pressure to always 'act normal' too much?
- How I recently defeated my anxiety
- first appointment with the OBGYN tomorrow...i'm terrified! :(
- Another Update
- MS fear
- Moms
- Suddenly visible veins??
- Huge Anxiety Spike
- This is not a joke. ( i think fruit flies living on my crotch) MALE
- Help!
- what is cognitive behavior therapy
- The Happy Thread :)
- Finally taking control of nightmares
- Will this last forever? ( unreal )
- A life of what ifs
- If you could change just one small part of your anxiety experience, what would it be?
- Depersonalization ?
- What are your symptoms?
- Not sure what to do :(
- Handling my anxiety better.....But
- anyone with kik?
- Getting over phobias
- Heights
- Freaking out
- Uni project research
- Imaginary heart palpitations and other symptoms?
- worried after i hit myself on the head with a golf ball
- I would be an awesome person, if...
- My Artwork
- I'm gonna puke!!
- Very anxious about my current situation....
- Is this normal?
- Physical Symptoms - I don't know if I should seek medical help
- Frustrated Ramblings
- How are you people doing on medicine
- Worried I have colon cancer
- anxiety cared i have angina and im 17
- anxiety sared i have angina and im 17
- ( Feeling Better!! Somewhat)
- No reason for my anxiety
- Convinced I have a heart problem at 18......
- What is going on?!?!?!?!
- Constantly overthinking
- Anxiety & Marriage
- Little Victories
- .....very lost....................... =/
- Does anyone else have this symptom?!?
- I really need some help here
- Citlopram & Alcohol
- New Diagnosis?
- Anxious about moving to a new flatshare
- How to distinguish between "health anxiety" and real symptoms
- Adrenaline rush
- I have a question about anxiety blood pressure
- Bad Habits
- you threw off my groove
- My Friend is Abusing her Power
- Hi! I'm new to the community
- Anxiety worse in the morning?
- Deinstitutionalization
- Extreme morning aches and pain. What is happening to me?
- Extreme and fearful attachments to peopl
- Explaining my anxiety to my boyfriend's family
- Baby shower tomorrow!!
- Finding a passion?
- What this does to my family
- In desperate need of help
- Afraid I don't know ME
- New Here. Need help
- Thanatophobia
- OMG Please Help I am Losing my mind
- I Suppose I ws Wrong.......
- Stress problem? Becoming a nightmare...
- Recent anxiety!
- Don't know how to handle my anxiety issues
- Need help (how ironic)
- Anxious and very depressed
- Is it anxiety, my period, or pregnancy? Can I REALLY trust a hpt??
- Suicide?
- HIV fear!!!
- Having One of "Those" Days... lame
- Things going my way
- Breathing Problems
- Things going my way
- The key to survival
- anyone have kik or anything similar
- Frozen
- Severe Bug Phobia.
- Facebook
- Anxiety or other illness.
- Anxiety or other illness.
- heart flutters afer lunch?
- shortness of breath
- Does anyone else have a hard time controlling their emotions in a relationship?
- Been over-exercising and dieting and my periods late this mointh.
- Is anxiety
- Dependent on sleep aids?
- The Reason You Think Your Anxiety Disorder is So Complicated Is Because....
- Residential Treatment Centers Focused on Anxiety Disorders
- Pregnancy and anxiety
- Please help!!!!
- Is this the end of me? What do I do?
- Feel Like I am Losing my MInd
- Alphabet Soup!!
- Took a break!
- Free Book Promotion
- Anxiety when it's humid and back problems
- Panic attack!!
- Everythng in Life Takes Work!- Better to Realize This Now!
- San Andreas 2015 Movie Review
- Android App Gone!!!
- Horrible chest pain
- Lymphoma Worry
- everyone says I need to "get over it" (porn and marriage)
- Anxiety
- trying to be optimistic
- A Couchy Conundrum
- New fear?
- Ecstasy
- Does Anyone Else Think I'm Suffering is Dangerous, Out of Line, and Nuts?
- California
- I can't shake this
- Struggling with Anxiety.
- PANIC ATTACKS, ANXIETY, My 1 Year Story PLEASE HELP im struggling to cope
- Am I Suffeirng Anxiety
- Confused
- Anxiety and Long Term Relationships
- KILL, Destroy... Rage...Oh, Scared!
- Losing my mind
- The constant fear of uncertainty
- The Need for Control
- Severe health anxiety -- can someone put my mind at ease?
- Big backwards step
- Feeling blue
- Just to release my thoughts... :)
- The Fake People on this Forum are Really Annoying Me!
- Is it better to be diagnosed with a mental disorder or not?
- health anxiety/ payed sex
- Sexually confused
- Anxiety, Alcohol & Mindfulness
- Beta blockers and anxiety
- Is this really caused by anxiety?
- some help needed please :)
- Dealing with obsessive thoughts
- Does anyone else do this?
- Work
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