View Full Version : Does Anyone Else Think I'm Suffering is Dangerous, Out of Line, and Nuts?
05-27-2015, 06:03 PM
I am not trying to bully or insult. This is a real straight up question I must know: I want to know, does anyone else besides me think the responses I'm Suffering gives to people, is completely out of line? He tells people from a post how their mom feels, their wife feels, deep mental issues, tells them things about themselves he couldn't possible know, that not only does he not have enough info to ascertain this info, he obviously has no credentials to be making these statements. He believes, from what I gather, that he is some psychic genius who can get messages from the ether to come up with his theories. His posts read to me as an egomaniac with a Jesus complex of some mental disorder where he thinks he some guru on a throne telling people who and what hey are. With his underlining an bold and tells you what you think, nobody else sees this as ludicrous? What scares me is people follow what he says when he reaches so far out to come up with his theories and his posts sound like the ramblings of a mad man in egomaniac drivel. Something about how he writes seems to resonate with desperate people with anxiety. I hate his posts! I think it's totally dangerous the "advice" he gives to people, especially vulnerable and desperate people. His responses on my posts also piss me off. He doe sit to me like tells me what he believes is really going on in my head. Nobody can see why this is dangerous?
Before people start insulting me, I give pretty straight practical advice like breathing techniques or allowing the fear to subside and facing your fears kind of stuff, thing sI did to treat my aniety. I don't post like I'm Suffering, just in case someone was going to say that.
If I'm Suffering is going to be what people on this forum consider good advice and acceptable, I see no reason for me to be here. IS he considered the standard advice post now as he posts like 100 times a day. I can't get a post in without him respond to me without his lunatic drivel.
Again, this is not to bully or insult him, I am being truthful and I'd like your opinion. If you love him than tell me, if you don't than tell me. I see him as dangerous and needs mental help. If I am wrong than tell me.
05-27-2015, 06:14 PM
Yeah I'm with you. Although you can be pretty rude as well.
05-27-2015, 06:26 PM
I refer people to Panic's stickies occasionally so I do respect his advice. Im-Suffering, not so much.
Also props to Panic for being a straight shooter with posts (and comments) like this.
05-27-2015, 07:41 PM
I am not one to gang up on someone or bully them, what I want are people's honest opinions about the I'm Suffering posts. I f you think I am wrong about his posts then go ahead and tell me.
I post good advice because I know how to tackle anxiety. That is all anyone needs to know about me. There is enough coddling and hand holding here for people that need that, that I don't need to do that for them. As you know, people, in general, live in a denial and will do whatever it takes to not look within and realize that they have to do the work to get better. I try to get a spark under their ass.
05-27-2015, 07:46 PM
I've got a name, Its Marc. Many of you know me.
Gypsy, other than your anger issues Im quite surprised with you.
"Im-Suffering, not so much"
You've got to be kidding me. Because Claire Weekes is the flavor of the month?
You don't have to believe in me. At least believe in yourselves. That's what this is all about.
05-27-2015, 07:50 PM
I am not one to gang up on someone or bully them, what I want are people's honest opinions about the I'm Suffering posts. I f you think I am wrong about his posts then go ahead and tell me.
No one is taking anything away from you, so sit tight and do your thing. Unless you post vulgarity (from your beliefs) for example in that 'porno' thread.
I will not defend myself or validate any of this childishness in this thread, do as you wish. There is no threat here, you understand PC.
05-27-2015, 08:00 PM
Firstly, Claire Weekes is the flavor of the next 5 decades. She's awesome. ;)
Second, who did you mean has anger issues, Panic or Gypsy? If it was Miss Lee, while she may have the odd bit of frustration in her life, it's been a long time since I met a calmer person.
Stand on your own two feet.
There is a lot of stuff I disagree with I'm Suffering about. I think some of his advice is presumptuous. He tends to jump to unwarranted conclusions. And I think the whole psychic thing is silly. But I do think he is, in his own way, sincerely trying to be helpful. I guess I also think Panic Cured is trying to be helpful, though as I said in another thread, his know-it-all communication style is really off-putting -- about the worst I have seen -- and it tends to undercut any merit to the point he is trying to make (which is a shame, because he does have some points that are worth making).
But none of us is perfect....
05-27-2015, 08:03 PM
Stand on your own two feet.
I don't really understand what that means.
I don't really understand what that means.
I think it means you should not do head-stands, or stand on someone else's feet. (But I could be wrong).
05-27-2015, 08:15 PM
There is no person in this world living or dead, that knows each of you better than you do. How to heal, to forgive, to love - To live is not a monumental task. All the coding for a pleasurable life is already imprinted in your DNA if you would trust in the integrity of life as supportive and not fearful.
To live, to be a valuable part of all that is, this is your birthright. So stand up and be proud of who you are. All of you.
05-27-2015, 08:26 PM
Let's focus on the intent of this thread. Opinions on the I'm Suffering posts and if he is a danger to vulnerable people with his assumptions, psychic nonsense and telling people how they think and feel.
05-27-2015, 09:28 PM
I've already had some conversations with Suff in the past, which is why I haven't chimed in on this thread. But, I'll say something now.
Last time I came back to the forum after a long break, I saw Suff posting here. At first, I thought he was a troll or some kind of salesman. He wrote in this peculiar way, and had a group of people that seemed to hang on his every word. There was something not quite right about him. He had a presence that didn't quite fit in here.
I had a few digs at Suff, which he ignored. I tried to hide my disdain for his style, but occasionally I let it slip. He still didn't say anything. And, so it went on for a while. We all just got on with posting. But, he always annoyed me. Well, not always, but a lot of the time.
Some people seemed to like what Suff posted. Some marvelled at his words while others silently acknowledged his insight. I didn't really want him to be here, but he offered up posts that people seemed to like. I waited. I waited for Suff to make a mistake. I wanted to know that he didn't have the answers to everything. Sometimes, others would be intimidated by his words too, and that would validate my concerns. It made me feel that I wasn't alone in being frustrated by him.
Months passed, and Suff became part of the furniture. He became like that kitchen appliance you order online that doesn't look how you wanted it to. But, you keep it anyway because it's too much hassle to send back.
Eventually, he became such a familiar feature to the forum that I no longer had any feeling towards him, one way or another. I developed an acute indifference to him. In a way, I actually liked that he posted so frequently, as it meant I didn't have to feel guilty about ignoring people's questions. I started telling Suff to answer people who needed advice as I didn't want to do it. He obliged. I still thought of Suff as a bit of an idiot, but he became a useful idiot.
Months passed once more as they always do. Winter turned to spring. I began to find out more about Suff. I found out about his past, about his own demons, and about his inspirations. As always, when a personal element is added to something, you can't help but connect with it a little more. Suff no longer seemed like this annoyance to me; he seemed like a person. I finally saw his arrogance was nothing more than a very rigid writing style, borne out of his love for the existential. I found out that Suff wasn't this person who believed he'd solved all of the world's problems, but was this person who found a theory he liked and wanted to share it. I didn't always agree with this theory, and neither did others, but I always did know it had merit.
I warmed to Suff. I now saw more of myself in him. His passion was similar to passions that I had had in the past. His desire to be useful the same desire each of us has. Suff became human to me. I started to care about him - a trait so typical in humans. He, I believe, started to care about me. I tried to understand him more by embracing his theories, and discovered they were similar to my own. I regretted some of things I said to Suff, but he never made me once feel bad about saying them. We developed a mutual respect. We saw within each other the same thing. When a post of Suff's went unresponded to, I felt bad. I knew he'd put a lot of work into it, and I knew how much helping the OP meant to him.
I invested my time in reading his posts. I invested my energy in hoping for the best for him. I taught Suff one or two things, but he taught me more. We had a bond. A bond that would remain unbroken. A bond that would possible last into eternity. Suff, by this period, was my friend.
I started to see others treat Suff the way I treated him initially. I noticed people also viewed his words in a threatening way, the same way I did. I noticed people suffering from inferiority complexes the same way that I did when Suff articulated a post so well. And I understood exactly how they felt.
Suff feels very impersonal sometimes to talk to. He has no display picture. Very few actually know his real name (it's Marc, by the way). Only recently did we even find out where Suff lives (Florida). And to top it all off, his writing style can feel authoritative at first, and not very welcoming. This leads you to get the wrong impression of him. You create an image in your head of this person which isn't true. I did, and I know others have. But that image is wrong. Suff isn't somebody looking to shut you out, or get one up on you. Suff is a friend.
Suff is my good friend, and Suff is your friend. He cares about you. He cares about each of you so very much. Know how I know? Nope, I haven't asked him. It's because he puts all of his energy in to this forum. He exhausts himself, and leaves himself weak. How many of us do that? But, that's not his most remarkable feature. He forgives. That's what makes him special. Suff forgave me, and he will forgive you if you ever need to be forgiven.
Now I've addressed the forum, Suff, here is a direct question to you, my friend. When can we see a picture of you? Because I want everybody to feel your warmth and your kindness as much as I've felt it. But most of all... most of all... I want them to see that you're truly human, that you're a friend, and that each of us here, despite our locations and our problems.... truly are... the very best of friends.
05-27-2015, 10:11 PM
Can't we all just get along?
05-27-2015, 10:24 PM
I've already had some conversations with Suff in the past, which is why I haven't chimed in on this thread. But, I'll say something now.
Last time I came back to the forum after a long break, I saw Suff posting here. At first, I thought he was a troll or some kind of salesman. He wrote in this peculiar way, and had a group of people that seemed to hang on his every word. There was something not quite right about him. He had a presence that didn't quite fit in here.
I had a few digs at Suff, which he ignored. I tried to hide my disdain for his style, but occasionally I let it slip. He still didn't say anything. And, so it went on for a while. We all just got on with posting. But, he always annoyed me. Not always, but a lot of the time.
Some people seemed to like what Suff posted. Some marvelled at his words while others silently acknowledged his insight. I didn't really want him to be here, but he offered up posts that people seemed to like. I waited. I waited for Suff to make a mistake. I wanted to know that he didn't have the answers to everything. The mistakes never really came. Sometimes, others would be intimidated by his words too, and that would validate my concerns. It made me feel that I wasn't alone in being frustrated by him.
Months passed, and Suff became part of the furniture. He became like that kitchen appliance you order online that doesn't look how you wanted it to. But, you keep it anyway because it's too much hassle to send back.
Eventually, he became such a familiar feature to the forum that I no longer had any feeling towards him, one way or another. I developed an acute indifference to him. In a way, I actually liked that he posted so frequently, as it meant I didn't have to feel guilty about ignoring people's questions. I started telling Suff to answer people who needed advice as I didn't want to do it. He obliged. I still thought of Suff as a bit of an idiot, but he became a useful idiot.
Months passed once more as they always do. Winter turned to spring. I began to find out more about Suff. I found out about his past, about his own demons, and about his inspirations. As always, when a personal element is added to something, you can't help connect with it a little more. Suff no longer seemed like this annoyance to me; he seemed like a person. I finally saw his arrogance was nothing more than a very rigid writing style, borne out of his love for the existential. I found out that Suff wasn't this person who believed he'd solved all of the world's problems, but was this person who found a theory he liked and wanted to share it. I didn't always agree with this theory, and neither did others, but I always did know it had merit.
I warmed to Suff. I now saw more of myself in him. His passion was similar to passions that I had had in the past. His desire to be useful the same desire each of us has. Suff became human to me. I started to care about him - a trait so typical in humans. He, I believe, started to care about me. I tried to understand him more by embracing his theories, and discovered they were similar to my own. I regretted some of things I said to Suff, but he never made me once feel bad about saying them. We developed a mutual respect. We saw within each other the same thing. When a post of Suff's went unresponded to, I felt bad. I knew he'd put a lot of work into it, and I knew how much helping the OP meant to him.
I invested my time in reading his posts. I invested my energy in hoping for the best for him. I taught Suff one or two things, but he taught me more. We had a bond. A bond that would remain unbroken. A bond that would possible last into eternity. Suff, by this period, was my friend.
I started to see others treat Suff the way I treated him initially. I noticed people also viewed his words in a threatening way, the same way I did. I noticed people suffering from inferiority complexes the same way that I did when Suff articulated a post so well. And I understood exactly how they felt.
Suff feels very impersonal sometimes to talk to. He has no display picture. Very few actually know his real name (it's Marc, by the way). Only recently did we even find out where Suff lives (Florida). And to top it all off, his writing style can feel authorative at first, and not very welcoming. This leads you to get the wrong impression of him. You create an image in your head of this person which isn't true. I did, and I know others have. But that image is wrong. Suff isn't somebody looking to shut you out, or get one up on you. Suff is a friend.
Suff is my good friend, and Suff is your friend. He cares about you. He cares about each of you so very much. Know how I know? Nope, I haven't asked him. It's because he puts all of his energy in to this forum. He exhausts himself, and leaves himself weak. But, that's not his most remarkable feature. He forgives. That's what makes him special. Suff forgave me, and he will forgive you if you ever need to be forgiven.
Now I've addressed the forum, Suff, here is a direct question to you, my friend. When can we see a picture of you? Because I want everybody to feel your warmth and your kindness as much as I've felt it. But most of all... most of all... I went them to see that you're truly human, that you're a friend, and that each of us here, despite our locations and our problems.... truly are... the very best of friends.
I appreciate you for doing the impossible, actually for once simply answering the question of the original posting. I do not agree with what you wrote, nonetheless thank you for posting it. I read the whole thing! I think the biggest thing I've ver seen you post. Jessed You are probably one of the most respected people by me on this forum. That says a lot!
I don't see I'm Suffering as a kind person trying to help. This my opinion: He thinks of himself as a guru Jesus figure sent here to save people, and he tells people things about them as if he is a Psychologist and they have been in his therapy for months. I find this dangerous. In my opinion I see him as a predator that preys on the weak and tries to pull out their weak side and appeal to it, and then try to save them like a cult leader. He does the a similar thing to me when he tries to break me down appealing to this mythological weak side of me that he somehow intuitively knows. Again, this is not a dig at him, this is my true opinion I am simply expressing.
05-27-2015, 10:45 PM
I've only been on here for one year. But a couple weeks ago, I posted something about my pregnancy & anxiety. He wrote me long reply & it hurt my feelings so bad. I didn't even reply. & I got off the forum because I figured I needed a break after reading that.. Well all of a sudden, I felt better. I'm not saying he cured me but what he said had an impact on me somehow & changed the way I was thinking about that specific situation.
My point being, he seriously hurt my feelings & I thought his post was rude but it somehow helped me. Idk if this helps with your original post but this is my personal experience with him.
This is the reason I truly love this forum. In alot of ways this place on occasion turns into one of those crazy interventions you see on TV. Shots are fired, opinions are made, yet in the end everyone seems to learn something, for better or worse. The discussions typically do not degenerate to mindless butt-hurt.
Dear PC
I cannot say that I have truly gotten to know very many here too closely just yet. I am one of those stand-offish douche canoes that will throw her two cents in and retreat with my lawn chair and snacks by nature, but I gotta say, P-man, something about your some of your posts forces me out of the spectator role and into discussion. For whatever reason, perhaps the way you write, or the straight to the jugular didactic truth you often share bugs the living hell out of me and I love it! You, sir, come to a debate in full armor with and +17 mace of wisdom swinging.
I will be honest when I say I don't really "get" many of the posts Suff-dawg makes. Perhaps it is simply because I think introspection and universal truth make terrible bed fellows. I think, however, this isn't something that makes him dangerous.
Without realizing it he has become the peanut butter to your jelly, creating a two sided dynamic that any good, useful discussion should logically possess. Often the two of you approach a problem with polar opposite methods, thought processes, and viewpoints. What makes this so amazing is that in the bigger picture neither of your are really ever just flat out wrong, just very different. This, at least, is how someone on the sidelines sees it.
05-27-2015, 11:10 PM
I agree with you Sae! Especially the ending. When I first came here, panic & suffering were the two people who stood out to me the most! They both have very strong views, yet very different.
05-27-2015, 11:24 PM
You, sir, come to a debate in full armor with and +17 mace of wisdom swinging.
But that's nothing compared to my magic missile blasts dealing a 2 D4 damage in sneak attack adding an extra 3 D6 damage roll, using a +5 Dexterity instead of my Strength modifier, with my 2 Weapons Fighting Feat and I can then use my + 7 Magic Great Sword that gives me a 1.5 X added to my D20 attack roll for swinging with 2 hands!
But that's nothing compared to my magic missile blasts dealing a 2 D4 damage in sneak attack adding an extra 3 D6 damage roll, using a +5 Dexterity instead of my Strength modifier, with my 2 Weapons Fighting Feat and I can then use my + 7 Magic Great Sword that gives me a 1.5 X added to my D20 attack roll for swinging with 2 hands!
The Anxiety Troll's head explodes into a fine mist of guts and blood before your weapon makes contact out of sheer awesomeness of this above response.
05-27-2015, 11:32 PM
The anxiety forum - come with anxiety, leave with your soulmate. :o
05-28-2015, 02:10 AM
The Anxiety Troll's head explodes into a fine mist of guts and blood before your weapon makes contact out of sheer awesomeness of this above response.
As the Dwarven stronghold collapses upon your Psionic tribe of Drow blinded by my color spray spells!
05-28-2015, 06:19 AM
To the reader who is just joining the forum, or to anyone who is reading this, I want you to know that this forum is a magical place. Where changes happen every moment. Lives change through healing, release, understanding, knowledge, kinship. Where one can come, sit, and leave empowered to create, to draw upon their own canvas, to see, not that fear is a prime force, but that underneath it all love is ever present. Love is the light, and the light heals, The light is like the sun, which gives life to every creature on this planet.
When you sit in the light of this forum, you leave warm, secure, comforted, safe - to then leave and face some hard feelings, with renewed vitality - feeling better, hopeful - You come with fear, leave with love - and suddenly you see the light. Paying it forward the light spreads, you understand. And the world changes.
You (reading this) have made the right decision to join or just read this forum, you have been attracted to it because of its collective light. And you will feel better, stronger, more capable, when you have left.
Here is the terms and conditions of the forum : If you wish to heal every false idea or belief you have ever had about who you are, then join.
This thread is merely a release for the OP of some feelings, which is a good thing. You can take a lesson from him in your own lives. Rather than suppress any feelings you might be having related to your own personal experiences, you may have been bottling up emotions related to family, friends, work, and so forth - you must do as the OP has done, and release them, in a peaceful non-violent way and without aggression - you must express yourself, and feel good knowing you are all unique, special, and deserving of that voice. Pent up repressed emotions over time will be explosive, and this you avoid by feeling comfortable in allowing your own spirit to shine through.
Let your light be the way in your own life. You have heard this saying, 'I am the light and the way'. This is the gift within each one of you to cultivate.
I will have nothing more to contribute to this thread.
*As a side note to Brookelynnn, I am so proud of you. Your life is just beginning (the moment you look into his eyes you will understand all of it). The joy will be so overwhelming, each day you will be filled with happiness, enrichment, and peace - the tears no longer of sorrow, but of the 'grandness' of it all, and how fortunate a life you have. Your going to be more than ok. I have had the privilege of watching you grow on this forum over time, and thank you for sharing your life with us - it is, a magical journey you are on.
05-28-2015, 09:46 AM
I think it all has to do with the person and the situation. Any person on here can give "bad" advice, come across rude, or just not understand things correctly. Just like anyone can give great advice, be super kind, and understand very well. Everyone needs advice from different people...I'm Suffering helps some and offends others. Isn't that how life goes?
A lot of people like Panic, but we can't seem to get along in my thread- which is totally OK. We don't ALL have to like each other. I don't like EVERYONE I've ever met.
Does he make a lot of generalizations about the way people feel/how their life is going? Yes, absolutely.
In my own experience, it did not come across as rude or harsh at all. I took a lot out of what he had to say, and disregarded the things that didn't make sense about my life.
I don't think he is "dangerous" or "doing anything wrong." by any means.
05-28-2015, 11:42 AM
What is the point of this even?
It's not as if you haven't asked this before, multiple times.
It's not as if people haven't told you how they feel about him before, multiple times.
Everyone knows he can come across strongly, and that writing style can make him seem like a guru (I have told you personally I agree with that) This is a forum, where people come and express their insight to help others heal. That's all he tries to do. Who cares how he perceives himself? Psychic? Clairsentient? A guru that can save humanity?
Does it matter? Nope.
In the end he is expressing his insight in his way. And, more often that not, it is well written, and exists in kindness/love.
You are exactly what you accuse him of. You tell people how to feel, but it's okay, because that advice is "practical". You make assumptions about the lives of others, but when you do it, you are "telling it as it is" When people disagree you get upset. When you debate with others you call them delusional, bust out the cuss words, so on and so forth. It's a very DANGEROUS way of communicating with the people who you seem to believe aren't capable of filtering through IS's content.
You justify everything you do in the name of practicality and objectivity - when it's really no different than your apparent genuine concern for how IS treats others.
Oh, and before you attack me, I'm just voicing my actual opinion, not trying to bully, I just needed to express myself in this way, so others could see this discussion as well.
Just let people heal. What advice they consider relevant for healing doesn't matter. Doesn't have to be your style of advice.
05-29-2015, 03:36 AM
To the reader who is just joining the forum, or to anyone who is reading this, I want you to know that this forum is a magical place.
No, when I am Dungeon Master in a D&D game, now that is a magical place!
05-29-2015, 03:43 AM
What is the point of this even?
It's not as if you haven't asked this before, multiple times.
It's not as if people haven't told you how they feel about him before, multiple times.
Everyone knows he can come across strongly, and that writing style can make him seem like a guru (I have told you personally I agree with that) This is a forum, where people come and express their insight to help others heal. That's all he tries to do. Who cares how he perceives himself? Psychic? Clairsentient? A guru that can save humanity?
Does it matter? Nope.
In the end he is expressing his insight in his way. And, more often that not, it is well written, and exists in kindness/love.
You are exactly what you accuse him of. You tell people how to feel, but it's okay, because that advice is "practical". You make assumptions about the lives of others, but when you do it, you are "telling it as it is" When people disagree you get upset. When you debate with others you call them delusional, bust out the cuss words, so on and so forth. It's a very DANGEROUS way of communicating with the people who you seem to believe aren't capable of filtering through IS's content.
You justify everything you do in the name of practicality and objectivity - when it's really no different than your apparent genuine concern for how IS treats others.
Oh, and before you attack me, I'm just voicing my actual opinion, not trying to bully, I just needed to express myself in this way, so others could see this discussion as well.
Just let people heal. What advice they consider relevant for healing doesn't matter. Doesn't have to be your style of advice.
I knew someone was going to compare me to him, and I tried to avoid that in the original post. Hmmm maybe I am the psychic one.
No I do not do this:
Goomba your problem is your mother did not hold you enough. And your dad, is never held you. So what you are looking for is to be held, yet the energy you are drowning in, is covered by the waves of your lover, who should never fall into the abyss.
Allow the 5th dimension to come through and hold you and then channel that energy to your 3rd eye, where you can penetrate the psychic energy. You simply need to just follow the love in your heart that you are using to combat your mother's energy because she didn't hold you, and allow all your pain to subside beneath the waves that crash on your solar plexus so find that pain and hold on to it until it bursts into the 5th dimension where the demons exist. I am in touch with the 5th dimension.
No, I do not give advice like this. My advice is more like,
"When you feel the anxiety come on, try and allow it to pass." or "Like claire Weeks says, don;t add 2nd fear."
Not the same!
05-29-2015, 03:45 AM
But I repeat again: I am asking the question because I find his posts nuts and dangerous so simply asking if you think this or if you do not. Why people think this means go take a dig at me is beyond me. If you love I'm Suffering, please by all means express it. I made this more than clear this is only my opinions and wanted to see if other people shared the same.
05-29-2015, 08:59 AM
Jeez guys you all are so smart, I love the discussion. What about accepting us the way we are. I went through situation with Marc very similar to Jessed (:) ) Somehow he killed all the annoyance he was supposedly causing :)
Same with PanicCured. You both give a lot of good advice to people, and unfortunately we can not make everyone happy. Can we?
Panic do you remember when you could not see my posts without irritation? I bet you do. I do not think my posts irritate you anymore :)
I agree that this place is Magical somehow, it does help people. Imagine I was dealing with anxiety, keeping it a secret my whole life; I felt alone, not anymore. Something so simple as joining this forum, gave me a lot of happy hours.
Right now I am jumping on my bike; I must do something for the body too ;))
Do not fight; accept it
05-29-2015, 10:52 AM
I just think some newbies are probably put off by Im-S. Check out the Welcome thread started by Bridget called "New Girl".
Us old-timers know he means well but imagine you come on here with anxiety and you get this guy making huge assumptions and generalisations, and psychoanalysing your childhood. You might leave or you might think he's your saviour, but either way you'd be weirded out.
Sorry Im-S but I've kept my mouth shut for ages. The stuff you say to people (especially newbies who don't know your style) comes across really badly sometimes.
05-29-2015, 12:24 PM
I am not defending I'm Suffering, he can and has done that for himself.
You have asked these questions before, multiple times.
You have gotten answers to how people feel about IS before, multiple times.
Yet you still need to gather opinions? I don't understand the point, if it is truly just to gain to perspective. You have had the perspective! Lol, and please let it be the perspective you want to hear, or else you will leave? What?
"Tell me your opinions, but if your opinions are that his advice is good advice, there is no reason for me to be here."
You're always looking for a reason to leave.
Also, I never said you describe things like a guru? That display was irrelevant - and bullying to Im Suffering, not to mention ignorant to the material.
I said you make generalizations, assumptions, and tell people how they feel. Very often. And, that is the truth.
You can change the semantics, but the message is the same.
05-29-2015, 05:16 PM
It is funny to me how many responses a thread like this receives. Yet the people who have posted a new thread because they are scared or are in a bad way get very few, if any replies.
So can we just stop with the bullshit? Who really cares who fuckin likes someone's style? This is becoming a popularity contest I suppose
We joined this place to ask for advice or offer some help to people. And occasionally hit on a lass that smokes from down under
Enough energy has been expelled on this nonsense
Now everyone get a drink. It's friday, bitches
05-29-2015, 05:22 PM
We joined this place to ask for advice or offer some help to people. And occasionally hit on a lass that smokes from down under
Hahaha. Brilliant.
05-29-2015, 05:37 PM
It is funny to me how many responses a thread like this receives. Yet the people who have posted a new thread because they are scared or are in a bad way get very few, if any replies.
So can we just stop with the bullshit? Who really cares who fuckin likes someone's style? This is becoming a popularity contest I suppose
We joined this place to ask for advice or offer some help to people. And occasionally hit on a lass that smokes from down under
Enough energy has been expelled on this nonsense
Now everyone get a drink. It's friday, bitches
Cheers to that!
05-29-2015, 07:20 PM
It is funny to me how many responses a thread like this receives. Yet the people who have posted a new thread because they are scared or are in a bad way get very few, if any replies. So can we just stop with the bullshit? Who really cares who fuckin likes someone's style? This is becoming a popularity contest I suppose We joined this place to ask for advice or offer some help to people. And occasionally hit on a lass that smokes from down under Enough energy has been expelled on this nonsense Now everyone get a drink. It's friday, bitches
While this was my motivation for speaking up - I'm not sure I was helping the cause.
Thanks for keeping the perspective fresh.
05-29-2015, 07:32 PM
Nixon let's get some drinks and start the weekend:))
05-29-2015, 07:37 PM
While this was my motivation for speaking up - I'm not sure I was helping the cause.
Thanks for keeping the perspective fresh.
No worries, Goomba!
You still kick ass!
05-29-2015, 07:39 PM
Dahila, someday. You and me are gonna get hammered.
Not in Canada though
Let's meet in Ireland and grab Frankie. Jesse can just take a cab there
05-29-2015, 07:40 PM
Cheers to that!
I love your pic in that shirt!
That is so appropriate up in this bitch
05-29-2015, 08:38 PM
Us old-timers know he means well but imagine you come on here with anxiety and you get this guy making huge assumptions and generalisations, and psychoanalysing your childhood. You might leave or you might think he's your saviour, but either way you'd be weirded out.
I am not here to bully, but I anted to know if other people feel this way I do. I find his over generalizations and appealing to their vulnerability dangerous, especially if someone is suffering desperate for any help and follows what he says. I only care because I care about people with anxiety and want them to get better not follow a cult leader.
On a side note, I have found people with Asperbergers can sometimes act like they are the savior and know more than you and they are some guru type teacher, and can't see that you may know something too. I have no way to know what goes on in I'm Suffering's mind, now am I qualified to make this type of diagnosis. but to me, I see it as some type mental disorder.
05-29-2015, 08:41 PM
I am not defending I'm Suffering, he can and has done that for himself.
You have asked these questions before, multiple times.
You have gotten answers to how people feel about IS before, multiple times.
Yet you still need to gather opinions? I don't understand the point, if it is truly just to gain to perspective. You have had the perspective! Lol, and please let it be the perspective you want to hear, or else you will leave? What?
"Tell me your opinions, but if your opinions are that his advice is good advice, there is no reason for me to be here."
You're always looking for a reason to leave.
Also, I never said you describe things like a guru? That display was irrelevant - and bullying to Im Suffering, not to mention ignorant to the material.
I said you make generalizations, assumptions, and tell people how they feel. Very often. And, that is the truth.
You can change the semantics, but the message is the same.
I started a thread. You don't like it, don't post it and don't read it. 95% of this site I do not post. Go play there.
You keep asking what's the point, but I am asking you, what is the point to keep asking me what is the point? You got a problem with me, you can PM me. I've already explained in explicit detail why I posted this. If you won't read it or comprehend it, that is not my problem.
05-29-2015, 08:43 PM
It is funny to me how many responses a thread like this receives. Yet the people who have posted a new thread because they are scared or are in a bad way get very few, if any replies.
So can we just stop with the bullshit? Who really cares who fuckin likes someone's style? This is becoming a popularity contest I suppose
We joined this place to ask for advice or offer some help to people. And occasionally hit on a lass that smokes from down under
Enough energy has been expelled on this nonsense
Now everyone get a drink. It's friday, bitches
It is one post out of a million. You have an entire website her to post and read. You don;t ned to keep complaining about it. This is 1 post dealign with what I consider a big problem here. You are free to not read or click on it. I've already explained in explicit detail why I posted this. If you won't read it or comprehend it, that is not my problem.
05-29-2015, 08:44 PM
Now is Jessed going to post how he feels about I'm Suffering or will I have to simply copy and paste myself his true feelings that he messaged me?
05-29-2015, 09:40 PM
Now is Jessed going to post how he feels about I'm Suffering or will I have to simply copy and paste myself his true feelings that he messaged me?
This is turning into a bit of a witch hunt now. Do you want to hear that other people don't like Im-Suffering? Then fine, I'll give you what you want. Hopefully it'll put this thread to bed, because it isn't going anywhere.
Sure. There are other people that don't like him. Or, well, his style, I should say, as it takes a long time to know someone personally online. There have been newbies that have quit because of him. That's true. Not many, but a few I believe. I've had people message me about some of his advice, and I've told them to take it with a pinch of salt. I even jokingly told Bridget (who didn't like his advice) that he's completely nuts and will blame everything on her mother. She saw the funny side. I jokingly told that to you, too.
There are probably as many people on this forum that don't like his posts as there are people that do like them. They're fairly controversial at times; however, more so in their delivery rather their message. So, Panic, yes, there are lots of people who think the same way as you do. I know, because they've told me.
Now, do I like his posts? That's a difficult question to answer.
If you want to search my username, you'll see I've had several fairly heated debates with Suff about his style. It's not like I'm shying away from discussing him; I've just been there, done that. I know Gypsy criticized his style in this thread too. On one thread I exchanged several messages with him about his tendency to put everything down to "beliefs". We discussed that. On another thread I said that he should present his ideas as theories, rather than facts. He replied to those messages of mine, and we left it there. That's ok. He criticizes the posts of others too, albeit not in a malicious way. That's fine.
Now, after all of that, I just leave him to his business. He has as much right to post his opinions on a public forum as you or I do. People thank him. Look at mrslizzyg in the porn thread. She expressed huge thanks to him. How can any of us argue with that?
Sometimes, I can tell what he writes is bang on the money and that he's offering really valuable, life-changing advice. Sometimes, I think his posts are way, way out there and are probably not going to help the person in question. Maybe they'll even harm them. But then, many of my posts have been the same. And yours, too, so don't act like it's just him.
So am I a fan of his work? Sometimes. Sometimes I'm also his biggest critic. But is he dangerous or out of line? I don't know that, dude. I don't know. I've tried to think about how I'd handle advice from him if I was in an acute stage of anxiety, and I'm unsure of how it would work. Sometimes I think it would harm me, as it can appear VERY confrontational at times. Also, I feel it'd confuse me if I wasn't prone to exploratory thinking. But to his credit, advice he has given has actually helped other people, as well as long-serving forum members here, like Nixon. And some of his posts, if you search them, are so very articulated that they're extremely helpful to the OP. How can we argue that?
I don't like this thread because I'm not sure you're really the person to criticize others. There was a time when you were so abusive to people they put a yellow box around the forum telling people (which we all knew meant you) to act more appropriately. A cancer sufferer used to visit this forum, and you stressed her out so much she quit (Scared44, I think her name was). Who knows what she's up to now. Nixon left for a while because of you. I could have jumped on that bandwagon and said, "Panic's a jackass, let's report him and get him banned." But I didn't, because some people valued your input, and rightly so. I stood up for you. Now, a couple of years later, I could jump on the IS bandwagon and say, "Oh, he's upset some newbies, let's ban him!" But, I don't want to do that either, because SOME (not all) people value his input too.
My opinion of his advice is that it is out there. No doubt about it. But as a person, he's genuine. And he puts in a lot of work when nobody else can be bothered. I don't see you posting on several threads every day. I certainly don't put in that kind of effort, either.
Maybe before you ask him to leave, start posting on the forum multiple times daily. Maybe then your opinions will carry more weight. You can't just log in every other week, post twice, piss a few people off and then start calling shots. Doesn't work that way.
Now, can we please end this thread? This is the most dangerous thing on the forum right at this very moment.
05-29-2015, 10:17 PM
This is turning into a bit of a witch hunt now. Do you want to hear that other people don't like Im-Suffering?
No I asked for people's honest opinions about his posts and if they feel they are dangerous to people or if not. Good and bad opinions. I made it clear, if you love his posts than please say so. . I just asked for honest opinions. If you are going to make a long post how wonderful he is, but then you PM me telling me you really think he's nuts and was just bullshitting in the previous post, that kind of mocks what I was trying to do here.
05-29-2015, 10:23 PM
A cancer sufferer used to visit this forum, and you stressed her out so much she quit (Scared44, I think her name was). Who
I have no idea what you are talking about. I would never harm anyone who had cancer in any way. If this was the case than I had no idea she had cancer. This is a really fucked up statement from you, accusing me of upsetting someone who had cancer as if I was so callous to do this. I would never do this. If I got in an argument with someone who had cancer I had no idea they had cancer. This is a fucked up statement from you! I don't know people's personal lives here so I simply did not know.
I never abused anyone here. The only time I have lashed out at anyone if they did it to me first in which I retaliated. I never "abuse" anyone, another fucked up statement. I have taken the most abuse on this forum than anyone I know.I have had hoards of people gang up on me like a mob hurling vicious abuses of almost threats. Yet I retaliate in defense and I get called out. I am always down to earth and do not have this evil side to me where I just start hurling abuses and harassing cancer patients.
Ridiculous insinuation and highly offensive!
05-29-2015, 10:27 PM
Really tired of people making me pout to be the bad guy when I genuinely try and help people here with solid advice. You first post a long winded post you claimed was a sham, and now you are accusing me of hurling someone with cancer, something I would never do.
This is what Jessed PM'd me:
"My main reason for that long-winded post is because I reeeeeeeeally want to see a picture of Im-Suffering. I just have to know who talks like that, and who gives advice based on their conversations with the dead. The curiosity is killing me. Other than that, I don't like his tone at all, no. Then again, I don't have much anxiety any more, so maybe I'm not the best judge of what helps.
Take it easy!"
"All of the guys on Facebook are desperate for a pic. Once we've got it then meh. I work in sales. I bullshit all the time man. Everyone knows he's a nut job."
05-29-2015, 10:32 PM
I said that to shut you up cos you sent me about 4 PMs saying, "How can you like that guy?" It's called being diplomatic. Trying to keep peace. But what do you know about that?
You really are one of the most pathetic people I've ever met in my life. You're like a child. If you don't get any attention you act like a spoilt brat. If you disagree with someone you act like a spoilt brat.
I wash my hands of you. I've tried to be neutral about you for a long time, but you know what, the hundreds of people that have criticized you over the years were all right.
05-29-2015, 10:33 PM
And Jessed acts very antagonistic here to me but look what else he PM's me about I'm Suffering
"I basically message anybody whose thread he posts on telling them to ignore him anyway, so hopefully we're good.
Keep up the good work."
So keep up the good work yet make a long post how I am out of line? This is a bit loony.
05-29-2015, 10:36 PM
I said that to shut you up cos you sent me about 4 PMs saying, "How can you like that guy?" It's called being diplomatic. Trying to keep peace. But what do you know about that?
You really are one of the most pathetic people I've ever met in my life. You're like a child. If you don't get any attention you act like a spoilt brat. If you disagree with someone you act like a spoilt brat.
I wash my hands of you. I've tried to be neutral about you for a long time, but you know what, the hundreds of people that have criticized you over the years were all right.
I'm done with this thread.
I didn't send you a PM first. You sent me! Are you crazy? Seriously, are you crazy? I only responded to your messages to me. Do you not know what you do or say? Now you are going to lie here and say you said all that to shut me up? Come on man, be truthful.
I have never PM'd you EVER until you sent me this message first. This is what you sent me FIRST. I only responded to what you sent me like dude, if you are going to write me this in private and write the exact opposite in this thread, why not just say what you tell me here?
"Thanks for the shout out on your thread.
My main reason for that long-winded post is because I reeeeeeeeally want to see a picture of Im-Suffering. I just have to know who talks like that, and who gives advice based on their conversations with the dead. The curiosity is killing me. Other than that, I don't like his tone at all, no. Then again, I don't have much anxiety any more, so maybe I'm not the best judge of what helps.
Take it easy!"
05-29-2015, 10:43 PM
I think I may be dealing with too many people with mental disorders that cause them to act irrational. It isn't funny, but this may be the case here. Not everyone of course, but some arguments people have with me here just seem like irrational thinking of people who have some mental problems. Mental problems are serious issues, so I'm not mocking them, and I wish them well, but maybe the irrational thought processes of some of these people make it difficult for me to have logical linear conversations about things. The constant re-explaining I have to do to get simple points across, keeping topics focused and people lashing out when I try to help them, I think there is some mental issues with some people here. What did I expect, it is a forum for people with mental problems. I guess I simply can't talk to people on that level. I talk to people as if they don't have any mental issues which probably is not effective. I guess I just can't talk to someone with mental issues as if I am someone with mental issues relating to them. I just talk to people as if everyone is very lucid and calm. This is getting weird!
05-29-2015, 10:48 PM
I don't have any mental disorders and you do come across as someone who needs anger management therapy. But you don't come across as nuts, like certain others.
This thread is getting psychotic though lol.
Also, it's not cool to post someone's PMs no matter how contradictory their statements are there.
05-29-2015, 10:50 PM
I wanted you to drop the thread, ok? I wanted you to drop it. Everybody wanted you to drop it. This is an harmonious group -- until you log in. Everybody has explicitly said to you, drop. the. thread.
But you like the drama. You love it. You get off on it. The same way a child does. How old are, Jeremy? Serious question?
While I'm here, let me also tell you something else. Don't ever say you're cured of anxiety again. Don't you dare. Because it's a lie. Sure, you may not hyperventilate any more, or even think you're dying. We know you've read the books and can paraphrase some lines. We know you've tried herbs. But are you cured? Not in the slightest.
Just look at the nervous energy that flows through you. Everybody can see it. How many times have people said that your aggression is compensating for something. Look at your insatiable need for conflict. Look at your desperation for approval. Look how needy you are and how important it is for you to be right. None of these are symptoms of a calm, peaceful, mature man.
So next time you post, giving it the big "I'm cured of anxiety", I'm going to chuckle to myself, knowing that you're not. And you know what's going to make me laugh even harder? You're the only person on here who doesn't see it.
And as for the criticism people have about you, yes, they could be mental, or... much more likely, the dozens of people from different parts of the world, including myself now, see you exactly as you are.
"The first time someone calls you a horse, you punch them in the face. The second time someone calls you a horse, you call them a jerk. The third time someone calls you a horse... well, maybe it's time to start shopping for a saddle."
05-29-2015, 11:00 PM
I think the result of this thread should be that Im-S tones it down when it comes to newbs.
The smoking lass from Down Under has spoken!
05-29-2015, 11:04 PM
I've always thought PanicCured came across as a psycho. Every time there is any form of conflict on this forum he always seems to be there at the heart of it. I thought Im-Suffering was weird too at first, but he has sent me to some websites that have really helped me improve upon my condition. I don't visit this forum very much and thus don't know too much more about him. That being said, I am eternally grateful for him for helping me as he has done.
05-30-2015, 12:39 AM
Jessed You are either a complete compulsive liar unaware of what you say or you have split personality.
If anyone thinks the sequence of events below is my fault, Jessed makes sense andI did something so awful here, sorry, but you are bonkers:
Here is what happened:
This is what happened: Jessed posts a lonf post how great I'm Suffering is. Says at first he wasn't into him but now he sees what a kind a great guy he is. I respond to him very politely thanking him for his opinion and even compliment him although I disagree.
Out of nowhere I get a message form him:
"Thanks for the shout out on your thread.
My main reason for that long-winded post is because I reeeeeeeeally want to see a picture of Im-Suffering. I just have to know who talks like that, and who gives advice based on their conversations with the dead. The curiosity is killing me. Other than that, I don't like his tone at all, no. Then again, I don't have much anxiety any more, so maybe I'm not the best judge of what helps.
Take it easy!"
I respond to him that why would you write the complete opposite but PM me this? Why don't you write how you really feel?
His response:
"All of the guys on Facebook are desperate for a pic. Once we've got it then meh. I work in sales. I bullshit all the time man. Everyone knows he's a nut job."
He also sends me:
"I basically message anybody whose thread he posts on telling them to ignore him anyway, so hopefully we're good.
Keep up the good work."
This pisses me off actually. Why bullshit people? I wrote to him:
"I think if you are going to post, than don't bullshit, let people know your true feelings. If you don;t I'm gonna post what you just wrote to me."
and what does he do? Makes another long winded post all about how horrible I am saying I abused someone with cancer. First off, I would never ever harm someone with cancer, and second, I only retaliate after I am bullied and beaten to the ground, which is regular occurrence here. I am completely treated like shit here by a mob. So why do I post here then? GREAT QUESTION!
He then posts here:
"I said that to shut you up cos you sent me about 4 PMs saying, "How can you like that guy?" This is a solid blatant lie. First, he sent me a message out of nowhere first. Second, I never asked him why he liked him, since he told me in the first message he was bullshitting. I knew he didn't liek him. I only asked why do you PM me the opposite.
Jessed either is suffering a breakdown or he is a liar. I don;t take kindly to beign fucked with lek this.
So nobody thinks I have any feelings. Nobody realizes that wen you are abused to the max by a group of people, even by way of typing, it hurts. I never do that to anyone! I give advice sometimes in a straight forward no bullshit manner, but I don't get mean until I am abused first.
Jessed is posting bullshit here about Im Suffering and bullshit about me. I called him out on it and now I am horrible?
Yet here comes the mob to stomp on me!
And fuck you Jessed! I did cure my anxiety years ago and it could never come back. I can't beleve you didn't have the balls to be honest and you defend yourself with more lies.
Now you will all say I abused Jessed ignoring everything he wrote to me and about me as if I am the world's punching bag.
SO yeah, after I have been abused by tge mob of internet bullies for years here who I have now concluded at least half have serious mental issues lacking logical linear thought, it does hurt. This Jessed thing is an example of just 100 times of crazy. I have spent so many hours here working with people trying to help them get past anxiety and I repeated;y get literally abused and bullied yet one little thing I do you all go ape shit! Yes I am hurt about it in which I am sure you will abuse me about that.
I'm going to set up some website wereI can go one on one with anxiety sufferers without an audience so I can actually help people without being harassed, bullied and forced to explain and re-explain every fucking comment I make 200 times because people can't comprehend basic English. Apparently, me, who occupies 5% of this forum, is the world's punching bag and unable to show any emotion for anything anyone says to me, but anything I say no matter how sincere is shit on by all you fucktards!
Here is a big middle finger to all of you that blame me for this! I am sure Jessed will be praised asa hero now. Yes, I feel like fucking shit now!
05-30-2015, 12:42 AM
paniccured how very dare you. I've been on this forum for a very long time. I was here when you said you were quitting and never coming back ever again. I was here when people the whole forum at the time ganged up against you because you actually abused people so much they cried.
I was reading this as a lurker like i do a lot. I wondered about scared44 as i knew her. I went to search for her to see if i could find anything out. I couldn't. what i did find was something else that was interesting.
on the 28th of april 2013, you had at that point abused so many people on this forum with your aggressive ways that the forum MODERATOR logged on and said this about you before the put a WARNING box on the forum because of your aggression:
i do agree with you paniccured. i do believe there is someone on this forum with an undiagnosed mental problem that they aren't dealing with. i believe that person is you. Two years paniccured. two years and you are STILL doing the same thing you've always done, and that is to abuse people.
Let me ask you, why didn't you leave when everyone asked you to? is it because you're ego is so big you need the validation being the "guru" brings? is it more likely because nobody in the "real world" respects you?
i certainly dont respect you. we know you make posts about things, but you do so for very very selfish reasons. starting fights on a ANXIETY forum. wow that is low.
hey asshole! Point out were in tis fucking thread I abused someone? You are the bully. You are abusing me. Go point it out! I would have only argued with someone to the point anyone could call abuse if I took massive abuse first. I would never try and make someone cry. It was obviously a long debate or something and I took tons of bullying and abuse there but you would have ignored anything said to me. But you would have ignored anything said by another person. And I never knew that person had cancer until today. I posted true quotes from Jessed, He abuses me yet I am the bad guy! You are all so fucked up!
Go point out, where did I abuse someone on this thread? WHERE! I can clearly point out dozens of times where I was abused! But it doesn't matter to you right?
05-30-2015, 12:44 AM
*sits eating popcorn omnomnom*
PC, has anyone told you arguing on the internet is like the Special Olympics? Even if you win, you're still a retard :) (no comments about my political incorrectness there please).
05-30-2015, 01:01 AM
Ahhhh, so you're the victim are you? Lol. How about the abusive message you just sent Dan? I saw it. You called her an "asshole". Make you a big man does it, abusing a woman? I've seen the other posts you've written to Suff, too, calling him a "delusional psychotic egomaniac". You delete them quick, which is an improvement. But that anger still consumes you, doesn't it?
Ah well. You need to calm down. You need to stop getting so anxious about minor things. Look at your above post. There are so many typos and badly worded sentences in it. Chill out, man. Relax. Ok? You really get worked up about stuff. Try meditation. Dahila could have helped you with that, but you spent about 2 years absuing her, didn't you?
I may as well explain why I sent those messages, seeing as you're the only one who doesn't seem to get it..
I liked you before I saw your true colours. I know people have criticized you in the past, but I always thought you were alright. When you posted this, I was under pressure to protect Suff's image. You think people won't search this thread for years to come? I wanted to give a positive shout out to my bud.
But because I liked you, I wanted to play it cool, too. I wanted the best of both worlds. I wanted you to think I was just being a joker, just clowning around. I wanted you to think, "yeah, this dude's cool." But I also wanted to back Suff. So I reached out to you in those messages. I wanted to sort of give you an alibi and validate you a bit. I know you need that. I thought that would be that. I thought we'd be cool, and I'd be cool with Suff, and this would all end. It was kinda stupid, and actually kind of childish. I do apologize to Suff for that. That's no way to act. I wasn't thinking things through. People know I'm always clowning around on here and have a dark sense of humour. Nobody gets offended by the stuff I say; they know I'm always busting chops. Still, I could have acted better in hindsight.
But... you just had to take that charity message and use it as political capital, didn't you? You just had to be the big guy and win the argument. Trust, friendship - none of that meant anything to you. No, ickle wickle PanicCured had to pwove to evwybody he's the big guy. Well, in my opinion, and the opinions of the many who have messaged me saying, "I wish I said that to Panic", you've made yourself look an idiot.
Now do us ALL a favour: drop this childish behavior, calm down, grow up and leave me and Suff alone. This is degrading to everybody, but nobody more so than you, Jeremy.
05-30-2015, 01:26 AM
Ahhhh, so you're the victim are you? Lol. How about the abusive message you just sent Dan? I saw it.
Yes stupid! I said that to Dan after he said this to me:
"i certainly dont respect you. "
i do believe there is someone on this forum with an undiagnosed mental problem that they aren't dealing with. i believe that person is you."
and he lied here: "I was here when people the whole forum at the time ganged up against you because you actually abused people so much they cried." I never abused anyone.
why didn't you leave when everyone asked you to? is it because you're ego is so big you need the validation being the "guru" brings? is it more likely because nobody in the "real world" respects you?"
Does nobody understand people say shit to me first? Are you blind? Claiming I go around abusing people is absurd!
Do you take ZERO responsibility for what you pulled on me which I only posted actual quotes by you. The truth and nothing else?
What set me off is you claiming I hurt someone with cancer which is a horrible accusation that I had no idea anyone had any cancer. And that person I did not just abuse. People abuse me 100 times more than anything I say to people. I only say bad shit when I am attacked first which gives me that right. People have killed themselves for the way people treat me here. I would never be dumb to do that, but it is this mob mentality ganging up on people that have caused people to actually kill themselves. The point is, nobody cares about that. Only if I call someone an asshole for attacking me not being super hand holding to someone, or in your case, posted true quotes contradicting your posts attacking me.
Anyway, seems there is no logical people here who can comprehend anything I'm saying. This has led me to believe I am dealign with some people who really do have mental issues.
05-30-2015, 01:32 AM
*sits eating popcorn omnomnom*
PC, has anyone told you arguing on the internet is like the Special Olympics? Even if you win, you're still a retard :) (no comments about my political incorrectness there please).
Sure but I need to make my case for the tiny fraction of rational people so I at least say everything I need to say. And I appreciate you posting what you PMd me with, instead of pulling a jessed and throwing me under the bus.
05-30-2015, 01:33 AM
Aww, you poor wickle baby. :(
Can someone give Panic Wanic a hug?
Seeing as I've told you already not to bombard my inbox with messages, I'll tell you this here:
Jeremy, Jezza, PanicCured - whatever you want to be called - people are starting to talk about you in a bad way. Seeing as you like sharing messages, here are a few I've gotten in the last hour:
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PCs having a meltdown!"
"Is PanicCured mental or something, he seems unhinged?"
"You've said to him what we were all thinking"
I'm not going to reveal the names, as I'm not like that, but if you don't believe me, I'll happily upload screenshots with the names blurred out.
So Jeremy, man, put this thread to bed. Nobody really cares except you. Who's here, backing you up? You're just digging up dirt, and with your history, that's a BAD thing to do.
I was a little mad at you at first for pulling that low, low move, but now I just feel bad for you. I feel really, really bad for you.
05-30-2015, 01:35 AM
I'm the one about PC having a meltdown :D
05-30-2015, 01:36 AM
Ahhhh, so you're the victim are you? Lol. How about the abusive message you just sent Dan? I saw it. You called her an "asshole". Make you a big man does it, abusing a woman? I've seen the other posts you've written to Suff, too, calling him a "delusional psychotic egomaniac". You delete them quick, which is an improvement. But that anger still consumes you, doesn't it?
Ah well. You need to calm down. You need to stop getting so anxious about minor things. Look at your above post. There are so many typos and badly worded sentences in it. Chill out, man. Relax. Ok? You really get worked up about stuff. Try meditation. Dahila could have helped you with that, but you spent about 2 years absuing her, didn't you?
I may as well explain why I sent those messages, seeing as you're the only one who doesn't seem to get it..
I liked you before I saw your true colours. I know people have criticized you in the past, but I always thought you were alright. When you posted this, I was under pressure to protect Suff's image. You think people won't search this thread for years to come? I wanted to give a positive shout out to my bud.
But because I liked you, I wanted to play it cool, too. I wanted the best of both worlds. I wanted you to think I was just being a joker, just clowning around. I wanted you to think, "yeah, this dude's cool." But I also wanted to back Suff. So I reached out to you in those messages. I wanted to sort of give you an alibi and validate you a bit. I know you need that. I thought that would be that. I thought we'd be cool, and I'd be cool with Suff, and this would all end. It was kinda stupid, and actually kind of childish. I do apologize to Suff for that. That's no way to act. I wasn't thinking things through. People know I'm always clowning around on here and have a dark sense of humour. Nobody gets offended by the stuff I say; they know I'm always busting chops. Still, I could have acted better in hindsight.
But... you just had to take that charity message and use it as political capital, didn't you? You just had to be the big guy and win the argument. Trust, friendship - none of that meant anything to you. No, ickle wickle PanicCured had to pwove to evwybody he's the big guy. Well, in my opinion, and the opinions of the many who have messaged me saying, "I wish I said that to Panic", you've made yourself look an idiot.
Now do us ALL a favour: drop this childish behavior, calm down, grow up and leave me and Suff alone. This is degrading to everybody, but nobody more so than you, Jeremy.
I think you are a total liar! I don't believe you. Those messages you sent me do not come across as you playing games. I'll let the readers decide. Best to just fess up already.
You attacked me and I showed you are bullshitting. I presented the evidence to the jury. Simple as that.
05-30-2015, 01:39 AM
Aww, you poor wickle baby. :(
Can someone give Panic Wanic a hug?
Seeing as I've told you already not to bombard my inbox with messages, I'll tell you this here:
Jeremy, Jezza, PanicCured - whatever you want to be called - people are starting to talk about you in a bad way. Seeing as you like sharing messages, here are a few I've gotten in the last hour:
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PCs having a meltdown!"
"Is PanicCured mental or something, he seems unhinged?"
"You've said to him what we were all thinking"
I'm not going to reveal the names, as I'm not like that, but if you don't believe me, I'll happily upload screenshots with the names blurred out.
So Jeremy, man, put this thread to bed. Nobody really cares except you. Who's here, backing you up? You're just digging up dirt, and with your history, that's a BAD thing to do.
I was a little mad at you at first for pulling that low, low move, but now I just feel bad for you. I feel really, really bad for you.
Yeah if I call Dhalia a bitch, after she gets very agressive with me repeatedly you go ape shit and the mob comes to stomp on me and you brign it up 5 months later. If I am abused, I mean literally ganged up on and abused to absolute maximum proportions, with vile cursings, insults and at a very severe level, you make fun of me and say I am crying right? Really shows your integrity.
05-30-2015, 01:42 AM
I posted quotes you said that contradicted your posts here in which one attacked me. You are posting insults to me. You are obviously so braindead you can't comprehend any of the logic I am trying to get across to you. Completely out of your fucking mind!
This is why I get angry here. Because I have to spend 2 hours and 5000 words to explain the most simplest fucking logic to braindead stubborn idiots! Explaining, re-explaining, it drives me insane! But the thing is, you are so unreasonable, you don't even understand this paragraph right here!
What a waste of time. Having to explain myself to people who are viciously abusing me, literally trying to hurt me, and would probably violently abuse me if they could.
05-30-2015, 01:48 AM
This is why I get angry here. Because I have to spend 2 hours and 5000 words to explain the most simplest fucking logic to braindead stubborn idiots!
So don't? You hate it here so don't be here?
05-30-2015, 01:49 AM
Oh, Panic. Oh, boy.
Listen very carefully. This is an internet forum. It's a forum where people come to chat about things and about anxiety. There are no mobs. There are no brain-dead idiots. There are no gangs. There is no jury. There are no sides. There is just a small group who hang out. All of this war-zone mentality..... it's in your head. Nobody else experiences this but you.
These insecurities are in your mind, Jeremy. Hence, me saying you're nowhere near being over your anxiety. Not the deeper stuff, anyway.
Now I can see this negative energy is overwhelming for you, so I'm going to leave all of this alone now. I'm not going to talk to you on this thread any more in future, as that's best for you in order to help you get better. I shouldn't have sent those silly messages. I admit that. It's something I won't do again in future. Now, take some time to work on yourself, please. Ok? Maybe then in the words of Kuma, you'll stop coming across as "a joke" to lots of people. Nobody wants to see that. Not even me.
Peace out.
05-30-2015, 01:53 AM
Oh, Panic. Oh, boy.
Listen very carefully. This is an internet forum. It's a forum where people come to chat about things and about anxiety. There are no mobs. There are no brain-dead idiots. There are no gangs. There is no jury. There are no sides. There is just a small group who hang out. All of this war-zone mentality..... it's in your head. Nobody else experiences this but you.
These insecurities are in your mind, Jeremy. Hence, me saying you're nowhere near being over your anxiety. Not the deeper stuff, anyway.
Now I can see this negative energy is overwhelming for you, so I'm going to leave all of this alone now. I'm not going to talk to you on this thread any more in future, as that's best for you in order to help you get better. I shouldn't have sent those silly messages. I admit that. It's something I won't do again in future. Now, take some time to work on yourself, please. Ok? Maybe then in the words of Kuma, you'll stop coming across as "a joke" to lots of people. Nobody wants to see that. Not even me.
Peace out.
This has been a very good post!!
05-30-2015, 01:55 AM
Oh, Panic. Oh, boy.
Listen very carefully. This is an internet forum. It's a forum where people come to chat about things and about anxiety. There are no mobs. There are no brain-dead idiots. There are no gangs. There is no jury. There are no sides. There is just a small group who hang out. All of this war-zone mentality..... it's in your head. Nobody else experiences this but you.
These insecurities are in your mind, Jeremy. Hence, me saying you're nowhere near being over your anxiety. Not the deeper stuff, anyway.
Now I can see this negative energy is overwhelming for you, so I'm going to leave all of this alone now. I'm not going to talk to you on this thread any more in future, as that's best for you in order to help you get better. I shouldn't have sent those silly messages. I admit that. It's something I won't do again in future. Now, take some time to work on yourself, please. Ok? Maybe then in the words of Kuma, you'll stop coming across as "a joke" to lots of people. Nobody wants to see that. Not even me.
Peace out.
No bullshit! Total bullshit and you know this!
I could quote various people on the this thread all hurling straight up verbal abuse and personal attacks at me. It is not in my head! You know I can gather hoards of quotes attacking me just in this thread alone. You've probably already read them yet still ignore them. But I won't do it because it still will not get through to you so why bother.
05-30-2015, 02:00 AM
Are you fuckigng blind? This is one of the many posts that has turned into a group attack on me! Now its you attacking and insulting me with Gyspe as your sidekick. I post nothing about me, and look how many people on 8 pages have turned this into personal attacks on me? You don;t see it than you are completely out of touch! While I take the time to not do personal attacks on I'm Suffering and simply tried to be forthcoming and polite. Yet I am bombareded with personal attacks and you still don;t see it?
05-30-2015, 02:05 AM
Are you fuckigng blind? This is one of the many posts that has turned into a group attack on me! Now its you attacking and insulting me with Gyspe as your sidekick. I post nothing about me, and look how many people on 8 pages have turned this into personal attacks on me? You don;t see it than you are completely out of touch! While I take the time to not do personal attacks on I'm Suffering and simply tried to be forthcoming and polite. Yet I am bombareded with personal attacks and you still don;t see it?
You don't think posting Jesse's private messages is out of line? It served no purpose but to make you look like an arse.
Oh no, sae has thoughts (and is referring to herself in third person). I have watched this thread with perverse interest, watching it grow from a silly witch hunt to an all out shit flinging.
The differences between argument and debate are many. A debate poses a query, each side thoughtfully makes their case with fact and logic; everyone in attendance has something to learn.
An argument poses the same query, but emotions begin to run high. The information passed between two or more parties is charged with heavy feels and very little relatable truth. Everyone in attendance in turn is affected negatively, whether it is becoming hurt, lashing out, or just standing by uncomfortably.
One of the things I have learned over the past few months is learning the difference between beneficial communication and detrimental communication. If what I say serves no purpose to anyone other than to vindicate myself I often keep it to myself.
At the end of the day, whether I feel wronged, abused, angry, sad, stressed or victimized doesn't change the fact that life keeps on going. I have forged a wall of negativity that keeps me captive, literally cheating me of moments I will never get back. That sucks, so I make my time precious, my words useful, and my intentions something I can always take pride in.
You will not ever get back your yesterday, and you have no real control over tomorrow. You have this moment to decide what is worth your precious, waning time.
We are all here because we hurt in some way or another. Some of us feel alienated from the rest of the world, others are wrapped up in anger over a world that seems to have left us in the cold. Most of us are afraid, be it of our own selves, things we can't control, of the scrutiny of others, or just because the gravity of our own fragile existence weighs on us so heavily we begin to resemble Atlas with the world on our shoulder.
I propose a challenge to anyone reading this, not any one particular person here, to be a light to someone you can't stand, just once. You don't have to like them, or agree with them.I know what you're thinking. Why bother, they won't listen to me anyway? They may not, but at least you have made an effort to be a part of a solution instead of exacerbating an apparent problem. You never know, you just might make a new friend out of it. Lord knows we all need friends.
05-30-2015, 04:04 AM
Oh no, sae has thoughts (and is referring to herself in third person). I have watched this thread with perverse interest, watching it grow from a silly witch hunt to an all out shit flinging.
The differences between argument and debate are many. A debate poses a query, each side thoughtfully makes their case with fact and logic; everyone in attendance has something to learn.
An argument poses the same query, but emotions begin to run high. The information passed between two or more parties is charged with heavy feels and very little relatable truth. Everyone in attendance in turn is affected negatively, whether it is becoming hurt, lashing out, or just standing by uncomfortably.
One of the things I have learned over the past few months is learning the difference between beneficial communication and detrimental communication. If what I say serves no purpose to anyone other than to vindicate myself I often keep it to myself.
At the end of the day, whether I feel wronged, abused, angry, sad, stressed or victimized doesn't change the fact that life keeps on going. I have forged a wall of negativity that keeps me captive, literally cheating me of moments I will never get back. That sucks, so I make my time precious, my words useful, and my intentions something I can always take pride in.
You will not ever get back your yesterday, and you have no real control over tomorrow. You have this moment to decide what is worth your precious, waning time.
We are all here because we hurt in some way or another. Some of us feel alienated from the rest of the world, others are wrapped up in anger over a world that seems to have left us in the cold. Most of us are afraid, be it of our own selves, things we can't control, of the scrutiny of others, or just because the gravity of our own fragile existence weighs on us so heavily we begin to resemble Atlas with the world on our shoulder.
I propose a challenge to anyone reading this, not any one particular person here, to be a light to someone you can't stand, just once. You don't have to like them, or agree with them.I know what you're thinking. Why bother, they won't listen to me anyway? They may not, but at least you have made an effort to be a part of a solution instead of exacerbating an apparent problem. You never know, you just might make a new friend out of it. Lord knows we all need friends.
Well said lady.
05-30-2015, 04:10 AM
I think the thread was a good one, personally. I don't even have a problem with my "argument" with Panic. I was just a bit annoyed he put me on blast like that for personal gain.
People have spoken about Suff behind his back, which isn't really cool. This thread gave people a chance to speak out if they wanted to, which some people did. Things need to be said sometimes, even if they are unpleasant. Personally, I have no idea how Suff will take this. The thread was executed poorly, even though the idea was good.
I hope that a couple of points were taken and we can move on. I find getting heated to be a good way to dig out all of the thoughts and feelings people won't admit to otherwise. I believe more is accomplished that way than through pleasantries, as long as it's controlled.
At least it allowed Gypsy to finally speak her mind. :)
05-30-2015, 04:29 AM
I just hope something comes of it. Like I said, I want Im-Suffering to not frighten newbies anymore.
05-30-2015, 06:51 AM
Wow. I was drinking plenty of Natty Boh's last night with my bride and didnt see this ship come into port. Just wow.
A great read though whilst drinking coffee nursing a bit of a hangover
I feel the need to chime in for those people that are new or that haven't opened up yet because as they read this they may get the impression that some good people aren't very good people
Someone new reading this debacle may decide that Jesse speaks out of two different sides of his mouth. Not the case
I have been here a few years and Jesse and I have become pretty good friends considering we never met. In fact, we message back and forth most nights and sometimes that will last 4 hours. We talk about you sometimes Gypsy. You may be the one that ends up dividing us since we are in competition for your cigarettes Way to go. Bitch. :). LOL
I see myself a lot in him even though he lives in the UK and drinks warm beer. I like to match wits with him and admittedly, get irritated when he gets the best of me. That is a rare occurrence by the way. My kids think he's funny with some of the things he writes to me and my wife, well, let's just say he can't come to my home state
We have had conversations about everyone here. Those here now and those who moved on from AF.
And what he is stating about ImSuffering is correct. We both had a few conversations at IS expense trying to figure what the hell he was talking about. He was deep, man. Real deep. I know we both came to appreciate his dedication and started to understand his posts more once we had a feel for who he was once he opened up and told his story.
As Jesse mentioned, a brief conversation between IS and Goomba took me to the final healing level with their words without ever addressing me. That was too cool and that gave me a new opinion of IS and finally understood when he always tells people to reread his posts and it will sink in
But this post isn't aout IS, it's about debunking what I believe people may read to think that Jesse isn't cool
Look up his past posts in threads. It's either helpful ar funny. I like to think he and I take the same approach when we post. Treating anxiety serious but treat it with humor as not to make it out to be as bad as people believe it is. Getting people to laugh at themselves is a great start
I have messages from Jesse about this thread stating that he was going to try and end it by keeping the peace, in his words. He was writing with a bunch of emojis that were laughing saying that he told PC that ImSuffering is a fruit loop. I wrote back to him that he should tell PC that IS is really Kyle Morgan or AppleCherry. That will prove ironic as you continue this read if you don't know who those two gems were
The idea of posting PM's from someone to you on the public forum is pretty fucked up to me. You do not get the context and it will completely make people hesitate to reach out to someone on a more personal level in the future
I tried to do the exact same thing during one of the many funds when AppleCherry was here. I wrote a PM to that crazy bitch backing her opinions in order just to shut her up and shut the thread down. A week later she was in after again and started publicly posting my PM to her. Fortunately most here knew me well enough to know what I wrote was not my true feelings but it looked bad on me. It really did
My point is this. Jess and IS had a rocky start here and they somehow came to a kinda weird relationship of liking each other. The same is true with me and IS but it was a more personal between the two of them.
ISO takes abuse sometimes but he is a big boy and his feelings aren't easily hurt but I wanted him to know that what Jess PM to PCI was meant in jest. Not serious and as I said, he told me in a PM what he was going to do
I am not defending Jesse. I am just telling people the truth. They decide from there if you believe him or what I write here
That is enough talking this way about a guy. I feel closer to gay than I ever have, not there is anything wrong with that.
I need to take a shower.
05-30-2015, 07:07 AM
"We talk about you sometimes Gypsy. You may be the one that ends up dividing us since we are in competition for your cigarettes Way to go. Bitch. . LOL"
Yeah Jesse already gets my cigarettes. He's been smoking them for a while.. Didn't he tell you?
05-30-2015, 07:20 AM
Thank you, Nixon. That was a good post. We even got you to write on multiple lines. In fact, it's now time I told you this was all just a test to see if we could get you to do so.
Ok, but seriously. Yes, earlier I was extremely annoyed. There's an unwritten rule on this forum that you never break. You NEVER reveal what goes on in the PMs, unless you've been given the green light to do so. Whether you personal message to talk about anxiety, make a joke, or call somebody a "dumb bastard", they stay private. Anybody who goes against that really loses the trust of the whole group. Even the mods were strict about this rule.
Because, like Nixon said, you don't get the context from quick quotes. You don't see the messages that were sent the other way to elicit such responses, and you can't tell the tone of the messages.
Nobody has ever done that to me, and I assumed they never would. My attempts to keep everybody as a friend and diffuse a nasty situation backfired. I'm sorry to Suff, and any newbies reading this. While Nixon has all but confirmed my intentions were innocent, it does look bad, and I have caused unnecessary conflict. Well, that won't happen again, as I'll only message people I trust from now on, and will keep PMs nice and boring. :)
Hope my dumb joke is forgiven, and we can spend the day doing what we do best: drinking beer, chatting to Gypsy, and curing anxiety!
Mr Jingles
05-30-2015, 07:52 AM
(I'm sending this to I'm suffering as a PM, as it's possible he may have decided to stop reading this thread. But hopefully it adds to the original thread intention to get feedback about how we see his posts)
Dear I'm Suffering
I appreciate your dedication to this forum and obvious caring for the people that post here. As a newbie, I had a similar initial impression to what Gypsy writes. I didn't understand some of the material in your posts, and the tone was a little off putting, because I didn't know you.
Over time, as I read more of your posts, I still didn't always understand, but I found myself agreeing with or appreciating many of your points. And feeling pretty certain that your heart is good and you show maturity and composure. I suspect you are probably helping a lot more people than you are hurting. That's all I'm trying to do with my also imperfect posts.
I hope you ignore the negatives of this thread, take any feedback that is useful to you, and keep posting.
05-30-2015, 08:35 AM
So I just read this whole thread, oh my.
I love all of you. (Yes, PC)
I have 2 comments only. Gypsy, yes. (to your request).
And Jeremy (paniccured), please do start that website and work one on one with people, paying forward and carrying on Claire Weeks ideals, ideas mixed in with your own, this 'modernizes' the theory and expands on it. You do share a characteristic with her that made her work possible. You are both hardheaded. But often this is needed to break the boundaries of convention and change the world.
This thread in that context was never about me, but you, solidifying in your own mind the advances in your work. Somehow, by putting this forum just a little behind you (this whole thing is about letting go in a sense and having the courage to pursue dreams), would be enough impetus to shine on your own. There will be incredible fulfillment if you take that opportunity. Ride that current friend to a magical place.
Please create that vision.
See you guys in the trenches.
05-30-2015, 10:07 AM
Okay thanks Im-S :)
05-30-2015, 12:14 PM
Yeah if I call Dhalia a bitch, after she gets very agressive with me repeatedly you go ape shit and the mob comes to stomp on me and you brign it up 5 months later. If I am abused, I mean literally ganged up on and abused to absolute maximum proportions, with vile cursings, insults and at a very severe level, you make fun of me and say I am crying right? Really shows your integrity.
Dahila DAHILA never forgot you called her a bitch. Karma is a bitch and it is coming to you shortly :)))
I have an opinion about you and this thread tells me that I am not wrong. You are a psychopath and dangerous to people and yourself. You know nothing. How dare you make a thread about I am suffering; when he never abused or insulted anyone.
Even I was not nice to him, he always treated me with respect, and kindness. If you do not understand or can not understand (due to your issues) his posts, use selective reading.
Posting someones Pm!!! you fell so low man, it should be criminalized it is like reading someone mail. It is a mail. Sooooooo low......
You are melting like a piece of **** I am kind here...............How many forums kicked you out? ten, twelfe? You are jumping all over the internet making new enemies. Man find a good psychiatrist and try to open up, and maybe forget the bullshit " I had beat my anxiety" sick, sick boy you are ..........
I do realize that I will get a lot of abuse now ;))))
I never put attention on small angry boys:)
Mark it is good to see you :))
Dahila makes a good point about I'm Suffering. Even when people (including me) are critical of things he writes on this board, or poke some fun at the fact that he thinks he is a psychic, his responses tend to be polite and respectful, and free from obscenity. That does not make me agree with some of the things that he writes. Indeed, I disagree with a lot of it, both in substance and in approach. But it does make me think he may have some character, and a fair bit of self-restraint.
I do not think the same of Panic Cured. Of course, I don't know him personally (so maybe he is a troll and this is all an act). But based on what I read on this board, he strikes me as a young, immature, hothead, who is tone-deaf and lacks perspective, self-awareness, and nuance. I think his presence on this board is counterproductive. More than that, even if he thinks that he is right and all of us are wrong, why would anyone want to hang out in a place where they are not wanted? There are a million internet forums. Probably some of them would welcome an arrogant, "in your face," dismissive, hostile, immature and vulgar participant. (Those would not be the forums in which I participate, but cyberspace is pretty big and quite diverse). So, PC -- rather than continuing to pollute this environment, why don't you go find a forum where someone like you would be welcome? There might even be a place where re-posting private messages is considered appropriate. We will somehow manage to get along without you. After all, we have some new folks recently (including sae, who is a terrific writer and has an interesting perspective, and some others).
[PS -- if it would be cathartic for you, feel free to respond to this message by calling me a bunch of bad names and loudly insisting that you are good and I and everyone else here is an asshole That would be fine, if it helps you. But after that, would you consider disappearing?]
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