View Full Version : I've lost it..

04-20-2015, 07:01 PM
I've tried dealing the anxiety.. It's gotten worse.. Each day it's something new. Now I can't leave my house very far because I panic. My dad is getting annoyed because I need my mom & I don't wanna go everywhere.

This anxiety has literally broken me. I'm writing this now as tears are pouring out of my eyes & I don't know how I can go on. I don't want to..

I have 14 weeks left of this pregnancy & I can't see going another day.

This is by far the HARDEST thing I've ever done. I've managed the anxiety for about 25 weeks. Now I'm 26 weeks & its unbearable. I've tried breathing. I've tried letting the panic run its course. I've tried lavender oil. I've tried & I've failed at everything.

I got taken off work for the anxiety last month but I've continued beauty school because I graduate in about 400 hours. Right before the baby comes. But I can't see myself going to school tomorrow or any other day. I've let myself down. I'm so angry. I'm so close to being done & I just can't do it..

Ugh I needed to vent. No one in my family understands.

04-20-2015, 07:23 PM
Are you in therapy? My therapist is seriously the only person who can help me now. Also my dogs. Rescue Remedy is awesome for anxiety and also watching comedy.

04-20-2015, 07:31 PM
Are you in therapy? My therapist is seriously the only person who can help me now. Also my dogs. Rescue Remedy is awesome for anxiety and also watching comedy.

I'm not in therapy right now. I'm gonna call tomorrow. It's time I go back..

My mom is what helps me.. & my sister. But they both have their own lives & I always feel so bad for being a burden.

04-20-2015, 07:43 PM
I'm not in therapy right now. I'm gonna call tomorrow. It's time I go back..

My mom is what helps me.. & my sister. But they both have their own lives & I always feel so bad for being a burden.

Some therapy sounds like a really good idea.

I know this time is very hard for you. But once you have the baby, it will all be worthwhile. So much good stuff to look forward to! So get some counseling and hang in there.

04-20-2015, 07:54 PM
I've tried dealing the anxiety.. It's gotten worse.. Each day it's something new. Now I can't leave my house very far because I panic. My dad is getting annoyed because I need my mom & I don't wanna go everywhere.

This anxiety has literally broken me. I'm writing this now as tears are pouring out of my eyes & I don't know how I can go on. I don't want to..

I have 14 weeks left of this pregnancy & I can't see going another day.

This is by far the HARDEST thing I've ever done. I've managed the anxiety for about 25 weeks. Now I'm 26 weeks & its unbearable. I've tried breathing. I've tried letting the panic run its course. I've tried lavender oil. I've tried & I've failed at everything.

I got taken off work for the anxiety last month but I've continued beauty school because I graduate in about 400 hours. Right before the baby comes. But I can't see myself going to school tomorrow or any other day. I've let myself down. I'm so angry. I'm so close to being done & I just can't do it..

Ugh I needed to vent. No one in my family understands.

There's a saying "you never know how strong you are until you have no choice but to be strong". Hang in there Brooke! I'm sending good Gypsy vibes your way :)

04-20-2015, 10:12 PM
Thank you both.

I've made it 26 weeks without my medication.. I'm hoping I can make it 14 more.

The hard part is I let my mind run everything. I start to think that I'll never be rid of this. Meds won't help me. No one will help me.

But it's not true. I've been in this exact place before & meds saved me. Why can't I believe they'll help me again?? Because it's been so long since I've woke up without my mind racing & giving me anxiety? I just want to erase all anxiety from my memory & be a normal person :( I envy my family so much. I watch them live normal lives while I suffer & wish I knew what it were like..

04-20-2015, 10:57 PM
Brooke you will make it, and get a wonderful baby, who will be your all world. You will not have panic attacks, focusing on love toward the baby. Right now YOu are scared, who would not be with the first pregnancy?
I was scared sensless................ it was such long ten months...... You are strong and very smart, u will make it :))

04-21-2015, 08:53 AM
Obviously, I can't relate to being a pregnant women with anxiety and screwed up hormones. But I can relate to having anxiety and a baby on the way. I remember being at the hospital thinking I was going to pass out, have a heart attack, or just straight up fall over and DIE! It was crazy, but I did it, and it made me stronger. It will do the same for you! YOU WILL MAKE IT THROUGH THIS AND YOU WILL BE STRONGER BECAUSE OF IT!

As the others have said, I think going and talking to some one will help a lot. It always has with me. My thought and prayers are with you and your baby.