View Full Version : I'm gonna puke!!
05-09-2015, 01:25 PM
Took my mom to the eye doctor today. Was told she has a retina tear & has to be sent out for surgery Monday morning 1 hr & 30 minutes away..
I obviously cannot go due to my stupid agoraphobia. & i'm freaking out about her being gone & having surgery & me not being there. My dads going with her & my sister is staying with me but I just wanna cry.. I wish they were doing the surgery here so I could be there :( idk how I'm gonna get through it.
& my mom is scared about it so I'm worried about her having anxiety while she's gone.
Mr Jingles
05-09-2015, 09:17 PM
Sorry about your mother and your not being able to be there.
My father recently had a series of big eye surgeries. Things turned out well for him. It's amazing how far the technology has come in eye surgery, he shared some of the Internet research with me.
Agoraphobia sucks. You are not able to go. You probably think you should be going and that you can go. OK, so how about this logic: you obviously love your mother and know this is important, and so why wouldn't you go if you could? You can't. Not this time.
05-09-2015, 09:40 PM
Sorry about your mother and your not being able to be there.
My father recently had a series of big eye surgeries. Things turned out well for him. It's amazing how far the technology has come in eye surgery, he shared some of the Internet research with me.
Agoraphobia sucks. You are not able to go. You probably think you should be going and that you can go. OK, so how about this logic: you obviously love your mother and know this is important, and so why wouldn't you go if you could? You can't. Not this time.
Oh good! That's great to hear! Eye stuff can be scary!
& thank you! It's just a vicious cycle because I'm afraid to go with her but then I'm afraid to be home without her. I've been a wreck all day :(
Mr Jingles
05-13-2015, 05:04 AM
So how did it end up going for your mom? And for you, how are you feeling about it now?
05-13-2015, 07:00 PM
So how did it end up going for your mom? And for you, how are you feeling about it now?
They postponed the surgery. Now it's tomorrow :( I wish it was over with already!!!! Lol
05-14-2015, 09:47 AM
Hey there! I am sorry you can't be with your mother for the surgery.
I can offer a little bit of comfort though. I am an ophthalmic technician, so basically a nurse for ophthalmologists', and the office I work for has a retina doctor. Obviously I don't know your mothers specific case, but when they catch these issues and perform surgery, the chances are SO SLIM that it won't go over well. Truth is she would be more at risk if she DIDN'T have the surgery done.
I hope that helps a little. :)
05-14-2015, 06:16 PM
Thank you misslizzyg! :) thats refreshing!
Everything went very good! She was home within 6 hours.
Mr Jingles
05-17-2015, 09:47 PM
Glad to hear it went well. How'd it go for you? How are you feeling about it now?
05-17-2015, 10:20 PM
Glad to hear it went well. How'd it go for you? How are you feeling about it now?
It went well for me actually. Had thoughts of anxiety but pushed them away. Made it by without an attack! :)
05-18-2015, 05:20 AM
I will not let this go, just because mom is ok. It is in your best interests to start learning your lessons.
It went well for me actually. Had thoughts of anxiety but pushed them away. Made it by without an attack! :)
You will find as you get on with life that 'going well' is an outlook, and this you can expect (a good outcome) - if you werent so afraid of your own mind. There is more good in the world. Much more, and so generally you will have many more positive experiences than negative.
This one has taught you a lesson. Why dont you tell me what that valuable lesson is? So rather than forgetting this whole thing after its over and next time reacting the same way or worse because you learned nothing, start letting your experiences have meaning where you learn and grow from them.
You may also want to teach your new child that the world is safe and secure, another words the opposite to what you believe. Then he will have the opposite to your experience. Do you understand? Why would you want anyone to have your experience and view of the world. Let alone your child.
What do you think the purpose of haveing experiences is? You think this game of life is only there to torture a poor soul out of their minds with no reason? Like it is currently doing to you?
If you were to learn you could finally graduate school.
So far what your child has learned throughout this pregnancy is fear. I have told you over and over that the fetus is connected to you now in many ways you do not understand. Have i not given you advice? "Why is mom so afraid?" The world must be a scary place. And so you have passed along your world view and anxiety, value judgments. (That are false). One day he will say when he is grown, my mom had what i have, it must be hereditary. But you know its not because of this post. So he will be living a lie. Its hereditary only in the sense mom chose to pass it along in the form of beliefs.
I am here yet again, to try and open those proverbial shut eyes of yours. Will you listen this time? I make no apologies for the tone of this message. It may seem like a rebuke, and in some ways it is.
I am in a way speaking for the unborn. I want you to shape his environment from love _ not fear of (whatever) and from a strong sense of self. Start to act 'as if' you see.
06-03-2015, 05:52 PM
Well bad news.. My moms eye is detaching again so back to surgery tomorrow. I feel so anxious for her. I know this is a nightmare. I'm actually considering going with them this time.. Big step for me lol
06-03-2015, 08:58 PM
Good for you Brooke! Yes it will be a tense time but just remember this, for tomorrow it is all about your mom. You love her and will be there to support her, just as she will be there with you when it is time for your baby to make his grand entrance into the world.
Good luck sweetie, my thoughts are with you and I hope all how's smoothly.
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