View Full Version : General Discussion
- I feel like I won't ever live a happy life
- Alcohol
- Should you tell your boss about your anxiety problems?
- I worked today, now neck is hurting me.
- nausea?
- I need help
- I am afraid of cooking and I hate the Kitchen too.
- Recovered and here to help
- Manflu
- freaking out about stupid things
- My shrink increased my rx for my energy level.
- Enlarged heart?
- i feel so alone
- Intelligence
- Getting over anxiety.
- My son(years) keep getting spit out and in lot of anxiety
- Heart cath
- 2nd Day on double dose of my SAD rx, Blueberry pancake Breakfast
- worried about the future!
- Was in no mood for dinner tonight.
- I am.... proud.
- I had a spinach and NF yogurt w/ banana smoothy Breakfast:
- My lower abdominal area is bloated and my period's Late???
- Stomach Bug worries
- I don't know what to do anymore, please help
- So scared...sudden weird twitch, experiences PLEASE?
- Tips needed on how to cope and avoid panic attack
- Worst news ever :(
- Chest pains/tightness
- Locked in
- Does exercise really help reduce anxiety and panic?
- Gad?
- Would anybody like prayers.
- How do you connect with God in spite of anxiety?
- What's Your Worst Anxiety Nightmare???
- Is there any supplements that help with SSRI withdrawal?
- Struggling with my health anxiety
- Health Anxiety Help?
- Does your anxiety cause serious physical symptoms?
- Work/Performance Anxiety Confusion
- Stopped celexa, so dizzy, what should i do?
- choked by my dad in my sleep?
- I just don't know anymore.
- is this panic attack?
- Just had a bad panic attack
- Anxiety and seasonal affective disorder?
- Good thoughts, bad thoughts
- Random Heart Palpitations... Help?
- Update: Better Every Day
- short breathed
- Happy Halloween!!!!!!
- Massive existential anxiety DP/DR, Help much appreciated!!!
- Im pretty sure there's something wrong with me...
- I'm quickly deluding myself into thinking I'm dying, ad infinitum
- Anxiety is killing me.
- Expiriments if any one wants to try it! (Deprsonalization and De-Realization)
- Stabbing pain left side - Anxiety or something serious?
- Clubbing anxiety?? Is it real?
- Fear avoidance - the insidious foe of the anxious
- Oddy doddy
- College student who needs help
- Health anxiety. (Convinced myself I have thyroid cancer).
- Stuttering
- Hey Gang!
- Going Back to School Anxiety
- Best medication for an over active mind?
- Help :(
- Midwest Center
- Severe Anxiety/Panic - I've had enough
- PTSD coming back as panic attacks
- Need advice pls!
- First major anxiety issue
- Adjusting to Zoloft
- Quite Interesting - Yet, another "Is it anxiety" thread. But not really.
- Anyone else waking up with intrusive thoughts or negative thoughts?
- I'm starting to go down a dark path
- I am in desperate need of some help.
- Help
- I didn't understand it at first but......
- Ask me anything!
- Why do you still have anxiety?
- Thoughts and advice please?
- Anxiety and Alcohol
- I just need to say something
- Aaaaand it's back!
- Affected
- Anxiety over possible new puppy
- Do I have an anxiety disorder? (This is a long post. Sorry.)
- Can anxiety and stress cause vertigo?
- Input please? I'm really worried.
- My wardrobe limits my ability to work on these HOT days in the FALL.
- Need help with finding out what I had and what caused it!
- Bachelorette party mess
- I think I've read
- Help (and helping)
- Parkison's, MS, ALS, none of the above???
- Strain left side?
- Escitalpram
- Everyone was NAUGHTY today, after 1st 1/2 day?
- bad heart or anxiety please reply!
- derealization depersonalization
- what to do
- Anxiety causing throat spasms
- existential anxiety
- Not sure what this is?
- Do I feel anxious and nauseous because of a boy, or is it something more serious?
- After work today i ate too much for dinner almost tripped walking afterwards...
- Suffer from panic attacks i get severely dizzy and get faint feeling :/
- Intrusive noises?
- Exploding Head Syndrome
- brother who has anxiety
- Had an MRI scan today---"Oh my Gosh!!!"
- Physical Pain and Anxiety
- Anxiety causing nausea even when not anxious.
- I'm Anxious to mail order clothes from a magazine.
- cognitive behavioral therapy for a tween who moves constantly unless very engaged
- Anxiety stress of been on final warning at work
- slanted vision - very anxious
- Health fear: could I have MRSA or a staph infection? (pictures)
- Any advice? Hypochindria?
- do you ever get anxiety over seeing faces?
- I avoided work today because of The Commute.
- weird chest sensation
- The feeling I need to wee every hour!!!
- Is this Anxiety ?
- Reading stuff...makes it worse
- I'm Rarely Anxious Anymore
- Dizzy, Lightheaded, Fainting
- Attempting Vitamin D Cure, Need advice!
- Antidepressants for anxiety success stories pls.
- I am so tired of RECKLESS Drivers round HERE!!!
- Tattoos and anxiety.
- Was I misdiagnosed?
- Havibg a panic/anxiety attack right now. Anyone here?
- Severe Tension??
- Scared of everything
- Good Morning All
- Telling lies to hide your anxiety or agoraphobia
- Anxiety attack, did I do the right thing?
- Should I see a fortune teller/ clairvoyant for my anxiety?
- I'm a humanist and all, but...
- feeling funny - don't want to take it again
- Future
- What should I do with family life and anxiety?
- I never thought it would come to this.....
- Just looking for support & understanding
- Terrified of heart problems. help:(
- ahhh??
- After 1/2 day @ work experienced a SEVERE LOWER Back Pain.
- In a Fog
- Just need someone to talk to about this :(
- Just hit 21 :/
- How long do your attacks last?
- Do Massage, acupuncture work?
- Why am I tingly all over?
- Relationship Anxiety
- Fear of NOT being smart Enough
- On the brink
- Alcohol
- Reverse engineering your anxiety - Understanding the process - help for your nerves
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Could anyone shed some light on this
- Gerd?
- desperate - my own worst enemy
- self-destructive anxiety scaring people away
- Can antidepressants heal you? (Nice article)
- Dizzy,Tired,Scared Feeling please help
- If you are currently suffering and bewildered, trembling, or anxious - Read on :
- strange thoughts
- Started taking Lexapro (escitalopram) today, feel absolutely horrible, help?
- Should I see a doctor? Rational people help please...
- Articles of self-help strategies to reduce anxiety
- Fom Citalopram to Mirtazapine
- why???
- headaches, burned out feeling....
- anxiety symptoms?
- College Student.. Help
- Forehead headache:-(
- constantly afraid
- what happened to me?
- Lost
- Want to talk to people like me!!!
- Derealization and Me - PLEASE HELP
- Must awaken tomorrow early for 1/2 day assignment---Anxious.....
- is it possible to have a mild-moderate anxiety disorder?
- I find myself suddenly struggling with anxiety!
- Scratching myself in my sleep? Can anyone help? :(
- health anxiety
- Family history survey
- Trouble swallowing food
- Link between anxiety and ADHD?
- Anxiety over Bloating---Then dropped 3 Lbs,Yey???
- Worried for a friend. What should I do?
- Hit my head on the ground with gravel on it
- First Panic Attack Experiences?
- i think i drank something in my sleep
- Hi all :)
- I've been referred to a psychiatrist
- Passing out
- Worried il let myself and family down
- How to Induce a Panic Attack for Fun
- I feel tired of this...
- Having a panic attack
- Can you suffer from two forms of anxiety simultaneously?
- I just walked over a bunch of donations...
- Panic attacks - Can they come back? How do I deal with this?
- just finished my evening walk, almost walk into a bed frame on sidewalk...
- This sucks
- It's over - I feel so guilty
- Driving?
- Extreme muscle exhaustion PLS HELP
- 99% sure something is seriously wrong
- Headaches cant stand it
- I am still searching for a Perfect beach :
- cardiophobia/hypocondria... help please :\
- IBS Flare Up Anxiety... Extra Symptom?
- Help needed urgently.
- Helpless, Hopeless, not caring, depressed? Anxiety? Adhd!? I dont know.
- Anxiety over being "dominated"
- Chickened out on my annual Biopsy,yikes WHY???
- Taking meds for anxiety but still feeling anxious
- How is it possible
- Constant Symptoms, being diagnosed with Anxiety
- dull chest tightness
- Fear of the universe.
- Holiday Scares...Anyone Else?
- Mind Chatter
- i need help..
- When you feel like your anxiety has gone too far...
- Anyone else NOT celebrating with family today?
- Fear of life/general paranoia?
- panic attacks return
- Is this normal???
- New member - health anxiety problems
- Ate way too much turkey stuffing last night afraid to weigh myself NOW...?
- Bizarre symptom?
- started smoking again and anixety
- Fear that I might stop breathing | Does this even make sense?
- Choking feel
- Social anxiety | How to deal with it?
- Huge Anxiety issues help/advice?!
- Looking for someone to send me an electronic copy of a book or link to download/buy
- swollen cheek worries
- Here we go again...
- Struggling to trust my body
- Cant even get a grip.
- Dating
- Dreampt of passing out in public
- I am totally anxious to eat or drink anything:
- To Anxious to Date Men-Not the same w/ New Technology and Web Cams...
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