View Full Version : General Discussion
- I never get heart palpitations... is this still classified as a panic attack?
- Was this a panic attack or something more (I think it is)
- How bad is bad?
- Anger is striking back.
- How Anxiety Begins and How It Ends
- Hypochondriac. Worried...again. Help?
- Happy and discouraged all at the same time
- I have Found a natural alternative to Pharmaceuticals to deal with my anxiety
- anxiety symptoms for me
- Anxiety while driving- Fear of losing control
- It''s all in my head. I do all in my head
- They said it's all in my head
- State or nothingness.
- Why do I worry about everything and all of the time?!
- when will it stop???
- yoga dvd
- Time anxiety
- Scared of losing someone I don't know that well?
- My story
- I tried
- Herbs and Supplements for Anxiety and Panic Disorder
- Going Mental?
- It's Getting Unbearable.
- are these anxiety symptoms?
- Bruxism and Jaw Clenching...
- panic attacks have started again
- Stuck in a dream
- Going to a Movie Alone
- So Confused.. Please Help!
- Mad, mad, mad!
- First Aid for Anxiety / Panic attacks?
- please please please ease my mind
- Symptoms of Anxiety?
- little advice please
- My story
- Sink or Swim?
- Does this sound like just anxiety?
- Oh my god!
- anyone else with these symptoms?
- im sure everyone remembers me
- Another Strange Feeling.
- Android phone app that's helped me
- New Anxiety Sufferer -- Afraid to Sleep
- Separation from wife
- Hallucinations or not
- I feel soo alone
- is this anxiety
- I can't get this Thought Out of my Head
- Health Anxiety-heart skipping
- New Here, Citalopram, Lorazepam
- New in this forum: Suffering from General Anxiety and Panic!
- Anxiety + GERD making life impossible.
- Service Dogs
- Sleep Issues Again, along with some disturbing thoughts. 2AM major rant!
- blue hands still scaring me to death cant get past this one!
- panic attack may have to been vertigo what do you all think
- help iv relapsed
- Learning to Deal
- Would love some insight on my case
- Is this feeling caused from my panic and anxiety or is it something serious.
- Worried That I Have a Brain Tumour...
- Just a curious question
- hi guys , can anyone relate to this??
- where to go from here
- Tiredness?
- random phrases popping into my mind before sleep/during meditation
- A success story I'd like to share
- ativan for vertigo
- Will this ever be cured
- Tired of feeling this way
- Marijuana Triggered Anxiety Problem!
- Are You Being Too Hard On Yourself?
- anyone???
- I need some help
- panic attack vs diabetes
- Wierd symptoms - I'm 99% it's anxiety - anyone felt similar?
- Avoidant personality disorder questions
- Really Need some Advice or Feedback :-( very scared
- help?
- hypochondria strikes again?
- Severe Headache help!
- Lettting it all out
- Anxiety, Sleep problems! HELP
- Sensitivities to Everything
- Hypochondria is getting the best of me...
- Returning
- feel realy ill
- Got some horrible news and looking for support
- Sudden Anxiety Problems
- anyone?
- Anyone here interested in trying something different?
- Has this ever happened to you?
- Agitation - Pacing & Walking
- Feeling depressed during long bouts of anxiety/panic attacks
- Shoulder Blade Burning
- Zoned
- in need of help.
- Help!!!!!
- Hello - Do i have an anxiety disorder?
- My anxiety
- My anxiety
- Sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I am one
- It can be done!!!!!
- my CBT councelling seems to be making me worse?
- Diazipan, what do they do?
- I think I'm getting attached to my therapist! More problems...
- Can Anxiety Do This ???
- Just had an attack
- Anxiety and palpitations
- restless leg syndrome and buspar
- Loved ones...
- Can this really be stress/anxiety?
- vitamin d deficiency
- could this mean parkinsons
- two questions
- negative
- Sugar Free mints for anxiety? (need suggestions :/ )
- first therapy/counseling session today and book rec
- Extreme Nausea & Cramps
- Its my thinking causing my anxiety, any help please?
- Meditation & Anxiety
- The dreaded breaking point....
- Anxiety - Reflux - Serious discomfort
- Is this considered anxiety?
- Exercise Intolerance
- Lots of new symptoms out of the blue, all anxiety?
- fear of vision
- quick question on calcium
- Is This Anxiety ???
- Stuck emotions
- a week of klonopin kicked my panic cycle in the ass!
- Whats the alternative?
- favorite herbal teas?
- Extreme Anxiety over Specific Tasks - Advice Wanted!
- Does Reading & Studying About It Make It Worse??
- Death anxiety is ruining my life...
- another question
- Reframing a stressful situation
- Is this normal anxiety?
- Can you be fired for having anxiety/depression?
- Rebound anxiety?
- Starting therapy/CBT for first time in my life -- what to expect?
- Has anyone gotten chiropractic care to relieve anxiety?
- Has anyone read this book?
- does it ever end
- anxiey and panic advice on help.
- First Panic Attack In months! Terrified of amebic meningoencephalitis!!!!
- Need some kind of reassurance pertaining to potential 'Heart Problem Anxiety'
- Fear Of Symptoms - HELP!!
- nursing
- Does anyone else worry about exercising?
- Health Anxiety
- good news guys, i found the solution to anxiety!!! (my conclusion)
- Help
- st. johns Wort
- Relaxation & Meditation Problem
- Gratefull for any replies
- Suffered with severe anxiety and panic from 5th grade.
- need someone to talk to.. :(
- Insomnia & Symptoms
- Scared
- Does anyone else have anxiety that acts like this?
- New here
- Weird thought patterns
- At it again...
- Could really use some advice on my symptoms
- Travelling - Advice please?
- Fast Heartrate Upon Waking
- Anxiety about body odor
- Holiday anxiety
- Anxiety about health
- Meditation & Relaxation
- hypochondria??!!
- anxiety skin sensations
- uti's
- please help- post-op extreme anxiety
- Can It Really Be This BAD??
- Sudden Breakdown/heart palpitations/passing out
- I really don't understand..
- Taking stress to another level
- anxiety causes depression ?
- POST: Carbon Dioxide - Breathing & Anxiety
- How Did Your Holiday Period Go?
- How to stop mild but annoying physical symptoms?
- Its a long post. I appreciate any feedback. TY
- Can someone advise on tight throat muscles, yawning and gagging please?
- is my gf causing my anxiety?
- Help/advice/can anyone relate?
- change in sleeping pattern
- Not sure whats wrong with me
- I need some advice...or a book suggestion.
- Please help me get better. :( (long-ish post, questions at the end)
- do i have anxiety
- Morning anxiety
- Holding your breath to cure hyperventilation/anxiety?
- Looking for advice...
- Meditation & Relaxation Techniques
- Depersonalization
- I am back!
- Panic attacks at work
- stopped taking ADs what are the effects
- Completely detached
- anxiety trying to come back
- One big raw nerve !!
- Im new and need some help people
- Ok, I've got the blues and sadness really bad today. Stayed at my mom's for the past
- i think its coming back :(
- Take the test
- Ventolin versus anxiety
- musce twitches
- muscle spasms or palpitations
- Hand me a cigarette please?!
- update
- gerd and anxiety how they relate and how overcome ?
- Using alcohol to attenuate anxiety symptoms
- Something To Know About Anxiety !!
- Abused Children Are Not At Fault, But The Parents Certainly Are
- Job is causing my anxiety.
- If You Have Heart Anxiety This Should Help!
- Worry and insecurity - looking for support
- Dizziness and Numbness please read!!!
- Fear of devolping schizophrenia
- fear of swallowing and automatic beathing
- OK What Works ??
- Anxiety/Acid Reflux & GERD
- Gut Pain 24/7
- Maybe an odd question...
- Another possibly odd question since I'm on a roll tonight...
- Is this normal
- Can anyone provide some information please?
- Need To - Have To - Can't ????
- Overwhelmed
- spacy feeling when driving
- Horrible Nausea
- havent posted in awhile help please
- Panick attacks when I am sleeping..
- Not sure if anxiety or something else
- Waking Up Anxious
- Learning more about anxiety
- drawback symptoms
- How can I feel less anxious?
- 10 Tips to help for those with daily anxiety and panic symptoms :)
- Job causing severe anaxiety
- nausea while eating
- Silly Question
- here to help, but also seek advice
- Having a bad day
- Natural Anxiety Pills and Liquid. anybody try this stuff??
- tough day today
- Save me :'(
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