View Full Version : General Discussion
- Hi everyone
- Healthy anxiety worry
- Meds
- Progress/strange feeling?
- Books
- Snow, snow, snow, setting off my anxiey horribly!
- Burn out???
- Hypersensitive to my body
- Loss of appetite with anxiety
- does seasonal affective disorder bring on anxiety and ocd?
- Fear of illness
- History drastically helped my anxiety
- Anger as an outlet
- Biggest fear!!
- does this sound like bad anxiety? or something else?
- my cat didn't make it
- Would just like to share...
- Anyone else experience this?
- Need advice, Will do anything to get over this
- Caffiene
- Allergy anxiety
- Is mental health real?
- Lightheaded ALL the time!!!
- This happen to anyone else?
- Caffeine/Health Questions
- Bad memory
- I have no idea what to do? ):
- cat
- Camomile tea
- Being put on the back burner
- Sigh....
- Walk a week in our shoes!
- Hi everyone !
- A week in our shoes
- just dont know what to do
- Could this be just my anxiety reaction?
- slurred speech ,stuttering?
- WTF was that?
- Anxiety help..?
- Anxiety without triggers?
- Reccomend your favorite books.
- Melencholic
- Distorted vision?
- Adjustment Disorder~ with Anxiety and/or Depression
- Need help health anxiety
- The past & future are thine enemy
- stupid anxiety/depression wants to go another round with me
- Progress
- Wen i try to nap
- In a Residential Treatment center currently for Anxiety and Depression
- Good or Bad?
- headache question.
- How can i get rid of the doubt?
- Sad
- Relationship Anxiety masks itself, thoughts?
- Health anxiety
- What is your trigger?
- Just going to tell you all whats been going on
- friend request
- Symptom
- Tmj??
- OCD >> PTSD >> Agoraphobia | Be kind to the new guy!
- hangovers make anxiety worse?
- help! does seasonal affective disorder bring on anxiety and ocd?
- Chest pain
- is this anxiety help unreal thoughts
- Machine gun flutters
- Success with Breathing Exercises and Self Help books?
- Does everyone think you're crazy?
- Keep hearing this sound.
- Feeling sick in public.
- Internal vibrating?
- Back in work...
- Some good new
- Help! is it really just anxiety and depression
- panic
- Medication
- Time IS a healer!!!
- New guy with a problem
- Anxiety in class?
- No meds for 4 days
- deep brain stimulation
- Willpower fading?
- Um, hello
- Hypnosis tapes and their affectiveness
- Melt Like Butter Technique
- Don't feel real.
- Fear of death??
- GAD After Transplant
- Losing it.
- Klonopin and effexor
- How to avoid getting addicted to ativan?
- Anxiety of getting anxiety attack
- Scared to go back to councilor
- Finally starting counselling
- Scared though it might be my hypocondria part of my anxiety
- How did you deal with guilt from your past ?
- Medication update
- Feel lost and confused
- Why!!
- Job Interview!
- Hello everyone :)
- Health Anxiety
- Deep breaths
- Soo scared :(
- Sleep problem.
- Excersise
- Its only gotten worse
- New here and would love some advice :)
- Acupuncture
- Feeling weak & achy. Sertraline?
- Seriously alone.
- Im losing it
- Extreme disassociation? Someone please help me?
- WTH was that??
- Inquiring the location of stress and magnitude
- New here
- Fed up.
- Exercise anxiety ?
- Proud of myself!!
- Some advice :)
- Intense Anxiety
- I need to be honest
- Excruciating anxiety
- need answers PLEASE
- Diary of a depressed girl. I'm going to tell everything. I will hold Nothing Back.
- Colds
- Headaches
- Hi I'm new to this forum but NOT new to anxiety
- Writting while your depression or anxiety is happening
- dealing with this right now!!
- Me again! Any comments will be appreciated :)
- Not sure if I have anxiety or ADHD (please help!)
- Although my anxiety is gone I need to heal the mind.
- Getting worse.
- Hi im new / my story .
- Itchy forehead, sore face, neck down to arm and now facial drooping
- first counseling appt
- Worried all the time
- Meditation?
- Blah
- 18 or 19 year olds.
- How is everyone??
- Juicing To Cure Depression????
- Restlessness...
- Will switching to another antidepressant cure my depression?
- HOCD/TOCD anxiety.please help.going crazy.
- OCD questions.
- Help with derealization
- unable to be happy because of my physical symptoms
- Benzos as SOS only?
- Panic& Bi Polar
- Im new to this site and im interested in meeting new people who suffer with anxiety
- Cheating
- Acid Reflux
- Awake!!
- Wish me luck
- Hello!
- I not how to think any more
- Atenenol
- Diary of a depressed girl. Diary Page 2
- Trying really hard but AAARRRRGGGGG!
- ???...Safety and Anxiety
- Shaky?
- What the hell is wrong with
- New here
- No Meds?!
- New here, major anxiety on heart palpitations
- Just kill me already
- Hard exercise helps a lot
- Am I alone?
- freaking out lately its ruining my life
- Constant thinking
- Meds
- Inspiration.
- Breathing obsessing..
- sleeping/arm burning
- Headaches!!!!
- Question...
- Germaphobe
- Family
- Every Wednesday attack out of nowhere
- Wabt to give up
- Help with frequent urination..
- I'm having trouble leaving the house today. . .
- Vertigo
- Making Steps
- Please Help!
- Here again....
- New here.
- Nothing feels the way it use to
- Feeling very hopeless and needing encouragement
- Anxiety & Hypochondria taking over my life
- Does this sound like anxiety? *shortness of breath/ fidgeting*
- 1 year anxiety anniversary!
- No Dr is available
- Health
- Okay here we go again...
- Morning Anxiety - What's your AM ritual?
- what da hell is wrong with me?
- Feeling so isolated!
- Please help
- Most ridiculous trigger .
- Been on s/t disability a few mos for anxiety. Returning to work. Advice?
- Please someone respond.
- 3:46am
- Admitting Love...
- Ugh! Having anxiety...
- Amazingly good day!
- Little bit lost, little bit lonely!
- it's a rough one today
- dizzy from half a vicoden
- Cold and anxiety
- Hunger pains??!
- Too many good days
- To Try Again ?
- New to forum
- BP anxiety
- Did your anxiety problems come out of nowhere?
- Gastroenteritis + Meds brought it back
- Fear of hurting someone?
- Anyone have these symptoms?
- Periods and anxiety
- Arms
- Anyone else scared of time? Bad @ time management and/or prioritizing your time?
- Have to leave the house and cant!
- Anxiety and skin problems...
- Freakin out
- Same old heart shit!
- Freaking out
- metallic taste, jaw clenching,cold sweats???
- Diary of a depressed girl. Diary Page 3
- Bad day
- Constant fear
- Still having alot of anxeity
- Im sad :'(
- Muscle cramps or spasm?
- Anxiety filled work environment :(
- What is everyone suffering from
- Things that cause me to have anxiety and panic
- Question for girls only!!!
- Hi
- Not sure what I have and why my issue bothers me!
- Panic attacks and anxiety with girls
- Breathing and anxiety
- So scared
- I need someone to talk to
- Anxiety kicking off depression
- New to this site looking for support
- Heart races easily?
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