View Full Version : General Discussion
- oh GOSH im so mad HEAD PRESSURE by temple
- How to eliminate anxiety for good
- Brain zaps?
- Is it anxiety?
- Scared to get the flu shot
- I need a nice chat with someone who cares
- Lingering sense of agitation/anxious
- Happy days!
- Weird headache
- Fear of being without my Husband
- Bad panic attack
- Pulpitations
- Balancing life..
- Numbness and tingling, how to get rid of it without medication?
- Up date so far :)
- Really Bad Friday
- Help me please. I need advice..
- Heartburn?
- I hate anxiety!!!
- A short poem on anxiety and fear...
- Weird anxiety O.o
- Health Anxiety; women only please!
- Why do I get tremors all the time?
- Interview!
- OCD and anxiety
- I feel like I just hallucinated???
- Want to cancel holiday due to anxiety
- does anyone here understand....anyone...
- Relationships when Dealing with Anxiety
- Lost my job today
- going to work tomorrow . :(((((
- depression or anxiety
- I conquered one of my biggest fears today!!!
- What irritates you?
- tension headache grrrrr
- Anxiety
- Help!!
- Is this anxiety???
- I think i am winning
- once again i cant do it..
- Need advice from the ladies (Possible TMI, Health Anxiety)
- Really struggling :-(
- Numbness and tingling, how long will this stay?
- I feel alone and useless!!!
- Really great commerical I wanted to share with anyone dealing with anxiety..
- A mess today need support
- A Little Help?
- Just a ramble... (I'm new)
- Anxiety and Fear of failure
- Info for a Story
- New here
- has anyone else gone trough this?
- Do I really need medication do overcome my anxiety?
- swallowing issues especially when eating
- Exercise Question
- Know the difference...
- ?
- hit my head. afraid of concussion
- Had a horrible panic attck..
- Need ome reassuance
- Need Some Reassurance
- Am i stupid?
- Chest
- I was told I may have OCD that triggers my anxiety, if this is the truth, does that..
- A night of bolting awake every 5min
- Want to scream.
- linden method
- i dont know weather to stop my medication
- Good bye - Thank you all! :)
- Odd Feeling
- Sad
- chronic nasal congestion...
- Good Morning
- Could be triggering (please avoid reading if so) - sexual incidents during childhood
- anxiety advice
- Anyone tried this med?
- Dread Going to Work
- Would you pleae consider doing somthing about this.
- Back to square one....
- Have you ever felt like you were over an attack
- Meditation
- Advice? :(
- really in need of tips
- Prozac
- Anyone else?
- Feeling out of it
- :(
- Not having a good night :/
- eyes playing tricks on me
- Its Back AGAIN!!!!
- Migraines, Eye pains, and Face pains
- Dont know how much longer i can take this
- Something to think about...
- I hate this so, so much
- Muscle Fatigue
- Night 4 of little sleep
- worry and obsessing over poor decision regarding co worker crush
- Broke down..
- What could be the reason
- Herbs
- Vivid Imagery
- Just getting through today
- What's wrong with me!! I feel full of anger
- Derealization can suck my d***
- Embarrassed
- Hi i am new need some advice
- Do you all call your pdoc?
- Anxiety causing feelings of Unreality
- Feeling really proud :-)
- please tell me excessive worry is causing this
- Starting Lexapro....
- Sleep monster
- My hairs falling out! (Yeah, literally)
- Feeling really anxious
- wish me luck!
- Will it go away
- Wicked headaches
- I Feel Sad
- sore calves
- religion ...
- Lover? Fighter? both?
- How to get rid of anxiety vision symptom?
- Moms with panic attacks
- Recovered finally
- Itchy skin
- Realising what may triggee my anxiety at night
- Nicotine Withdrawal and Anxiety
- New to Lexapro
- Fear of sleep advice for all sufferers
- Fear of exercise/meditation & yoga
- Overcoming the fear of medication!
- A fun bit of news...
- Coming down from a Panic Attack?
- Weird feeling
- Is this anxiety?
- Normal?
- Tight feeling in ribs
- Ugh
- Blah
- Made it through first day back at work......
- Finally..
- Vitamin D / happy light
- Best drugs for depression?
- Ok to lighten the mood, i have sex questions!!
- Health Anxiety
- Tap into your true strength
- Blood sugar is dipping LOW
- why again why why why....
- "Bad" News comes in threes...
- Pale
- Need some forum encouragement....
- Back to Work today. Feeling scared.
- Checking in with our Night Owls!
- Dreams
- Dont want to be here anymore
- Laurie. 25. My story.
- Mental Health Support
- Magnesium
- Headaches and pain behind my eyes
- jesse why you are sendin messages saying u dnt like me???
- Long-Time Lurker, Finally Doing Something About It All!
- Always sick or feel like crap
- weird feeling when falling asleep...
- Gamers
- Scared im going to be sick
- Trial shift! Stressing
- Parental advice needed
- Back already, Yaay!!
- Feeling good but...
- Just curious
- Health Anxiety Exposed ....Thread? - Opinions please
- Please help!!?? heart attack!!?? 16 years old!!?
- Anxiety and depression
- Researching
- Hows everyone feeling today
- Are schizophrenics aware they are schizophrenic?
- Anyone else hate this
- loosing control and cant find my strength
- Just Checking in
- google is my enemy
- Okay y'all.. gonna sound weird.
- My story
- Can I Get a Hell Yeah?!?!??!
- I don't know what to title this
- Brief Loss of Motor Skills???
- worry worry worry
- so scared right now
- anxiety dreams?
- coffee??
- Did I do the right thing?
- To date or not to date?
- Can anxiety cause this?
- I have decided to get of the forum for a while
- Quick question
- Can't function
- Interesting fact
- Help
- Feeling disconnected....
- why can't I be normal ( how I managed to work myself up over embarrassing event)
- What - is - wrong - with - me......?
- My worst nightmare
- New here...
- Just had a big attack
- Scared to go out still
- OMG. Talk me down.
- feeling out of it
- Effexor
- Frustrated...
- Melatonin - Should I take it?
- Talking to people
- Meds
- Sleep
- Major
- Its back!
- Sam
- Meltdown
- Xanax
- Worried
- and the sickness continues.......
- Having an off day
- My Dad's coming back this weekend
- What a day I had yesterday!
- Heart palps all day, is this normal??
- Cant make plans
- kidney infection worries
- How to deal with sleep anxiety
- pain in middle of chest!!!!
- A little anxiety humor.. :)
- Thinking I'll die/end up a cripple soon...
- How is everyone doing this evening??
- Visit cardiologist
- Nighttime anxiety
- Chest hurts
- Scared of dying in rabies after possible exposure...
- Anxiety getting worse and worse and worse...
- Anxiety & Depression questions
- Its 1:00 in the morning and im awake :/
- Scared of letting go
- Sigh
- Headache
- Suprisingly refreshed!
- A little nasty sorry
- another day, another worry
- Just had to get this out...
- Biopsy
- Constant urge
- Freaking out!
- "Friends"! Are they?
- BP!
- Anxiety and the media…** possible trigger **
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