View Full Version : Speech Anxiety URGENT HELP NEEDED!

02-25-2007, 03:12 AM
Hi everybody,
let me tell you my story. Im 15 at the moment and in year 11 in australia im doing tee so its quite important, i have a major speech anxiety :( im not sure where it all started but some how i developed it. I go to shock and get really nervous and start shaking and my speech is stuttery and to be honest i nearlly shit my pants, i dont understand why this is as it is only a class of 25 or so. Weeks or days prior to speeches i pull many muscles which hurt like mad :evil: and i feel very suicidle. You guys must be thinking well we get this often many people get anxiety over publicspeaking but this is not your average joe here, i get so nervous and to the point that its not just ... 'just get over it and do it'. I wouldnt care if i failed this and didnt have to do it but the point is ill never be able to do it.... ever. Can someone please tell me how to get over this my speech is in about 4 days so as much help as possible will be greatly appreciated. By the way im quite popular at school and have many friends. Last year i got to do my speech just to the teacher as i was getting to stressed and mum was getting upset. :( PLEASE HELP! :unsure:
from harrison

02-26-2007, 03:23 AM
You already said it, the anxiety is normal. What you need is to develop some kind of coping mechinism to help you deal with this. breathing, visualisation whatever it takes.

02-26-2007, 05:04 AM
hey, and how to i develop this kind of mechanism to deal with it?

02-26-2007, 08:54 AM
LOL. There are a number of commonly used methods:

Breathing - Try breathing in for two second out for four seconds this will prevent you spiralling into a panic attack and give you something to focus on other than your forthcoming embarassment.

Self Talk - Try talking yourself into a positive frame of mind to push out those bad mind sets. Tell yourself you are OK, this is going to be easy, no one cares about what you say they are too worried about their own issues etc.

There are other methods try googling public speaking anxiety. Common tips include picturing the audiance naked, this helps by making you feel less embarressed than they are etc.

Sorry I am not more help I'm not at school anymore and I am not required to speak in front of the class.

Stay Strong

