View Full Version : Not getting enough air?

02-14-2007, 10:41 AM
Lately I've felt like no matter how much I breathe in and everything I can't seem to get enough air. Like I can't fill up my lungs enough. I know someone else on here had that problem, I just cna't find the post to help me. So, sorry for repeating it.

Also, when I have trouble swallowing it kind of feels like I will swallow my tounge too. Has anyone else had that? It happens when I'm going to get a panic attack and when I have the breathing thing. It used to happen when I would get really nervous. It happend to mein the car on the freeway a lot and I would beg people not to go on the freeway, unless I had a drink I didn't care. It was embaressing, but I'm thankfully over that now.


02-25-2007, 07:39 AM
I also get this on a expressway or in the car and when I am in a crowded room with many people. I do beleive it is anxciety as having a drink seems to help at times. I just found out 3 years ago that I have a mild case of asthma. I am 39. After seeing many Drs that old me I was just having anxciety attacks and giving me ativan which did not always help the breathing issue I went to a Pulmonary speicalist and had several tests done. One was a Methocloine Challage(know that is wrong spelling) test where you breath in Methocoline and if you have asthma it will bring on asthma symtoms. If you don't have asthma it will do nothing to your breathing. I had to have the test two times as the first time I had no reaction but having such a good Pulmonary Dr he rechecked it 2 weeks later and gave me 5 does of methocoline instead of only 4 does and that was where I had a reaction with raspy voice and shortness of breath. He told me I have a mild case of asthma and I take albuteral whenever I feel short of breath. I know that I still have anciety issues with crowded places and when I feel short of breath I like to have water or coke to drink. If you drink anything with caffine in it it sometimes helps you breath better. Maybe the caffine helps diolate the airways so more air can get through. That is why people with asthma like drink warm coffee when they have a asthma attack. Something to think about. I know I have anxciety issues but I feel sometimes there is more going on then just anxciety. I was surprised to find out you can get asthma at a older age always thought it was something you got at a young age but no so in my case.

08-03-2007, 01:54 AM
JESS2132000 and I were in the same boat. My doc had me believing my asthma was anxiety. Armed with an inhaler one day I was just saying, only anxiety, ignored it. Hehe. Well, you can only imagine what happens when you ignore an asthma attack while you remain next to what is causing it. Yep. Well the inhaler sorta worked. I waited way to long to use it but it was enough to get me to the hospital. Grrr. Doctors.

It is really easy to get tested for asthma. The easiest test is when the Dr. tries Albuterol on you. If it does nothing, you probably don't have asthma. If you say WOW that feels GREAT, then you probably have asthma.

The choking thing could also be allergy. It's worth a trip to a doctor to have it checked out. Sticky mouth does that to me. My allergies cause that. Freeways have lots of dust and exhaust.

You can try to be checked for allergy and asthma. If you have allergy, well right there can trigger asthma. But it's a good idea to rule out.

08-04-2007, 06:51 AM
This is a very typical anxiety symptom, I'm sorry to hear that you have it, that sucks.

When you feel short of breath, try breathing out first.. expelling all the air in your lungs, then breathe in. We all try to breathe in when we feel short of breath and it never works. Chances are you are breathing shallowly and not exhaling totally, so try to exhale fully first, it should empty your lungs, then you should be able to get a nice gratifying breath in.

Hope it helps a little.

08-12-2007, 11:45 AM
thanks everyone. it does help. i'll think about the tests. right now i'll just try beathing out when i feel that way. hopefully it's just anxiety

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10-27-2008, 12:48 AM
Will first make sure there's not a small carbon monoxide leak or molds in your home or even asbestos.get a check upmaybe you have mild asthma or even anxiety. I hope you feel better.oh and buy a humidifier and air purifyer
and plants help too.