View Full Version : Nausea, fear of vomiting public ect
02-12-2014, 12:58 PM
This seems to be my latest craze of anxiety and its just about the worst. How does one cope with this one? I know that's its probably 80% mental thinking.
This seems to be my latest craze of anxiety and its just about the worst. How does one cope with this one? I know that's its probably 80% mental thinking.
just like with any other symptom. dont focus on it. do whatever else.even if you have those feelings while u do something just go ahead.this is how you win.
02-12-2014, 02:01 PM
If the fear is overwhelming and uncontrollable, then seek counciling and or also see a Dr. to get you some medicinal assist..they'll help with phobias and fears once you find the right one...
E-Man. :)
Kyle Morgan
02-12-2014, 03:05 PM
I get exactly the same, I vomited today before I was on my way to College, I was just stressed and I was trembling and shaking. Like you said I think it's mental, sorry that you're going through it too. I'm stuck too because I'm going through something similar. Do you get it when you know you have to travel somewhere too?
02-12-2014, 04:14 PM
Fear of vomiting in public, can we trade? I'd rather have this than depersonalization attacks in public. :/
I tend to think the feeling of wanting to vomit isn't a daily occurrence though, is usually due to mucus in the stomach (caused by a cold or sometimes flu?) so, it's not something you should be worrying about happening that often.
02-12-2014, 04:24 PM
^troll trying to start something again. *ignores it* thanks. :)
Terre Nova
02-12-2014, 04:59 PM
^troll trying to start something again. *ignores it* thanks. :)
Minimizing someones symptoms and comparing yours to someone else's, is belittling and not really proper for an anxiety forum.. Our symptoms though different, are horrifying for us all in different ways..
Frankie isn't trolling anyone!
Simply explaining that it is not proper etiquette for this kind of a forum.
02-12-2014, 05:07 PM
^troll trying to start something again. *ignores it* thanks. :)
Totally necessary.
02-12-2014, 05:08 PM
I'm sorry you have this fear!! I think this one, with some will find you can overcome. :) good luck
02-12-2014, 05:13 PM
Frankie! Not at you. I meant totally unnecesary. Sorry. I'm tired.:)
Terre Nova
02-12-2014, 05:42 PM
Thank you Terre Nova. :) exactly what I was calling out on. We need to be mindful of such things.
I've been off most the day so haven't found any updates on the little guy and yourself so respectfully to the OP, how are you both doing may I ask?
So far so good actually! They are going to give him two weeks, because the lump/blockage seems to be dissipating to their unbelief!
So it may just go away, and we're all amazed!
Thanks for asking Frankie!
Hope you are well! <3
02-12-2014, 05:47 PM
Thank you Alaina. Me too. Not far from Zzzzzzzzs tonight hopefully.
What time is it where you are, frankie?
02-12-2014, 05:53 PM
Doh!!^^^ :)
02-12-2014, 05:57 PM
Thanks for the replies. I just feel really embarrassed about it. Not to long ago I was making love to my girlfriend and right in the middle I had to throw up and this is very possible from what I had to eat and drink ect. Also not to long ago I was grocery shopping and I just had these bad thoughts and nauseous symptoms that I felt like I was going to throw up. I guess now I am think more about those instances. I would not pass that the anxiety has caused my stomach acid to rise thus creating more of a sense of nausea.
What I also think what is making this hard to deal with is that I haven't thrown up in over 10 years, so the fact that I have to throw up now once in a while is really troubling to me. Anxiety+acid re-flux+stress+fear seems to be the culprit here though. Its just to bad that there aren't any quick fixes to this. Panic attacks come and go but I find nausea stays, and it prevents me from feeling comfortable in social situations. Apart from that though I have been doing a lot better in many fronts, and I am doing pretty well on the road to recovery.
02-12-2014, 06:01 PM
Minimizing someones symptoms and comparing yours to someone else's, is belittling and not really proper for an anxiety forum.. Our symptoms though different, are horrifying for us all in different ways..
Frankie isn't trolling anyone!
Simply explaining that it is not proper etiquette for this kind of a forum.
Oh for god sakes! Leave me ALONE! Expressing fear of vomiting was looking better to me than the dp attacks I have been having lately isn't "belittling" anyone's symptoms, that's how I felt about it, and pointed out if this person was concerned, vomiting usually doesn't happen unless their is an excess of mucus, or flu, or something, my point being it wasn't typical everyday kind of thing.. however, following me around on this forum with your little alter egos and trying to start sh*t with me IS in fact trolling.
Bye then.
02-12-2014, 06:09 PM
So far so good actually! They are going to give him two weeks, because the lump/blockage seems to be dissipating to their unbelief!
So it may just go away, and we're all amazed!
Thanks for asking Frankie!
Hope you are well! <3
YAY!!! Amazing...resilient.
So happy for you and your family Terre!! And the little guy too...:)
02-12-2014, 06:11 PM
Oh for god sakes! Leave me ALONE! Expressing fear of vomiting was looking better to me than the dp attacks I have been having lately isn't "belittling" anyone's symptoms, that's how I felt about it, and pointed out if this person was concerned, vomiting usually doesn't happen unless their is an excess of mucus, or flu, or something, my point being it wasn't typical everyday kind of thing.. however, following me around on this forum with your little alter egos and trying to start sh*t with me IS in fact trolling.
Bye then.
Can someone tell me what this gurl tlking about?
Who follow who aroun forum? I don want to be follow...
02-12-2014, 06:14 PM
^Moderators, please take note of this guy and what he's doing on here!! Trust me, he does the same thing on yahoo and other sites, he troll accounts just keep multiplying and multiplying and he won't stop.
Last I'm going to say about it, unlike him, I'm not trying to turn this place into a soapbox, because it is an anxiety forum.
02-12-2014, 06:21 PM
Don't worry Boinkers. You are drawn by the fruit yes? It is very hard to not fixate on things when they are there like that.
The following around the forum is nothing for you to fear. It's not happening. It's just the power of fixation which if I recall you correctly you struggle with like this AP does( sorry trying not to elicit further worries this has caused?). It's ok.
Either she a liar or somebody follow somebody?
I don come to the internet for that, people crazy enough in my city
02-12-2014, 06:24 PM
*eye roll* it's getting way old.
02-12-2014, 06:28 PM
^Moderators, please take note of this guy and what he's doing on here!! Trust me, he does the same thing on yahoo and other sites, he troll accounts just keep multiplying and multiplying and he won't stop.
Last I'm going to say about it, unlike him, I'm not trying to turn this place into a soapbox, because it is an anxiety forum.
I'm abit lost here Apple, think that this person is a troll that's stalking you??..Seriously friend?? and a guy?
Don't mean to start any troubles just wondering about your thoughts here a lil....
Be well!
Terre Nova
02-12-2014, 06:30 PM
Oh for god sakes! Leave me ALONE! Expressing fear of vomiting was looking better to me than the dp attacks I have been having lately isn't "belittling" anyone's symptoms, that's how I felt about it, and pointed out if this person was concerned, vomiting usually doesn't happen unless their is an excess of mucus, or flu, or something, my point being it wasn't typical everyday kind of thing.. however, following me around on this forum with your little alter egos and trying to start sh*t with me IS in fact trolling.
Bye then.
No offence, honestly! But i am not a troll and Frankie is NOT a TROLL!! I have no idea who you are, but have personally seen a few threads here, where you seem to attack people and say they are alter egos.. I, miss Applecherry can assure you, i am no Troll nor alter ego nor do i care to "follow" you anywhere!
But if i do see someone being rude and insensitive on a site for people suffering from fear and anxiousness ect.. I will say something!
I am starting no fights but simply using my rights for freedom of speech and also will speak up if i feel someone is acting in a bullying type nature!
Or making a person to feel as if their symptoms are lesser than someone else's!
One wrong comment can be someones last hope... Make it positive and understanding or don't come to a forum of a sensitive nature!
Terre Nova
02-12-2014, 06:32 PM
That is really encouraging news., they are little marvels aren't they. Fingers and toes crossed.
Thanks Frankie!!
02-12-2014, 06:40 PM
I'm not going to repeat myself. You can keep going on and on if you like, you're upset with the way things went for you on the moderators thread last week, I was supposed to apologize to "jessed" for sending me abusive messages, sorry couldn't do that. and you'll just have to deal with not getting your way. If trying to start fights with me over nothing is the only way you feel you can get your anger out, guess I can do nothing to stop you.
02-12-2014, 06:42 PM
Hold on....who is who?
02-12-2014, 06:54 PM
I'm not going to repeat myself. You can keep going on and on if you like, you're upset with the way things went for you on the moderators thread last week, I was supposed to apologize to "jessed" for sending me abusive messages, sorry couldn't do that. and you'll just have to deal with not getting your way. If trying to start fights with me over nothing is the only way you feel you can get your anger out, guess I can do nothing to stop you.
I think I see.
Y not ask them to report u then if you think all are the one person troll?
It's stupid thought
If you don't get restricted, you will know they were one with same internet provider. If you get banned you will know they r different members and most of forum istiring of you.
I don't know u and I am tiring with you. You wrnt her in December and the place was beautiful.
Do you dare or r u just attention seeking? Seems ur fighting sic every member
02-12-2014, 06:59 PM
You change your IP with each new account you make, to not be traced because you use a VNP service, it's not rocket science.
02-12-2014, 07:17 PM
Not rocket science! Now I feel silly....what is a VPN pease someone? Seriously. E-man I'm having a skype moment lol.
It's a Veterinary Practice Nurse in my neck of the woods :)
02-12-2014, 07:23 PM
I thought VPN referred to frankie becasue she has a Very Nice Puppy
02-12-2014, 07:32 PM
Virtual Private Network service: there, I spelled it all out for you as you pretend to act clueless, hope the confusion's all cleared up now. :)
02-12-2014, 07:35 PM
Virtual Private Network service: there, I spelled it all out for you as you pretend to act clueless, hope the confusion's all cleared up now. :)
How exactly does a person go about changing the IP address (internet protocol) just to have other accounts and such? A new network each time??? jus curious...
02-12-2014, 07:35 PM
Virtual Private Network service: there, I spelled it all out for you as you pretend to act clueless, hope the confusion's all cleared up now. :)
I didnt know what that was
i am from the States and we are all kinda dumb
Look at how fat we are going down the drain
02-12-2014, 07:36 PM
LMFAO . It is quite the truth Nixon. He is the cutest one.
Frankie, you have the cutest 2-legged dog that I have ever seen
02-12-2014, 07:41 PM
How exactly does a person go about changing the IP address (internet protocol) just to have other accounts and such? A new network each time??? jus curious...
They buy a VPN service to disguise their IP, that's how.. I don't have a clue how it's done, I've never had a VPN, but as you know quite well, it's typical of internet trolls to go this route in trying to hide their identity, or use it when they get banned from certain forums.
02-12-2014, 08:54 PM
Actually I wouldn't have known anything about people doing it had I not had plenty of experience dealing with LIARS on other forums, and eventually catching on to what it is they were doing, as you well know.
02-12-2014, 09:13 PM
Vpn service is used when people who upload stuff on net do not want to be seen. They risk a lot so some a*** s may watch movies for free, especially the ones who do not seed
Ap do you want the link to the free one Hehehe,
02-12-2014, 09:38 PM
This seems to be my latest craze of anxiety and its just about the worst. How does one cope with this one? I know that's its probably 80% mental thinking. so sorry that your thread about nausea in public turns into this. Sorry you are struggling with this. It has to be completely frustrating and it's such a strong physical reaction that I have not personally experienced. I sometimes feel that I would feel relief if I could puke but it never gets there... Again, very sorry that you asked a legitimate question and it turned into this dramatic mess....this is a helpful forum with lots of really great people that do not want to minimize your issues....just maximize your happiness. I am not sure how long you've been hanging around as I am pretty new but perhaps you already know this as the case.
Is there anything that helps? Is it worse after eating? Maybe it would be worth trying some peppermint hard candies? This is something my grandmother always swore by for nausea.
02-12-2014, 09:49 PM
Actually I wouldn't have known anything about people doing it had I not had plenty of experience dealing with LIARS on other forums, and eventually catching on to what it is they were doing, as you well know.
I feel like you are insulting people, who you call liers? May I know? Am I in this category? I will have no doubts when pressing the small button under your avatar. I see you causing havoc on this site, My anxiety just went up the rooooooooooof
02-12-2014, 10:17 PM
I have the same phobia. I've only actually thrown up in public very few times and wasn't as bad as I thought but the fear is still awful. Especially when im in a car or feel trapped somewhere. I'm also afraid of other people throwing up around me. That's happened a few times and is worse than me doing it.
I carry around water and gum bc that makes me less "gaggy". And as odd as It sounds, I always carry a bag in my purse 'just in case.' But just knowing its there makes the fear dissipate.
02-13-2014, 05:28 AM
It was certainly not my intention for the thread to go in this direction either, I made a small comment about wanting to trade and have vomit fear instead of DP (for personal reasons really and nothing else), I was definitely not intending to minimize anyone's problems, because I know first hand how that feels. A night when I posted here about dream related issues, I was made fun of for it, for these SAME people who bullied me on that thread to accuse me of doing the same thing downright laughable. that aside. I wish this person the best and hope they are able to get over their fear of vomiting.
02-13-2014, 05:38 AM
I get this all the time! In fact, I actually plan where im going to vomit if it ever happens... it's never happened though! Maybe carry a plastic bag around with you just incase, that's what I sometimes do! Hope you're okay!!
02-13-2014, 07:59 AM
Yes Frankie. Exactly. I've have a little emergency pill box (I think there's a klonopin from 2012 in there.)
And Ashlee, I plan where I can vomit too. I always feel safer knowing there's garbage cans near by. And on the metro train I always sit near where the trains connect and plan to go in that in between area just in case.
In long car rides I always have to sit in the front and test to see if windows rolls down.
Wow. I've actually never publicly addressed any of this. Not even my therapist knows.
For me, I know it directly stems from a cross country road trip where one of my friends got sick in the car and that experience was so awful it's scared me ever since.
And the last time I actually threw up in public was when I was camping with family. It helped me sorta because I realized its difficult to just throw up and that physical feeling was different from what i usually feel when I'm just afraid of it.
On the positive side, I can never drink more than 1 drink when I'm out bc if the fear so it's kept me from getting drunk in public. Haha
It's comforting to know I'm not the only one that has this crazy anxiety.
02-13-2014, 08:07 AM
hey the problem is not alone. I had it too, it passed or change into different one. Now I can not stop washing my hands. What helps with that is to smell something nice, could be peppermint, or eucalyptus or simply as I do I smell my perfume. You are a man so maybe have a small bag with a few grains of coffee.
When nothing helps go for it, have an emergency bag or something.
Do u have a sensitive sense of smell?
02-13-2014, 08:11 AM
Ooh. I've never thought of how smell can affect it. I don't have a very sensitive sense of smell. But peppermint sounds like it could help me.
Thank you! :)
02-13-2014, 10:38 PM
so sorry that your thread about nausea in public turns into this. Sorry you are struggling with this. It has to be completely frustrating and it's such a strong physical reaction that I have not personally experienced. I sometimes feel that I would feel relief if I could puke but it never gets there... Again, very sorry that you asked a legitimate question and it turned into this dramatic mess....this is a helpful forum with lots of really great people that do not want to minimize your issues....just maximize your happiness. I am not sure how long you've been hanging around as I am pretty new but perhaps you already know this as the case.
Is there anything that helps? Is it worse after eating? Maybe it would be worth trying some peppermint hard candies? This is something my grandmother always swore by for nausea.
My younger brother has this very same anxiety. He visits here sometimes, but not much lately though. Hey man if you're reading :)
It came on a few years ago, before he headed off to uni. I think some stress, and watching my breakdown at the time gave him his own issues.
He swears by the same as SSMommys (always have to check whether it's Mommy or Mummy lol) Grandma.
Mint sucking candy got him through university, and kept his social life going. It sort of eased any sickness for him, and gave him some confidence he wasn't gonna be sick.
Just kept him below that level of anxiety that interupts life.
If I ever bet car sickness now, or nausea, I go straight to mint. I dunno,if you have Smint in Canada, but they're pretty nice. Strong, but not too strong.
He's doing well now, works running a bar, seems to have just grown right out of it with natural exposure.
Always carries his mint though. Old habits die hard :)
02-13-2014, 10:52 PM
I got food poisoning from a restaurant one time right when my anxiety was starting to get really bad... this became a really big phobia for me too of getting sick in public and not knowing where a bathroom was or being stuck in a car and being nauseous... right when I started seeking more help and starting on medicine it went away just as quickly as it came! It's definitely something you can overcome :)
02-13-2014, 10:55 PM
I have the same phobia. I've only actually thrown up in public very few times and wasn't as bad as I thought but the fear is still awful. Especially when im in a car or feel trapped somewhere. I'm also afraid of other people throwing up around me. That's happened a few times and is worse than me doing it.
I carry around water and gum bc that makes me less "gaggy". And as odd as It sounds, I always carry a bag in my purse 'just in case.' But just knowing its there makes the fear dissipate.
Even though my phobia of this is a ton better than it used to be, I still feel much 'safer' carrying around a 7up and a granola bar just in case
02-13-2014, 11:00 PM
^^^^^. This one need to clear her message
But whatever she said, I agree with it whatever it was
That's how to NOT hijack a thread
02-13-2014, 11:02 PM
^^^^^. This one need to clear her message
But whatever she said, I agree with it whatever it was
That's how to NOT hijack a thread
whoops! inbox is clear now
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