View Full Version : First post!

04-11-2013, 02:16 PM
Wow its almost a huge relief just to start typing finally!

Hi everyone im new here. Just wanted to post and get my story down so far, will help me if nothing else!

Ok so i started feeling this way since around January 2012, i think it came on gradually after a few months after i started a new job (after being out of work for nearly 16 months!). The most prominent symptom was like i was on an elevator which would suddenly drop. At this point i had no idea what anxiety was and although my job was difficult and i did a lot of travelling, i thought myself lucky to have the job in the first place.

I then started getting tight chests and a few other symptoms which scared the hell out of me. Mostly because i had no experience or knowledge of anxiety.

I went to the doctor twice, first time for blood pressure checks and blood work (all ok), and then to check for ears etc....again looked ok. He told me it was anxiety, to which i laughed as i had no major reason to be anxious! I did however found myself wanting to spend more time at home and didnt like going out too much.

Still here 14 months later with the same symptoms! DOnt get the tight chest anymore (i took up jogging and it went as soon as i got into that). My main issue is when im standing still, my legs just get really heavy and i get that sudden drop feeling.

I took up the gym 6 months ago and go about 3 times a week, initially it was difficult as i had the symptoms in the gym, but this passed and i started feeling pretty good.

I had a bit of a rough worry patch in Jan regarding some issues i was facing (nothing major but was big setback), this seems to have made my symptoms worse and i now experience them most of the day!

I used to take a lot of vitmains etc, but gradually came off them as i got a bit lazy with it, and didnt want to spend more money if they were not going to work.

I also get the feeling when im relaxing...which is hard to explain, but it feels like my nerves are jumping around all inside me! Its the strangest feeling, and what is even more strange is i feel them most when i try yoga or meditation! I get the symptoms after the gym too so i cant see how burning energy helps in my case. I got out of the gym after a great session 3 hours ago, and although my heart beat is 70bpm, yet i can feel my heart pumping almost thoughout my entire body!

I had 3 weeks off work in the summer due to an extended holiday, and for the first week i never had ONE symptom. i completely forgot i had anxiety symptoms, then i had a few racing feeling symptoms but nothing too bad. Went back to work though and BAM....started again.

Again took 2 weeks in Jan and went to Thailand and barely had any physical symptom the whole time (only a few racing feelings sometimes)

I know they say that the body can take a long time to recover once you are back on track, so i dont get it how the symptoms can suddenly disappear for a few weeks.

One thing to note is i have never had a panic attack, never taken any meds, and i have slept soundly getting at least 7 hours sleep for the past year at least.

So im stumped! I read Dr Claire Weekes book and that helped, but the problem i have with it is i push myself everyday to go to the places i feel the symptoms most (certain rooms at work or my friends house) but the feelings never seem to fade!

The worst i feel actually is googling symptoms (that is the worst!!!!).

I have ordered some new vitamins, ammino acids and magnesium to see if it helps (will give this stuff a proper go and make sure i stay the course with it), i just want a cure!!!!!

Sorry i know this is a very long message!! Just wanted to share my story!