View Full Version : Never had it this bad...

04-27-2013, 08:27 PM
Hello everyone.
My first post. The last couple of weeks, I notice my anxiety was creeping up on me again. I recognize the symptoms, tightness on the chest and cant breathe. I finally caved in and started on my antidepressants again. (I was med free for over a year) Today, I went to home depot and I felt faint, nausea, face flushed and weak on my knees. It lasted for about 1 minute. I thought I had to go to the ER. I can only conclude this was a severe anxiety or panic attack. I never experience this before. I dont know what trigger it. I am so scare this will happened again.

04-27-2013, 08:51 PM
it must be that time a year lol j/k mine came back about a month ago after being anxiety free for 5 yrs :(

04-27-2013, 08:54 PM
I noticed my anxiety is getting more frequent right now as well ugh :( It had pretty much subsided for a while

04-28-2013, 06:13 AM
Hello everyone.
My first post. The last couple of weeks, I notice my anxiety was creeping up on me again. I recognize the symptoms, tightness on the chest and cant breathe. I finally caved in and started on my antidepressants again. (I was med free for over a year) Today, I went to home depot and I felt faint, nausea, face flushed and weak on my knees. It lasted for about 1 minute. I thought I had to go to the ER. I can only conclude this was a severe anxiety or panic attack. I never experience this before. I dont know what trigger it. I am so scare this will happened again.

If it does happen again tell yourself this- last time you had a panic attack it only lasted a minute. Yes it's scary but nothing happened to you you were ok. Sometimes just continuing on with shopping can help a lot. Tell yourself it's anxiety and you're gonna keep doing what you're doing. If something is wrong it will happen regardless as to your location.

04-28-2013, 10:11 AM
My anxiety attacks have started again heaps too. I had only had 1 or 2 attacks the past year until now.Mainly when I've been driving. Then i freak out i will pass out and crash my car. I keep telling myself its just a panic attack and i will be fine. But the other part of my brain takes over saying the opposite to that.

04-28-2013, 10:28 AM
It happens when I drive too It's scary one day my vision got so blurry I couldn't see. My vision is 20/20 and I didn't know what to do

04-28-2013, 12:58 PM
Interesting - I suddenly started to have panic attacks in February of this year, and the first one I had was while driving....I've never had a problem driving anywhere, now it seems to be a trigger for me.

Panic attacks while driving is no joke : (

04-28-2013, 02:23 PM
If you go to your dr and tell them your having panic attacks while driving they will inform as DVLA and your driving license will get taken of you.

04-28-2013, 04:58 PM
If you go to your dr and tell them your having panic attacks while driving they will inform as DVLA and your driving license will get taken of you.

What is DVLA? I told my doc about my panic attacks while driving many years ago, and to a number of docs since and no one ever said anything. I don't get them anymore while driving, but perhaps I need to leave out that detail from now on....

04-28-2013, 07:48 PM
My anxiety came back after 5 years of not having any this is really bad as its been 6 months and its not going away. I started my Zoloft again after stopping for a while the side effects was too bad for a while. Insomnia, nausea, severe panic and trembling, dizziness . The insomnia went away and nausea but the anxiety and panic still there. No energy and lightheaded all the time

04-28-2013, 08:30 PM
DVLA - driving licence authority who issue and take away driving licences for many reasons.
If you get checked out by a Dr and it is anxiety or depression I would recommend you try everything offered to ease it.
Meditation is really good for it, and reflexology and essential oils.
Also curses run by mental health service are really good to learn techniques to help you and talk to people who understand.