View Full Version : Six people out of six eliminated their panic attack in 3 minutes or less with this

04-14-2013, 03:37 PM
I have noticed a great antianxiety , calming effect from me staring at any part of my body, easiest to stare at a small spot of skin on my knuckle. It The effect starts within ten seconds. If I lose focus on the spot it takes a few seconds to regain the full effect so I concentrate to make the staring continuous. Six people now either at my suggestion or because they already knew of this method , told me it totally eliminated their panic attack in a couple of minutes. .It does not have the same effect for me to stare at anything else so its not due to staring per se but staring at a small part of myself. I dont try to look at the whole knuckle but just a small spot. Hope that helps someone.

Steve Lord

04-14-2013, 03:51 PM
Well you understand what is behind this ? It's simple, the key to stopping anxiety is to FOCUS on something else other then FEAR. With this method you close the door on fearful thoughts and think about the " spot" you are looking at. Another one to try is counting backwards from 100 to 1 by sets of &. Sets of seven are the most difficult for a person to grasp so they need to concentrate. Not easily done like by sets of 2 100, 98, 96...too easy so it allows our mind to open the door to fear because it isn't a strong enough thought. If these techniques don't work for you it is simply because you need to find something that has a strong FOCUS. Sounds good !

04-14-2013, 04:55 PM
Well actually Judie, as I said in my post I do not get the same profound effect from staring at anything but myself, a small spot, but if you do then you should be panic attack free like the six people who told me thats how they abort theirs. DOes staring at ANYTHING totally eliminate your panic attack?

Thanks, Steve Lord

04-18-2013, 06:58 AM
Did anyone try try one of these methods?

STeve Lord