View Full Version : Weird Anxiety????!!!! :(

12-17-2013, 08:40 PM
Hi im 14 years old and Im a freshman in highschool, I have a very weird anxiety problem which is that whenever i am in school i feel the urge to poop and its very embarassing and i cant stop it even if i dont eat and go on no vegetable or fiber diets. What sould i do to sop this its embarassing to even think about it, and i feel like a loser because of this and im scared to go to school specially because my classes are extremely big and the teacher is old and mean she wont let any one use the toilet. As soon as i exit the school the urge goes away and it only happens in school and not in other public place. I think this may be due to the fact that when i was little i farted in front of the whole class and they laughed at me but i was only like 8 years old i know its not gonna happen again. How do i manage this????? or how do i make the feeling go away?? please help me. :( :(

Olive Yew
12-17-2013, 09:17 PM
Hey hon. I'm 19 so i was your age not long ago. I must say this is the most interesting post i've ever read on here, to say the least!

First off let me clarify a few things: is it like the diarrhetic "gotta go NOW or there will be very bad consequences." Type urge or it's like you walk in and oh there it is?

Also, how long do you sit around worrying/obsessing/thinking about this?

12-17-2013, 09:44 PM
Its the go now or die kind of one it goes away when we dont do anything in class like just watching a movie. But yea sometimes it lasts the whole period then im out of school and its away.

Olive Yew
12-17-2013, 09:54 PM
So you're getting yourself worked up over the possibility of doing something SCHOOL related in a SCHOOL environment. It's likely got nothing to do with your past experience when you passed gas in class. This is anxiety over the environment of your class and it's only made worse by your unyielding teacher (which, btw, if you really wanted to, you could probably talk to your principal and he'd give you a hall pass for whenever you need to go. Schools are USUALLY very good about the whole "disability" thing).

But you need to pause and evaluate what about school are you dreading? The bowel discomfort is a REACTION to the anxiety (if i'm not mistaken. Remember, 99% of us here are not psychologists).

I have IBS so I know the emergency "go or die" feeling. I'll have it in some situations and not in others. It, too, is a reaction to my anxiety, and I have health anxiety: i'm always worried about being sick or dying.

So are you worried about the people? Or the work? Or feeling trapped? Or what? Figure that out and then you can start to ease your discomfort

12-17-2013, 11:01 PM
Well yea its kind of a im trapped in school kidnd of feeling, maybe im scared of being around a lot of people, i just moved to the U.S btw about 2 yrs ago and no there arent school counselors and i wouldnt like to talk to them thats why i joined this site. Thanks for the quick replies

Olive Yew
12-17-2013, 11:24 PM
Where are you from? I'm sure culture shock could be part of it....
I dont blame you for not wanting to seek out a counselor from the school. It IS a rather embarrassing topic and from the sounds of it, your school is really tough and strict.
Ultimately you need to figure out how to relax in a classroom setting. If that means asking for a standing hall pass then so be it. I used to have anxiety over going to the bathroom in public because i was in school and some poor girl was going poo and you could hear it and some idiot girl started laughing and I was so embarrassed for the other girl, it traumatized me. After that, i would have a lot of anxiety about going to the bathroom in public facility or even being in public and having to go. I eventually got over it but it was a literal and figurative pain in the rear when it was a problem. Just try to figure out how to help yourself relax. Honestly, if I was having a "go or die" moment, i'd just leave. All my teachers would always say "if it's an emergency, just go." So there's always that option. Just try to figure out something that works for you.

12-17-2013, 11:55 PM
Well im from Ecuador in south america and school here is like bigger, maybe ill see if i ask for a hall pass or ill try to get over it when im with my friends it seems to go away.