View Full Version : Been a year since my breakdown

04-28-2017, 06:52 PM
It's been a year since my breakdoan which I have now fully recovered from but I still never really understand what happened. That day I thought I had died and I spent 8 days in hospital. They said it was a manic episode or acute stress reaction.

After i suffered lack of toilet movements and sore backs and felt down for nothing. All this passed but I ever understood why it affected me in this way?

Before it happened I was worried about bills and my job and one day I felt I couldn't cope anymore and I wasn't sleeping for a few days then the breakdown happened. When in hospital I had lots of religious thoughts like I had been punished or something and that's why it happened I never understood why I had these thoughts either. I also questioned the meaning of life etc.

So yes I'm back to normal now but why did I experience all this one day I was fine next day not?

04-28-2017, 08:13 PM
I am sorry you had the breakdown, but I am glad you are better now. I think you were so overwhelmed that you could not take it any more and the pressure got too great. You exploded when you had the breakdown, the breakdown released the pressure, and thus with the pressure gone, you feel better.