View Full Version : What is this?
03-06-2017, 10:12 AM
Sunday, we drove 2 hours to see hubby's mom, had a great drive down, great visit and nice drive back. Coming back, I constantly scanned the ditches, fields and woods looking for deer, wild turkey, etc.. so by the time we got home, my head and eyes were TIRED.. but a GOOD TIRED. After we were home for awhile, that stupid feeling of detachment came over me, (which I have had before after a short road trip) but along with that, came a dark cloud in my head that stayed most of the night and didn't go away til about 1am. It was an awful feeling. Depression and doom and very scary. What caused this? It was all I could do to stay calm.. it scared me so much. I didn't say a word to hubby even though I wanted to run to him. He doesn't have a clue about these things and doesn't know how to respond anyway. I still feel a little off today. I hate this.. what is it? You feel like you are losing your sanity and won't get it back!
03-06-2017, 10:16 AM
P.S. I also have dry eye, diagnosed by my eye MD and when I feel depression coming on, which can be caused by dry eye since the brain and eyes are right next door to each other....I'll put eye drops in and if the dry eyes are the cause of the depression, it goes away in a few minutes. I tried the eye drops last night, didn't do much more than take the edge off the depression.
Are you currently taking anything for depression? Did the fact that you saw no wildlife change your mental status?
03-06-2017, 06:26 PM
No, I take nothing except a med for my thyroid, for 25 years now. It didn't bother me that I didn't see any wildlife. I thought maybe I over-worked my eyes and brain. I'm retired, so am home most of the time and don't get much mental stimulation around the house. I'm feeling normal tonight.
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