View Full Version : Extreme drowsiness and fatigue?

03-04-2014, 02:35 PM
Hello, I'm sorry if this seems silly, but I've been very worried because it all happened so very suddenly...

About four days ago, on Saturday, I woke up feeling fine, but after about an hour, I got hit with a strange feeling of tiredness. I ended up passing out for an hour, woke up, still feeling tired. This feeling of strange exhaustion and drowsiness lasted the entire day, and has been going on ever since. I've been randomly falling asleep throughout the day, and feeling constantly light headed and exhausted, even though I'm not doing any activities. It's like no matter how hard I try, I need to lie down and sleep because all my energy is just drained, kind of like when you get a cold or flu, except I'm not sick.

Now, I know this is common symptoms of depression, however, as far as I know, I am not experiencing depression right now, only anxiety and panic. The thing that scares me is how suddenly it happened. I was feeling completely fine on Friday, but on Saturday, I felt incredibly unnatural and strange, like there is no reason for me to be feeling so exhausted and sleeping for so long all of the sudden. Does anyone else know what might cause this? I was wondering if it might be mononucleosis or something like a virus, do you think I should see a doctor and get blood work done?

03-04-2014, 02:52 PM
To me it sounds like depression I used to be fine and then wham from nowhere I was like you described. I had no reason to feel like that and had every test going.
But I'm a strong believer that if some new symptom comes its best too get it checked out by the doctors, if only to put your mind at rest.

03-04-2014, 02:54 PM
over exhausted mind thats all. just relax. calm your mind