View Full Version : Bad weather anxieety!!! Anyone else?

03-01-2014, 09:43 PM
I'm not even watching the news. I'm checking my phone app occasionally, and it's just impossible to avoid everyone else's anxiety about this huge storm that's starting as we speak. Freezing rain, snow, bitter cold... you name it. Anyone else in the path of this thing?

My ex is angry at me and I'm afraid he's going to drop the kids off super early (he lives nearby, and will drive in any weather and any road condition), and I'm just not in good shape for that. He's been gone a week and took the kids overnight - I'm worn out, and it's hard to be trapped in the house for 2 days with kids who are constantly ravenously hungry and bored and hyper, etc. And then I write that and think how much I love them and want them with me, not with someone who wants to drop them off to go be with his girlfriend. Racing thoughts here - so sick of being the poster child for anxiety.

03-01-2014, 09:45 PM
I have the same anxiety. All night I am going to stress about how the roads are when I get off work at 7am.

03-01-2014, 09:51 PM
I have the same anxiety. All night I am going to stress about how the roads are when I get off work at 7am.

Oh wow. Not a good time to get off work. Sorry, don't mean to make it worse! I guess the good thing is that the roads will likely be deserted, so you won't be dodging crazy drivers.

(And I know I spelled anxiety wrong in the header!)

Curtis D
03-01-2014, 09:54 PM
yea in pa we are about to get 6=12 and its starting to bother me because its hard to get around if you half to. and makes me feel trapped .

03-01-2014, 09:54 PM
Oh no! You are fine! :) it's good to talk about it

03-01-2014, 10:00 PM
We have had extreme weather conditions and I have been a wreck because of it. The roads are horrible, the amount of snow is insane, and there is an avalanche warning for my neighborhood. A house just a couple of blocks away was destroyed by an avalanche yesterday, burying three people (all were found alive!) But here I sit waiting for one of four things: The mountain to send another rumble of snow down, to lose power and thus, heat in our -20 degree weather, someone I know and love to wreck because of the horrible roads, or this pine tree outside of my bedroom that I have been listening to as it creaks and groans in the wind to come crashing down on the house. I'm trying to stay occupied, out of earshot of the tree, taking comfort that if there is another avalanche, I think our home is far back enough from the mountain that we will be okay, and reading this forum. I am truly grateful to have found this site. Stay warm. My thoughts are with you.

03-01-2014, 10:03 PM
I'm not even watching the news. I'm checking my phone app occasionally, and it's just impossible to avoid everyone else's anxiety about this huge storm that's starting as we speak. Freezing rain, snow, bitter cold... you name it. Anyone else in the path of this thing?

My ex is angry at me and I'm afraid he's going to drop the kids off super early (he lives nearby, and will drive in any weather and any road condition), and I'm just not in good shape for that. He's been gone a week and took the kids overnight - I'm worn out, and it's hard to be trapped in the house for 2 days with kids who are constantly ravenously hungry and bored and hyper, etc. And then I write that and think how much I love them and want them with me, not with someone who wants to drop them off to go be with his girlfriend. Racing thoughts here - so sick of being the poster child for anxiety.

I get anxiety over the weather too. I always think what if I had to go somewhere for an emergency and I cant get out, even though the hospital is only 3 miles away from me. I'm over winter already!!!

Curtis D
03-01-2014, 10:04 PM
I get anxiety over the weather too. I always think what if I had to go somewhere for an emergency and I cant get out, even though the hospital is only 3 miles away from me. I'm over winter already!!!

AGREED! thats for sure

Niicole Lynne
03-01-2014, 10:07 PM
Agreeing with that all the way from Canada!!! -50 degrees :) lol

03-01-2014, 10:11 PM
We have had extreme weather conditions and I have been a wreck because of it. The roads are horrible, the amount of snow is insane, and there is an avalanche warning for my neighborhood. A house just a couple of blocks away was destroyed by an avalanche yesterday, burying three people (all were found alive!) But here I sit waiting for one of four things: The mountain to send another rumble of snow down, to lose power and thus, heat in our -20 degree weather, someone I know and love to wreck because of the horrible roads, or this pine tree outside of my bedroom that I have been listening to as it creaks and groans in the wind to come crashing down on the house. I'm trying to stay occupied, out of earshot of the tree, taking comfort that if there is another avalanche, I think our home is far back enough from the mountain that we will be okay, and reading this forum. I am truly grateful to have found this site. Stay warm. My thoughts are with you.

Oh wow. Will be thinking of you too (all of you!)! If it helps at all, a tree fell onto a house I rented once, from heavy snow - actually fell against my bedroom, and I slept right through it! Was totally fine.

I didn't even think about losing power.... normally that's one of my huge worries. I think I was feeling safe because we've made it through this ugly winter okay so far - but we do live in an area with many large old trees, and after every storm there are branches or trees down everywhere (and power knocked out).

The outpatient program I go to told me that they do close for bad weather, but not for long - because being "trapped" is extremely difficult for people with anxiety/depression. They said this to me as I was crying on the phone, basically proving the point. We had discussions about it in our group meetings -how to handle it. People suggested movies, cooking, things like that - distractions and pleasurable things.

03-01-2014, 10:13 PM
Agreeing with that all the way from Canada!!! -50 degrees :) lol

Whoa! You guys are made of tougher stuff than me ;)

Niicole Lynne
03-01-2014, 10:16 PM
Whoa! You guys are made of tougher stuff than me ;)

Haha iv been hibernating today!

03-01-2014, 10:17 PM
My winter driving anxiety also comes from an accident. I was hit by a semi during a really bad storm. But before that I was perfectly fine driving in the snow. I even took drivers Ed in high school in the winter.

03-01-2014, 10:22 PM
My winter driving anxiety also comes from an accident. I was hit by a semi during a really bad storm. But before that I was perfectly fine driving in the snow. I even took drivers Ed in high school in the winter.

That would give me anxiety too - I've been in a few car accidents, and it takes a while to recover emotionally. Actually it's one of my bigger fears.

Be sure to check in to let us know you made it home safely!! I trust that you will - it sounds like you'll take all precautions.

03-02-2014, 05:38 AM
Well I made it home :) the roads were somewhat plowed, but still covered. Be careful out there everyone!

03-02-2014, 05:51 AM
Glad you're home okay! I'm not going out there. Realized I'm low on cat food... but I have packaged salmon if they get really lucky :)

03-02-2014, 05:52 AM
Thank you! Yea, I wouldn't go out unless I absolutely had to