View Full Version : Storm.

03-02-2014, 03:06 AM
I posted this in a thread and I actually really liked it... So I thought I would share..

I read a book.. It is soo awesome! Instead of being a mind numbing full text book about anxiety that makes you super confused and brain dead... This book... Is a really easy read.. Which is awesome for us who can't find the energy or will to even read a menu.. For the child within it has cute quirky illustrations... Some puppies (the black dog) some people, and ofcource 'IT' the monster/dragon... I've named my monster storm.. And this is what I got from the cute book plus HEAPS MORE!! But an explanation of why I called him storm and what he does.. ENJOY!! :)

this is YOU, you made IT. And my it or as I like to call him storm, he isn't the bad guy... All he wants to do is keep you safe! He is the part of you that worries, stresses, gets angry, gets sad all those yucky feelings.. So you could imagine why he fires up sometimes because he has all this built in him.... We all have a IT..Some people have rain, others have lightening, some thunder and us in the forume.. We have storm. Mixing all three together making everything HORRIBLE! What you need to do is lay down.. Listen to the rain and thunder.. Watch the lightening.. Let IT relax you.. Why? IT is trying to tell you something! So listen, watch, relax... You will learn what your body or 'storm' is trying to tell you... Maybe your over working, maybe your under working, maybe your upset about something, maybe your so bloody happy that you fear it can't last much longer and fear for what if something happens... But remember EVERY STORM PASSES. So watch IT and learn from IT, Befriend IT, because he is just trying to tell you something that you need to help because it's stressing you... He cares about you, and he is apart of you..

03-02-2014, 01:18 PM
Thank you :)