View Full Version : cant do this anymore....

08-17-2011, 06:25 PM
ive tried... maybe not hard enough but i just want a normal life ;( this is taking over my life i cant do anything im only 19 and i dont want to be hear any more ....

this i me but without the smile :( i hate what i am now ...

08-17-2011, 07:05 PM
That's so sad Anna. Hopefully it will be slightly comforting to know everybody here understands, and anyone can be contacted at the click of a button. There have also been lots of people, on this forum, and on other forums, and elsewhere, who have come here with crippling anxiety, they didn't know how they would last the night, and yet, as time goes on, they have slowly healed, and regained strength and vitality.

Thats just what makes the illness such a b****d, it deceives us into thinking there's no way out. It's not true.

If it's any consolation, I'm only 22 myself, and had a nervous breakdown some time ago. Couldn't get out of bed for months due to crippling anxiety. I begged not to be left alone. And over time, and after putting together many strategies to help my body heal, I've turned a major corner, months go by now where anxiety never crosses my mind. That same person who was convinced he'd die if left alone, has just come back from travelling the world. I have fulfilling relationships, I work a job I love whilst studying, I'm far far closer to my family and friends, and I truly believe it's because of that experience. I'm so deeply in tune with myself now, that I can sense when something is wrong, and act on that, I have more compassion for others, and feel far wiser than my age suggests. There is hope!

I think forwells will definetly help you with a lot of things if you want his help, especially to do with the attitude anxiety installs into the mind, and the viscous traps that repeat without us ever really realizing. Feel free to PM anybody here, you are never ever alone!

There is far too much life in your eyes, it hasn't gone, it just needs to be slowly relocated :)

08-17-2011, 08:51 PM
thank you jessed03 means alot just nobody where i live undertands and i dont trust to tell any of my friends because they dont understand any of it and my mum just says the same thing time and time again!! *ul be ok* its horrible and im really scared theres something major wrong with me all the time, i no there are worser people out there than me but ive worked all my life and had a pretty much happy life to be honest untill 9 months ago when it all started..... if you go onto my profile and go onto all the posts i have started you will see my story i did on here .... might help people to understand and then help me... im drained..tired...just want this all to go away ;( i pray every night and wish for it all to disapear ...

08-17-2011, 09:15 PM
its not all my posts its just a thread i did called my story hun .. and yeah ive tried, i stopped havin caffeen and stuff that i new set it off sometimes,, but i cant get any were :( xx

08-17-2011, 09:41 PM
yeah please

08-19-2011, 10:33 AM
Hey Anna I'm only 19 but I feel the same way. I started getting it 3 months ago and already I'm so tired. I'm always tired but I feel its only because we're always worrying and stressing. I get random aches and pains and I always think theres something wrong with me. The way I cope is exercise and when you get the anxiety attacks just try accepting them and don't fight because then it just acts up even more. Don't look up symptoms of your feeling either because then you worry even more.