View Full Version : Heights & Claustrophobia

08-23-2011, 03:19 AM
Since going to a theatre in 2000 i have had a real problem with heights.
It doesn't seem to matter much if its inside a building or outside, anything above 4 stories high and i feel very nervous. This impacts me when going to football stadiums and concerts as often the seats are too high for me to feel comfortable. I also wont drive across bridges, and aeroplanes are completely out of the question.

I also have a fear of Tunnels and tight spaces (lifts, box rooms).

Is there anybody out there that has a similar fear? or cant point me in the right direction of getting some help?


08-23-2011, 06:35 PM
Hi King,

Do you have a therapist currently? As they will be able to deal with this better than anyone. With phobia's such as you've mentioned, it takes some time for you to be very slowly desensitized to the stressor. You will be put in slightly stressful situations, and asked to analyize how you feel, in which case your therapist will help you change the mindset, and beliefs that re-inforce your phobias, so that you can slowly change them.

It is much harder to do alone, but of course not impossible.


On this site, there is a mention at the bottom about ways claustrophobia, and height phobia's are treated.

Does it affect your life in a major way?

All the best,