View Full Version : Thank you for nothing.
08-20-2011, 12:23 PM
Well love the amount of support in something i thought i would get help with on the bloody website.
Always alone and never heard but thats fine!!!
08-20-2011, 08:18 PM
Hey Amy,
I'm a seasoned anxiety sufferer. Gone through cycles of everything anxiety can throw you at you, and am somehow still standing :P
You're from Essex, that's close to me, I travel there every day for work. Got a million relatives there too lol.
PM me, we'll have a talk, I'm also of similar age too, I'm 23, I've dealt with many symptoms of anxiety, some OCD, I even had agorophobia, where I couldn't leave my house for a year...maybe we have something in common and can share a little support and advice.
You can really vent it out, shout, swear, curse, I'll still listen :) I've been through tonnes of reading material, therapies, meds and the like, over the years, maybe I can give you some advice, or at least a friendly ear. I live pretty normally now, still get the occasional bout, but it sort of amounts to nothing. I've gone back to work, after 2 years out, I've improved relationships with loved ones and stuff. There was a time I begged my doctor to section me and put me on a valium drip, as I was so desperate. I can only laugh about those crazy hellish moments now I guess. Good help and support definitely helps.
Forwells is also around frequently too, among some others, it's just unlucky you came during a quiet time.
08-21-2011, 02:05 AM
Thank you for your message, your experiences actually sound identical to mine, except the wanting to be sectioned bit, my dad used that as a scare mechinism to get better but thats only because of my bad images of phyc hospitals. so what part of essex you work? what do you do professionally?
08-21-2011, 09:19 AM
No problem Amy, I've accepted your friend request. :)
I think the whole sectioning thing came out of frustration, I wasn't getting any real help from my doctors, I was on a 6 month waiting list for therapy, and kind of in the middle of nowhere, I was just desperate for something to change. Utterly exhausted mind and all, I wasn't eating or sleeping, it was such a hideous time.
At the moment I work in Stanford-le-hope, but I work all around Essex, with a property surveying company, but most of the time I'm in Loughton. Which part do you live?
I'll send you a PM anyway. Hope you're feeling better.
08-21-2011, 12:27 PM
I work and live around colchester area, i know what you mean about waiting lists, i was on one for CBT but got up the list quickly as it was clearly very bad for me. i didnt eat or sleep and was put on olanzapine which was supposed to help my appetite and sleep and did a pretty good job of both i ballooned from 6st (i'm 5ft 2in) to 9st in a month!!! looked proper podge lol
Thanks for the add hun, hope your well too!!
08-21-2011, 02:23 PM
Ah Colchester, I went to college near there :). CBT was really helpful when I finally got it, the only problem I had, was as soon as I started seeing improvements, my sessions had been used up, and they were pretty quick to just get me off the register, which was disappointing, I had to do way more of it on my own, which took a lot more time than it should have.
I know what you mean about weight gain! That really sucks, 9st wow! I wasn't sleeping either, so they gave me mirtazapine, it helped me sleep, but I must have put on around 2.5st, I felt so trapped, I was sleeping, but getting fat! None of my clothes fit, everyone was commenting, I had to wear jumpers most of the summer just so I could hide it!!! it was terrible lol. Thankfully I've managed to shift some of it now, so I'm pretty normal weight,! Food just tasted soooooo good. I was eating my usual cereal of corn flakes with whipped cream piled on haha!!
So do you work at the moment? Do you still do CBT, or did it come to an end?
08-22-2011, 01:58 PM
Mine came to an end after 5 sessions!!! bloody agraphobic isnt cured in 5 hours eh?!?! i plan to re-start CBT off my own money this autumn and learn more about meditation if you know much about that??
I am temp cheffin at the moment as the money is pretty ace compared to normal kitchen jobees. i was lookin at pics from when i was ill today and i looked awful haha compared to know it looks like i ate someone my size lol. cornflakes and whipped cream....interesting idea... maybe i'll put it on a menu :P
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