View Full Version : Ear pain

07-18-2011, 06:30 PM
Does anyone else experience ear pain as part of their anxiety? It's this twinge of discomfort/pain that lasts for a second and then goes away. It's not limited to one ear either, sometimes it's one or the other but never both at the same time. My doctor told me that I don't have an ear infection, but of course I am convinced it's something horrible.

09-08-2011, 10:53 PM
I have had a sore ear the past few days and like you, due to the anxiety, I felt as if maybe it was something serious. I realised that I had been clenching my jaw a lot and this was most likely the cause of my sore ear. Over the past few days I have focused on relaxing my body in general and my ear pains have gone. It could just be that you are also clenching your jaws and this could be causing the ear pain, if you are sure it isn't that then maybe give it a few days and see if the pain passes. If the pain doesn't/didn't subside after a few days then I would maybe go and see a doctor about it.

Frank Furter
09-12-2011, 03:07 AM
Interesting. When I was first having serious anxiety problems I developed ear problems. I got infections, fluid in the middle ear, pain, etc. They'd just keep coming. Doc balmed them on allergies and gave me antihistamines and decongestants. Didn't do squat. I've always had the sensation that my ears are partially plugged but my Doc says they're normal. All the infections and pain eventually went away but that "plugged up" feeling is still there today and it's been years.