View Full Version : Outraged at how i was treated today!!!

04-02-2014, 01:28 AM
I am OUTRAGED at how I was treated today.at my after 5 day hospital admission appt today I tried to explain what they DXed me with(postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome).she had no interest in it. After some explanation. she told me I didn't make sense. She went on to do orthostatics Which is where they take pulse and bp. sitting standing and laying down. While standing as discribed in my FREAKING . my HEARTRATE GOES UP AND I FEEL DIZZY.....during orthostatics she was discussing another patient right in front of me..leaving me standing there with a racing heart dizzy. when I asked if she could please finish...she scoffed at me and said your heart and blood pressure are fine, and that her heart rate was faster than mine because Im making HER anxious. She proceeded to express how annoyed she was that my wheelchair was in her way.and flat out REFUSED to say that I was unable to work at this time. (presently anytime I stand my heart rate can go up to 180 upon standing. I explained i'm only trying to get to the bottom of my illness and need time to see the medical specialists to maybe help get my condition under control and I was afraid to lose my job and insurance. I was told I should just apply for Obama care. I was HUMILIATED in front of the nurses and just was pushed out of the office in my wheelchair BAWLING.. I can't believe this happened to me today.

04-02-2014, 03:20 AM
That's a really disgusting way to be treated

04-02-2014, 03:29 AM
I am OUTRAGED at how I was treated today.at my after 5 day hospital admission appt today I tried to explain what they DXed me with(postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome).she had no interest in it. After some explanation. she told me I didn't make sense. She went on to do orthostatics Which is where they take pulse and bp. sitting standing and laying down. While standing as discribed in my FREAKING . my HEARTRATE GOES UP AND I FEEL DIZZY.....during orthostatics she was discussing another patient right in front of me..leaving me standing there with a racing heart dizzy. when I asked if she could please finish...she scoffed at me and said your heart and blood pressure are fine, and that her heart rate was faster than mine because Im making HER anxious. She proceeded to express how annoyed she was that my wheelchair was in her way.and flat out REFUSED to say that I was unable to work at this time. (presently anytime I stand my heart rate can go up to 180 upon standing. I explained i'm only trying to get to the bottom of my illness and need time to see the medical specialists to maybe help get my condition under control and I was afraid to lose my job and insurance. I was told I should just apply for Obama care. I was HUMILIATED in front of the nurses and just was pushed out of the office in my wheelchair BAWLING.. I can't believe this happened to me today.

Oh Ab! I'm so sorry you had to endure that! Just awful!

I am however confused, who was the appointment with? A doctor? Did they not have your medical records?

Assuming you are in the States, lawsuit? Don't accept that crap! Find someone else!

Today is another day....hope this gets better for you.


04-02-2014, 04:02 AM
That's absolutely disgraceful behaviour from a professional nurse,well it's quite clear that she's crap at her job with no personal skills at all,report her Hun don't stand for that,you poor thing,hugs Hun x

04-02-2014, 08:19 AM
I can believe it. It is so unprofessional. I am sorry it happened to you Alaina:(

04-02-2014, 08:53 AM

Totally unprofessional. I don't understand why they didn't have your diagnosis on a computer. What an obnoxious person. Over the years, I have found it prudent to demand my medical tests be sent to me. I've actually harassed one clinic in Chicago repeatedly. My sister gets her test results emailed to her. Whatever they have on you in their files, should also be in your files. It's definitely difficult to accomplish this at times. And, I feel stupid for asking because obviously it makes little sense to me to see all these fancy words and numbers, but over the years I've gotten better at reading the results myself.

Anyway, I'd lodge a complaint.

04-02-2014, 09:06 AM
I'm so sorry babydoll. :( That's why I hate most nurses (especially here). Our's treat everyone like they're beneath them. The only couple of nice nurses here work in the ER.

04-02-2014, 11:46 AM
I told my sister who works in a surgery center..she talked to her administrator there, and she said that she deserves to be fired. And i agree..it was absolutely ridiculous to be treated that way. And she will be held responsible for this. I still have an awful headache. She also told me that the ativan was making me pass out and basically that other doctors were idiots for presribing it to me. I very nicely explained it was a human reaction to be upset when your body is going haywire. And she just scoffed at me again. She may have not understood but she had absolutely no right to disrespect me like that.

04-02-2014, 11:55 AM
I told my sister who works in a surgery center..she talked to her administrator there, and she said that she deserves to be fired. And i agree..it was absolutely ridiculous to be treated that way. And she will be held responsible for this. I still have an awful headache. She also told me that the ativan was making me pass out and basically that other doctors were idiots for presribing it to me. I very nicely explained it was a human reaction to be upset when your body is going haywire. And she just scoffed at me again. She may have not understood but she had absolutely no right to disrespect me like that.

That Nurse seems like a complete bitch, I don't understand, why in the hell do some people become nurses and doctors if they are going to treat their patients like crap. It seems like she's in the wrong, Hope you're feeling better, don't let people like that bring you down :) Sometimes people just like to be asses in life.

04-02-2014, 12:14 PM
Sorrrrrrryyyyy to hear this AB!!
Hopefully, they can get this resolved somehow..
Thinking of you today and wishing you the best!!

Enduronman.. :)

04-02-2014, 10:13 PM
Well, instead of playing the victim. And giving her the satisfaction of watching me cry.. i will make sure she is held accountable. She messed with the wrong bitch!!

04-03-2014, 03:16 AM
Well, discussing another patient in front of you is a HIPAA violation. I'm sorry you were treated that way. That's horrible. Clearly someone who doesn't need to be in the medical profession. I would be very irate. If she'd told me to sign up for ObamaCare after relaying fears of losing my job and insurance coverage? Oh brother. I would've wiped the floor with her ass.