View Full Version : Panicking badly over everything

04-03-2014, 09:55 PM
Hey guys, so for awhile I've had this problem that I'm sure is related to my past anxiety. I freak out over everything. Seriously. Today is the worst example of it yet. I parked my car, opened the door, reached over to the passenger seat to grab my diabetes meter, was stretching a bit and loosened my grip on my driver's door, of course a gust of wind kicks up and pulls my door, and I hear a crack. Suddenly, I'm freaking out, cause my car door just hit the vehicle next to me. It would've hit their side mirror, but the mirror wasn't broke off nor was the glass cracked, and on a quick glance over I didn't see any paint damage. It left a little ding in my door but personally, I don't care about my car all that much. So I went inside to building to get my hair cut and figured, if the person see's anything, they'll either come find me or wait for me (I stayed parked next to them) cause I didn't see anything. I looked out the window two minutes later and their vehicle was gone. Nothing else has come of it.

Yet here I sit, shaking for the past 6 hours and in a cold sweat over it. Worried that I missed something and he called the cops for hit and run or something. Had I seen any visible damage to his car, I would of sat there and waited for him. But I didn't, and I absolutely panicked not knowing what to do. Yes, it would of been best to sit there and wait either way, but my anxiety kicked in and I went into a full blown panic. This isn't the only example of me panicking over something pretty minor in the scheme of things, and it's becoming more often and the symptoms more extreme. I've been sitting here for 6 hours shaking and in a cold sweat over nothing, cause like I said, the only damage I saw was a tiny ding in the door of my car. Can anyone please help tell me some ways I can calm down and what steps I can take to prevent major freakouts like this from happening in the future? I was in a nearly full blown panic at my new job orientation last night and probably looked visibly quite nervous, and I just can't stand the constant stress anymore!

04-03-2014, 11:32 PM
My computer was once hacked by an outside source it blocked my computer entirely. The page said the it was the FBI and I was accused of 5 accounts of illegal pirating at first I thought it was fake but when I saw my computer was completely blocked a huge wave of energy hit me I felt like I was in a dream, I got tunnel vision. So many thoughts started rushing in like oh god I'm going to jail for something I didn't even do or what's going to happen now. So I went into the living room panicky and telling my mom about and she took the battery out and the message went away.The point I'm trying to make is the cops aren't going to get you our you didn't miss anything those are just thoughts nothing more. That's what anxiety does it makes you self doubt,you're able to see the whole picture from everything single angel. You can say the glass had no cracks and feel comfort but when you get to your house you'll start worrying about what is the tires or what if the tail lights it's a never ending cycle. Even if there was damage you wouldn't get arrested it's not considered a hit and run unless their is exponential damage (visual damage) and considering it wasn't purposely done you are going to be just fine. Don't sweat it! Sorry for the story LOL. Oh and when you get panicky lie on the floor place a book on your stomach and try to breath through your stomach not chest if the book rises then that indicates you are breathing through your stomach this is a natural way of relieving panic or anxiety attack. Honestly though if your anxiety is out of hand go see a psychiatrist because I've tried natural everything and it didn't work sometimes when anxiety is to the point of severe where I am it needs medication to die it down so you can think clearly and rationally. Sorry for the essay just wanted to give you all the information you need. Hope you feel better :) :) :)

04-03-2014, 11:47 PM
My computer was once hacked by an outside source it blocked my computer entirely. The page said the it was the FBI and I was accused of 5 accounts of illegal pirating at first I thought it was fake but when I saw my computer was completely blocked a huge wave of energy hit me I felt like I was in a dream, I got tunnel vision. So many thoughts started rushing in like oh god I'm going to jail for something I didn't even do or what's going to happen now. So I went into the living room panicky and telling my mom about and she took the battery out and the message went away.The point I'm trying to make is the cops aren't going to get you our you didn't miss anything those are just thoughts nothing more. That's what anxiety does it makes you self doubt,you're able to see the whole picture from everything single angel. You can say the glass had no cracks and feel comfort but when you get to your house you'll start worrying about what is the tires or what if the tail lights it's a never ending cycle. Even if there was damage you wouldn't get arrested it's not considered a hit and run unless their is exponential damage (visual damage) and considering it wasn't purposely done you are going to be just fine. Don't sweat it! Sorry for the story LOL. Oh and when you get panicky lie on the floor place a book on your stomach and try to breath through your stomach not chest if the book rises then that indicates you are breathing through your stomach this is a natural way of relieving panic or anxiety attack. Honestly though if your anxiety is out of hand go see a psychiatrist because I've tried natural everything and it didn't work sometimes when anxiety is to the point of severe where I am it needs medication to die it down so you can think clearly and rationally. Sorry for the essay just wanted to give you all the information you need. Hope you feel better :) :) :)

I second the breathing in through your nose and deeply. Great idea on the book on your stomach to make sure your belly breathing. If you can....,breath deeply through your nose and expand your belly.....hold it for a count of say 7. Then exhale through persed lips.....slowly to a count of 7 or more if you can. Repeat as necessary until you calm down. My pschycologist taught me that in my first few sessions and it really does help !!