View Full Version : Panic attack after exercise

11-08-2013, 04:49 PM
I was working out today wearing a chest strap and my pulse was good avg in 140s after about 50 mins I decided to stop as I was getting tired. My pulse was 160, so I walked away to cool down. Withen seconds my pulse increased to 170, then went to 185. Was this a panic attack? Has this happened to anyone else? I have been so anxious ever since. I laid down and slept for two hours. Really scared me.

11-08-2013, 05:04 PM
Yes, it definitely is possible that it was a panic attack. Did you get the classic symptoms?

11-08-2013, 05:10 PM
My panic attacks are always hwart based. My heart pounds. I dont notice other symptoms....terror maybe.

Chris C
11-08-2013, 05:31 PM
My guess is that you saw your pulse was elevated, consciously (or unconsciously) though something about it being high which gave you a shot of adrenaline and then it was off to the races. I've had the same thing happen when exercising and watching my heart rate.

11-08-2013, 06:15 PM
I hope that is all that happened. Im scared to exercise again. I was doing good. I dont want this to set me back. What did you do? Just keep going the next day?

11-08-2013, 07:24 PM
I'm going to try again. I can't allow this to turn into a phobia.

11-08-2013, 08:06 PM
My guess is that you saw your pulse was elevated, consciously (or unconsciously) though something about it being high which gave you a shot of adrenaline and then it was off to the races. I've had the same thing happen when exercising and watching my heart rate.

I agree^^^^^^^

11-08-2013, 08:23 PM
I have experienced this many times and I continue to force myself to keep exercising, hoping this will "de-sensitize" my fear of having attacks after exercising. After each time I tell myself that I'm ok it's normal to be elevated after exercising, each time the fear gets a little smaller. Don't let this defeat you. I keep reminding myself..... Mind over matter!

11-08-2013, 08:46 PM
I exercised, did well. Thank you everyone for your comments. Blessed, I too need to desensitize myself from a rapid pulse.

11-09-2013, 06:34 PM
I exercised, did well. Thank you everyone for your comments. Blessed, I too need to desensitize myself from a rapid pulse.

Be honest with yourself. Really think about it. Did your heart beat faster due to exercise which is normal, which caused you to panic which caused your heart to increase and sustain fast for a while? Is this what happened? Most panic attacks are caused by a moment where you go, "OH SHIT!!!" triggering fight or flight. Most people are not willing to be honest with themselves and see they cause it. The nervous system is at such a high state of alert that in an anxious person this can get triggered so easily.

Exercise is how you strengthen your heart. But if you have heart stuff, you can go to a doctor, get everything checked out, and if everything is normal, then you know you can hit the gym without worry! Nothing wrong with getting a full on check up just to rule anything out. My guess is you probably already did this.

Exercise can be hard for people with anxiety until you get it mellowed out. I would recommend regular yoga classes, which will include stretching, cardio, resistance and relaxation all in one! Plus you will notice, everyone in yoga classes are extremely positive especially the teacher!

11-11-2013, 03:10 AM
I suffer from panic attacks too. I was running 5k and when I stopped my pulse went up to 190-200. I was sure I was dying but of course within 10 minutes I was fine again.

11-11-2013, 03:59 AM
You guys are braver than I was. When I first got back into exercise, I went and found a plan for clinically obese people with diabetes, and followed that for a few months until I was really comfortable with the whole exercising thing. I didn't like my heart rate so high, and not being able to breathe so well.

11-11-2013, 09:12 AM
My guess is that you saw your pulse was elevated, consciously (or unconsciously) though something about it being high which gave you a shot of adrenaline and then it was off to the races. I've had the same thing happen when exercising and watching my heart rate.

I agree with what Chris said, but If you want to put your mind at ease request a full check up. Do not let anxiety stop you from exercising, if it happens again try working out without a chest strap or anything that shows you your pulse.

if you feel that you must use a chest strap, look at your pulse with curiosity " oh my pulse is 160" and don't give it any more attention than that, return your focus to your exercise. The moment you think something like "oh my pulse is 160 thats quite high" the next thought will likely be "sh*t thats bad" then before you know it your pulse will raise and start feeding the vicious circle. To look at it with curiosity will take practice but it will help.

11-12-2013, 05:29 AM
Thank you for the replies.