View Full Version : Update from Appt

11-07-2013, 06:41 AM
So I had my appt yesterday with the senior psychologist and I must say.....HE IS AMAZING! He asked all the right questions and even had scenarios to match. I have never had an appt like that. He told me exactly wat I need and wanted to hear. I have emetophobia(fear of getting sick in public). I've never heard of it before but after his analysis he came straight out and told me what I have. I am going to a good psychiatrist for the start of treatment next week. But I'm definitely gona keep this psychologist because I can tell that he really cares and doesn't want to give anyone a stupid theory just to make u still feel like your going crazy. He opened my eyes even more on understanding anxiety. My last psychologist said I have a panic disorder and tried to treat me for it when after today I clearly don't have it. Just crazy how some doctors think different than others.

11-07-2013, 06:46 AM
That is awesome!!! That's what happened when I started at my doc. Everyone needs to find that therapist that knocks your socks off and really helps you.

11-07-2013, 06:52 AM
Not all doctors are created equal. You'll find that each one has a different attitude and ways to attack problems despite they major in the same or similar profession. I have an amazing general physician and I had to go through quite a few of them to find him! So I'm glad you've found a good psychologist that you like, Chewie! Hopefully you'll like your psychiatrist too next week and things will get better for you as they can help you with this emetophobia.

11-07-2013, 07:20 AM
That's great chewie, I'm really pleased for you. I bet it's great to be finally given that diagnosis :-)

11-07-2013, 09:28 AM
Thanks everyone! I feel great knowing my diagnosis and looking forward to start the right treatment and not the wrong one.