View Full Version : Scared!!

11-03-2013, 11:20 AM
I was sitting up in bed on my laptop and then all of a sudden I got so dizzy that I couldn't walk yet alone wen laying flat everything was spinning. I tried to close my eyes but still felt the spinning sensation. What is this? This is so scary. This happened before but months ago and now all of a sudden thus one was just as bad. What do I do?

11-03-2013, 11:25 AM
Anxiety can have all kinds of funny symptoms and I don't think there the same in everyone. It heightens your senses so you feel everything 100x worse. You should go to your doctor about it am sure they can sort it for you

11-03-2013, 04:28 PM
Sounds something like vertigo to me and the good news about that is that it's usually harmless...my Mom gets it pretty often..

11-03-2013, 05:00 PM
I used to get a touch of vertigo......it has a lot to do with your inner ear, which controls balance. If you have an ear infection or some bad colds can cause it. Anxiety can also cause vertigo feelings as well.

11-05-2013, 08:18 PM
I hate it! My anxiety pisses me off. I was fine for a while since my last attack and now it's coming back gradually. I just started going back to work and I think it's the cause because of all the things that I need to know. Its overwhelming but I like the people I work with so I'm trying to stick it out. I have an appt tomorrow with a psychiatrist who specializes in anxiety disorders (we will see bout that) but hopefully something can b done because I'm never gona gain weight yet alone have a normal life :(