View Full Version : Attention Rant-- Anxiety Up snd Pissed!!

11-07-2013, 03:19 AM
Ok my sister and I have a strained relationship to begin with. She's on welfare because she chooses to basically and feels the world owes her. She goes from boyfriend to boyfriend to support her. Myself I work and work hard. I sent my sister brand name and designer bday and Christmas presents because I can. She sends dollar store presents but I understand she doesn't have the $$ and appreciate the thought. A month ago she and her bf flew out to see myself and my mother. Within 2 days she had a huge fit, yelled and screamed at me over something minor -/ in front of my kids... And sobbed and wailed all night in my spare room to her bf. Since she has told people we had a big fight ( non she had a fit) and she can't stand me. My sister has serious mental health issues and smokes pot chronic. So yesterday I texted her asking if she still had this Prada designer bracelet I sent to her for Christmas worth $75 ( among about $200 of other gifts) because she may not know its worth. Instead of texting me back she posts on Facebook about it-- saying not my name but discussing it saying its crazy to ask someone about an expensive gift given a year ago... Went into the plane ticket cost here and said that I'm crazy. I responded basically saying she should not post her life on Facebook ( which she does ) and talk to me directly instead of making people feel sorry for her publicly on Facebook. I normally keep from posting on her stupid posts but I'm soooooo pissed she would post this on Facebook instead of text or talk to me... And it was a simple question I asked her. It was private and she made it public. All she wants is a pity party. I'm so upset my sister does not act like my sister. She constantly hurts my family. She's selfish and immature and I should not let it get to me... And I try to ignore it but she overstepped boundaries big time here. I can't sleep... Even after a heavy painkiller for my foot--/ it's broken and sprained. I'm so mad and hurt right now and my anxiety Is up and it's 3am here and I've been up since 1am ( slept 3-4 hours already). And I had to hold back from making a scene in Facebook because I have class. I so want to reveal the manipulator she is... And how she distorts the truth about me to her friends. Because she's mentally ill and lazy and won't get treatment. But many of them believe her and think I'm this horrible sister when I'm not.

Sorry for the rant. I'm so pissed and took another painkiller and clonazapam hopefully to sleep again soon.
Why is my family so dysfunctional?? My sister is the worst -- because she hurts my parents and myself with her selfishness and psychotic fits directed against us.