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  1. Thank you ALL!!!
  2. Cervical arthrosis...darn
  3. Tingling?
  4. Famously Anxious...
  5. Was doing good-today..not so much.
  6. Got a question for couple and about things in general
  7. Relaxation Techniques
  8. Creative anguish (for artists only)
  9. check this out
  10. creativity and anxiety
  11. how/when did it start for you?
  12. Question
  13. Brain Tumour Concerns Again
  14. i hate high school
  15. very bad back pain,neck pain and, headache
  16. very worried
  17. Quacks
  18. when you say foggy headed???
  19. Marijuana induced anxiety (apparently) Please read
  20. Eye contact, walking, lip biting, looking like an IDIOT
  21. Anxiety and the heart ???
  22. Alcohol and Marijuana help emotion pain ?
  23. I hate High School History class !
  24. Left arm pain?
  25. Question on breathing
  26. What does your pain feel like?
  27. Positive thread - make a plan and get your life back
  28. Which Claire Weeks Book?
  29. How Religion affects Anxiety/Depression
  31. movie theaters
  32. do you work?
  33. And now a destructive one - The gods don't want me well
  34. Living with Anxiety
  35. hypnotherapy could it help or cure?
  36. driving....
  37. getting the flu....
  38. Is my medication making me tired?????
  39. Can anyone relate to these fears?
  40. I need advice or something.
  41. I'm not sure what I have. Do you know?
  42. Chest Tightness
  43. Palpitations/PVC's
  44. gas pains, strained neck muscle, or something serious :(
  45. 2 questions....
  46. Who can relate: A lot of guilt and anxiety, STD fear!
  47. Just cant cope feeling like this HELP
  48. Im a mess
  49. advice, citalopram, anxiety
  50. Being scared, does it do anything?
  51. New Symptoms
  52. Anxiety and Diet.
  53. Losing yourself
  54. Anxiety at Restaurants...V-day...$#!T
  55. I feel like I have to relearn everything I know-EVERYTHING!
  56. Helpage!
  59. Anxiety ? possibly...
  60. Becoming very outcast in life
  61. Jitters Becomes Moderator
  62. Am new and desperate
  63. Public Speaking SUCKS
  64. Fears about death and about the afterlife (if it exists)
  65. Are these panic attacks?
  66. Do I have an anxiety disorder?
  67. Connection between intelligence and anxiety
  68. long term anxiety attacks
  69. anxiety?
  70. An Anxious Valentine
  71. Is anyone good at on-line research?
  72. Not getting enough air?
  73. how people act towrad anxiety
  74. calm mentally, jittery physically
  75. vivid dreams
  76. Somethings i thought were normal.
  78. Anxiety or......... hand/shoulder trembling
  79. Feeling Nervous - Replies Needed
  80. The Chat Room
  81. HIV Anxiety
  82. went to the doctor, it didnt go well
  83. Obsession about other peoples' bad behaviour
  84. My Story ......more venting
  85. popping-fluid in head anyone else.
  86. Can Anxiety cause a...
  87. No where land...HELP
  88. migraine with no headache?
  89. Asthma-like symptoms?
  90. Anxiety Symptoms - The List
  91. Headaches
  92. First Post About My Condition
  93. New member - Anxiety symptoms???
  94. I really need a response here-- serious fear!
  95. Just dont want to live anymore
  96. Do you get neck/shoulder pain, stiffness, whooshing sounds??
  97. unease mind
  99. Speech Anxiety URGENT HELP NEEDED!
  100. feeling low
  101. Lexapro - Lightheaded??
  102. lack of concentration
  103. Is my fear realistic??
  104. has anyone ever tryed
  105. read if you have time!
  106. panic Attacks after drinking
  107. Class A Drugs, Anxiety, Heart Disease and Parkinsons
  108. anxiety causes high blood pressure and...
  109. Chest problems
  110. Genetics?
  111. visualization
  112. constant nauea
  113. Can this med help my symptoms?
  114. Derealization 24/7 for the last 15 years....
  115. healed?
  116. Procrastination?
  117. Trouble sleeping?
  118. Celexa
  119. what is wrong with me?!?
  120. the anxious zoombie
  121. Heart Rate during an anxiety Attk
  122. Someone PLEASE answer me
  123. feeling loooonely... might be a cause for anxiety ._.
  124. celexa to Paxil
  125. Feeling spaced out...sometimes.
  126. overcoming anxiety of fighting?
  127. I am so scared
  128. Poll- how long did it take for your meds to kick in??
  129. Anyone aktually fear vomiting?
  130. Believing my doctor & hypnosis
  131. Has anyone managed anxiety without meds?
  132. Its Been too many years suffering and need help
  133. Unsure of symptom
  134. Lexapro
  135. Anxiety and feel like crying...but not sad??
  136. I have GAD, could I also have PTSD? Please read...
  137. Be careful how you approach your mind
  138. Contantly changing symptoms
  139. Anxious All The Time
  140. Question for those....
  141. some questions
  142. I feel I am out of this world
  143. sick of being sick
  144. Marijuana Helped Me
  145. difficulty swallowing?
  146. Health Anxiety/Crying
  147. on and on and on and and.....
  148. Feeling claustrophobic/need air
  149. anxiety disorder well accepted ...?
  150. Relief for Migraine pain
  151. Nausea and vomiting from anxiety.
  152. Losing weight?
  153. Could This Be Anxiety Causing This
  154. Im not quite sure, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  155. GAD. Will i ever get over it?
  156. blurry spotty vision
  157. more sleep problems
  158. great site
  159. Imagery of violence loss of control
  160. Imagery of violence nad some ideas to defeat them
  161. Can anyone help?............
  162. HELP! Breathing Problem and Chest Pressure/Tightness!
  163. Seroxat
  164. what is the catalsyt for your attacks?
  165. Need some support please
  166. diarrhea!
  167. Phone Anxiety
  168. if im allergic to zoloft then...
  169. Overcoming Anxiety
  170. Sleeping/anxiety/depression
  171. Help me
  172. Lexapro 20 mg
  173. Anxious and confused
  174. Can lack of sleep and being worried cause appetite problems?
  175. Your Safe Person
  176. Travel?
  177. tough day
  178. clouded judgement
  179. paranoia
  180. Feeling bad.
  181. Things are bad again
  182. discrimination
  183. New, need brief advice...anything would help
  184. Questions
  185. Please help
  186. the critical factor in the recovery of Social Phobia
  187. Just started Lexapro
  188. Xanax, Buspar, or?
  189. Hello everyone!!
  190. Any hypos??
  191. Can anyone help me?
  192. military
  193. Anxiety Compounding
  194. Suffering from anxiety could someone help ?
  195. 23 year old life falling apart please help!
  196. Does anyone else have horrible anxiety about therapy?
  197. my anxiety problems
  198. shame....
  199. Anxiety and muscle tension and tendon/ligament tightness
  200. statistics
  201. Chris G - My Anxiety Story
  202. Anxiety and heart palpitations a side effect of Prilosec
  203. Face Twitching
  204. how long to try a medication
  205. New here, another face question
  206. Xanax
  207. Sick With Anxiety
  208. asthma
  209. Driving
  210. Is this Normal
  211. Stagess?
  212. white spots caused and the cause of my anxiety/depression
  213. Burning Skin feeling
  214. Generalized Anxiety
  215. Need help
  216. Anixous 17 year old, please help!
  217. I need your thoughts..
  218. Please please please help me, I don't know what else to do.
  219. "this is for the people of the sun" RATM
  221. People Who Have Cured Anxiety
  222. all in my head?
  223. Will never be able to attend college classes :(
  224. Careers for people with SA??
  225. obsessed with 4.0
  226. My Anxiety Problems
  227. ionized calcium
  228. gallbladder problems and anxiety
  229. weed
  231. For those with social anxiety....
  232. Symptom: Numbness
  233. I dont understand
  234. Weird weird sleep
  235. Finding a psychologist
  236. scared for my brother
  237. General Anxiety Disorder and Exercise
  238. eye muscle spasm causing anxity/ stress
  239. My Friend's Anxiety
  240. Wow, I'm glad I found this website
  241. Can anxiety cause tingling in hands and feet?
  242. Waking up in the middle of the night
  243. How can I ask my parents for antidepressants?
  244. can there be any longterm effects of prolonged anxiety?
  245. Eye problems and an update
  246. Is it ever going to go away?
  247. my boyfriend is hurt with my anxiety
  248. recently started feeling anxiety
  249. My three headed monster
  250. Paxil discontinuation help