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  1. Anyone else afraid to be home alone?
  2. hi
  3. Agoraphobias keeping me from employment
  4. Is this agoraphibia?
  5. What does acceptance mean to you?
  6. Resenting the Doctors
  7. I went outside today for 30 mins :)
  8. Lightheaded and dizzy
  9. New member
  10. New here, not to this agoraphobia.
  11. Need help
  12. Self loathing
  13. My experience told on my own video - hopefully inspiring!
  14. Need some encouraging words
  15. Is this common?
  16. How do you make people understand this?
  17. Does anyone else HATE sleep?
  18. severe anxiety wih agoraphobia
  19. Need help
  20. How to help a friend with anxiety and depression?
  21. A haircut
  22. I guess im agoraphobic....help me understand
  23. My little embaressing secret.
  24. Can this phobia come out of the blue or created by anxiety
  25. Is it normal for this phobia to develop out of the blue or can anxiety cause it
  26. Sorry for the previous double post
  27. New and need help.
  28. Agoraphobic with cfs and OCD from South Australia.
  29. Dealing with agoraphobia.
  30. worried of having a heart attack?
  31. Some advice..
  32. Health anxiety and terrified of ALS/MS/MND
  33. Pressure in chest constant
  34. Found this site hopin it helps
  35. Any 'big' event in my life makes me sick
  36. Panic attack?
  37. Heart Beating in Ear
  38. Also Worried About Heart Problems
  39. Is anyone afraid of change?
  40. New symptoms
  41. Everytime i get rejected, I suffer from Agoraphobia
  42. Having a really hard time, need help please
  43. Cortisone shot
  44. Please help
  45. A request for Tips on exposure
  46. Open spaces
  47. Help
  48. New job
  49. Could use some help!
  50. "The Spartans of our time" Poems about our struggles, written by anxiety sufferers.
  51. anxiety related visionary problems
  52. panic attacks about leaving the house for social situations while on Lexapro
  53. A bit in depth but a good read on Panic Disorder if you have time to read through it.
  54. Has anyone experienced shaking starting in the neck and traveling down your spine?
  55. Went to a family doctor today. She told me to"make a friend."
  56. Looking for an interview for a school project...
  57. Restless and Pacing
  58. Has this happened to you?
  59. Agoraphobia
  60. I keep what if-ing myself to death
  61. I am new, suffering with agoraphobia.
  62. Hi all
  63. Agrophobia
  64. Please help!
  65. Sorry
  66. heyyy I'm new and at my wits end
  67. Does this happen to you?
  68. Please advice, I need a little help :(
  69. Need some help
  70. Is this possible!!!
  71. Is this a normal concern???
  72. Anixety relaspes!
  73. Agoraphobia, constant panic, and breathing problems.
  74. Is it anxiety or my meds
  75. A little about my first attack
  76. These red lights...
  77. Going out
  78. Should I Arm myself with Anger???
  79. Panic Away. Has anyone tried it?
  80. I want my life back!
  81. Read this update now!!!
  82. Correct me if I'm wrong
  83. How can I cope with anxiety and panic attacks?
  84. Went out yesterday
  85. Ever feel alone
  86. Ever have days that feel like one long panic attack
  87. Can somebody please explain this to me???
  88. Feeling horrible.
  89. This problem with flying is killing me
  90. Hi there! New blog. Join me on this dreadful venture
  91. I believe it's enough
  92. Heart burn and anxiety - know a connection, too?
  93. sorry need 10 posts
  94. Need help with heart feelings
  95. Chicago support group
  96. Bad night :(
  97. Alone
  98. Is it just me?!?!?
  99. Is it just me?!?!?!
  100. Just me?!?!
  101. Just me!?!?!?
  102. Does anyone??
  103. Im worried something is wrong with my head!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!
  104. Im tired of being scared!
  105. Anxiety stress headaches
  106. 24/7 Tremors
  107. Hi
  108. Diarrhea and anxiety/panic...How do I cope?
  109. Panic attaks, anxiety and agrapobia :(
  110. What is life like with Agoraphobia?
  111. Many agoraphobics here?
  112. please my friends check this out!!!
  113. Help with agora and thoughts.
  114. Fear of travel
  115. wow this is my type of anxiety!
  116. Back pain/discomfort
  117. :(
  118. every night !!!
  119. doctors inconveniece! just me?
  120. Constant Panic Attacks
  121. How I Got Rid Of My Agoraphobia Once And For All
  122. Going to the dentist
  123. So proud of myself!
  124. Good suggestions here that helped me feel better
  125. Success Stories
  126. Dentistry
  127. Fear of food being drugged
  128. Anxiety makes me poop!
  129. Health Anxiety
  130. Feeling Discouraged (health anxiety / SVT)
  131. New novel features a young woman’s search for meaning after recovery from agoraphobia
  132. Agoraphobia relapse :(
  133. Breathing problems.
  134. Is my fears agoraphobia?
  135. Bathroom Phobia
  136. Panic
  137. Help for partners of those with Agoraphobia?
  138. I'm a mess..
  139. Work from home?
  140. propranalol
  141. Hard times!!!
  142. Anxiety UK / JustGiving
  143. Can't allow myself to be happy, I don't really know what's going on?
  144. New to this...
  145. What about this particular spot on my walk could be causing me anxiety?
  146. money stopped, no help, useless doctors?? help!!!
  147. Lump in throat when swallowing
  148. Flying
  149. How to eliminate anxiety
  150. hey im new here really really need help
  151. does anyone understand....anyone
  152. :(
  153. How can I feel good about today when I had like 4 panic attacks yesterday?
  154. 3am n I'm still up :/
  155. Still afraid....
  156. Overcame agrophobia
  157. Feeling life isn't real anymore.
  158. obsessive
  159. worried..
  160. am i the only one..?
  161. terrified!!! need advice urgently
  162. It's a St. Patrick's Day Miracle!!!!
  163. Moving cross country
  164. Is this the start?
  165. STOPPING Lexapro after 3 days... HELPPP!!!
  166. STOPPING lexapro after 3 days HELPPPPPP
  167. Stopping lexapro after 3 days... Helppp
  168. I've realized I have this condition. Some advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
  169. I think I might have Agoraphobia...
  170. My neighbors must think I am nuts (which I am but theyt don't need to know)
  171. Make more progress today :)
  172. I think I'm agoraphobic.
  173. Divorce with agoraphobia
  174. Forced to face my fears
  175. Heart Palpitations are not what you think
  176. having a lot of problems trying to work with anxiety
  177. looking for help with anxiety, panic attacks
  178. Not making the progress i should be making
  179. Health
  180. Struggling Agoraphobic.. help, please..
  181. Really worried...
  182. Food and Anxiety
  183. Fear of things triggering my Panic attack
  184. Horrible anxiety with relationships
  185. Problems feeling familiar on a familiar journey.
  186. Loss of balance during panic attack
  187. Experience with yoga and anxiety?
  188. Taking the dreaded route again
  189. It's that time again... Holiday
  190. Agoraphobia- need advice
  191. New to all this. Is this common?
  192. Parents? Can't take my daughter to school.
  193. Please help!
  194. Sharing a little victory
  195. How to cope with feeling 'detached'?
  196. Having a rough morning
  197. Sudden Development of Agoraphobia at 24 Y/O
  198. My Latest Encounter With Agorphobia
  199. Agoraphobia 0 - Me 1
  200. Hello!
  201. Missing out
  202. My agoraphobia and what I don't do.
  203. Agoraphobia at work??
  204. For every day of this hot as heck weather, I miss a day of work.
  205. I got called for work today. I think the weather is ok today, and I shall go to work.
  206. Must make myself go to work again today.TGIF @ least...
  207. I hate Early Morning Frost
  208. Im afraid of going outside on HOT days, especially.....
  209. went shopping and to the bank today, but didnt want 2
  210. So their flipping through those red lights , turning right---fast!!!
  211. Heart's Beating Fast----Just witnessed another crazy driver near Dollar Tree.....
  212. 24-hr supermarkets are brilliant
  213. I worked today but anxiety level was very high.
  214. I Cast My USA Citizen Votes Today. Nov 4th Voting Day
  215. Spooky and Anxiety Spirit Week
  216. Vote on Nov 4th---even if you feel scared. Do it for your country...
  217. On 2x my original rx, but still anxious to go to work
  218. Went for walk and was accosted by 2 men in vehicle.
  219. Made myself go shopping @ Wal-Mart today.
  220. Went to work today but neck and back pain ALL day.
  221. Must drive to auto mechanic's today anxious.
  222. I am afraid to attend Mass all by myself:
  223. California rain's making me extra nervous today....
  224. Restless
  225. People chewing
  226. PROTESTORS on the FREEWAY scare me!!!
  227. Alternative solutions?
  228. What diseases would you swap anxiety and agoraphobia for if you had the chance?
  229. Extra terrified of being tail gated in the rain
  230. Please help me...
  231. Please help me
  232. Went to Dollar tree today and almost fainted waiting in LONG LINE!
  233. Avoiding Leaving My House this Week :
  234. Is Agoraphobia diagnosed in the Homeless population too?
  235. Going of my tablets!
  236. Behavioural therapy for Agoraphobia. A few questions.
  237. I Really Must find a 2nd Job. Interview was scheduled 4 tomrow, but Im 2 Nervous...
  238. Worried
  239. My Story
  240. Directional Driving Anxiety and Career Limitations :
  241. Has anyone had success working outside the home?
  242. Sick and Tired of Speedy Cars as i Cross w/in Crosswalk.
  243. I don't know?
  244. My Anxiety Has Manifested in Tummy Achyness Today
  245. Been working more and avoiding responsibility less.
  246. In Spite of my darn Agoraphobia i Worked 17 assignments this past month.
  247. Small Update on My Progress
  248. Enclosed spaces panic, anxiety
  249. Doctors Office
  250. Advice needed