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  1. help with anxiety after amost two years
  2. What to do with my job?
  3. moving on from all people that do not care about you
  4. Is this anxiety :(
  5. Not your typical Anxiety
  6. Relationship Anxiety.
  7. Ideas...is this anxiety and/or depression?
  8. Having Breakdown - Exhausted, severely anxious and questioning my life choices.
  9. Living within my own body
  10. Shortness of breath and positive long term anxiety experience to share
  11. Anxiety coping strategies - thought I'd be feeling better
  12. Paranoid might get filed a rape case
  13. Does eating healthy & exercising help with anxiety?
  14. I need help
  15. For years, people have massively mistreated me!
  16. General Anxiety - visting a doctor - what to expect?
  17. Am I Depressed or just Anxious?
  18. My Story.
  19. Need help understanding my anxiety
  20. Need help figuring out a specific breed of obsessive thinking
  21. Panic attack during therapy
  22. Anxiety is taking the "me" part of myself away?
  23. Worsening panic disorder with very real physical effects
  24. Overly aware of my health
  25. Is this symptom anxiety?
  26. My Success Story : Depersonalization, Panic attack, anxiety disorder and phobias....
  27. Negative Thoughts
  28. Feeling Breathless
  29. Do you still think I should be worries about my heart?
  30. anxiety over job offer
  31. [Health Anxiety] N.Fowleri Scare
  32. I think i have Downs Syndrome ( Severe Delusions or Real ? )
  33. Extreme panic attack- Now permanently feeling like I'll have the next one soon
  34. anxiety and work
  35. Emetophobia: The Fear of Vomiting
  36. Psychotherapy is Making Me Worse!
  37. Tips for travelling anxiety-free
  38. Motion Sickness or Anxiety?
  39. Sticky points that worked for me!
  40. Reaching out - anxiety and isolation
  41. Anxiety attack at night?
  42. Intrusive health thoughts
  43. Aching arms
  44. negative thoughts and feelings
  45. Can't keep a job due to anxiety/depression
  46. Over Sensative Hearing
  47. Anxiety and guilt
  48. Help really needed
  49. never ending panic please help
  50. anxiety help
  51. Post-Attack Symptoms
  52. Anxiety, guilt, disgust. Please help soon.
  53. Anxiety sucks!
  54. I've been told it's anxiety, help appreciated.
  55. New to this - need help
  56. My story - need help coping
  57. I am having sever anxiety
  58. Life with a mother who is bipolar- Please help
  59. Shortness of Breath, my worst nightmare !
  60. Feedback
  61. I think I have anxiety...What to do?
  62. Our desire is that our Podcast helps just one person to "Let their light shine"
  63. Beginning Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy
  64. Any advice with dealing with my anxiety/depression?
  65. Holding on to something..
  66. Checking in with ya'll
  67. I was a 38 year old male virgin until last night!
  68. Anxiety with chest tightness/pains
  69. Worried...
  70. Sugar and its impact on Anxiety/Depression
  71. Terrified of parents and get anxiety attacks watching advice videos.
  72. Unpleasant associations and more
  73. Could I faint while driving?
  74. NEW Anxiety Cause to Explore
  75. Went to the e.r. - doc prescribed me an inhaler.. Wtf? Anyone else have e.r. stories?
  76. Severe anxiety, especially health anxiety making me suicidal
  77. Hi!
  78. Choppy Vision???
  79. Need Help
  80. Bipolar and now Panic Attacks, what comes next?
  81. 12 years of anxiety and sick of it
  82. Confused: Girlfriend with anxiety
  83. still suffering
  84. Anyone else feel douchey for having good posture?
  85. Who can relate ?????!!!!?????????
  86. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is about to strike again?
  87. Same time each day
  88. Gastric related anxiety
  89. Looking for practical advice about re-joining the world.
  90. Frightened!
  91. doc prescrebed Hydralazine (Apresoline) BP meds for Anxiety to take it as needed
  92. Help with stopping a nervous coughing tic
  93. Question for people who work with panic disorder or anxiety
  94. Hypochondriac and ALS
  95. Searching for a good CBT-like book to help me out. Suggestions?
  96. Is this an example of anxiety or something else?
  97. i have a problem
  98. Can't turn my mind off
  99. Hypochondria and me.
  100. Anxiety and PTSD?
  101. is every panic attack different for each person?
  102. moving away for college help
  103. Super Odd Thing Occurring For Me - Any feedback or Thoughts Would Be Appreciated
  104. Sad, spaced out feeling; is this anxiety?
  105. Anxiety The Friend
  106. Panic / Adrenaline attack during and after orgasm
  107. Weird Man - A memory
  108. Recent spike in anxiety, help?
  109. Feeling anxious when leaving home for extended periods
  110. Psychology Advice
  111. Anxiety Over Elevated Prostate Tumor Marker
  112. Aniety Forums Anxiety
  113. Work Related Anxiety
  114. Unsure As To Whether To Contact Him?
  115. Going crazy
  116. My fellow anxiety community what do you do for a living? I need ideas
  117. Numbness In Left Arm - Over A Day Now?
  118. throbbing sound in ears?
  119. sleep attacks keep waking me up
  120. psychosomatic medicine
  121. Been feeling like death for way too long..
  122. I'm starting to become very worried about DVT and PE?
  123. First time poster- anxiety over appearence?
  124. Thermophobia: fear of hot weather.
  125. Telling therapist info
  126. quit smoking to vaping anxiety came back
  127. Job training!
  128. What's it like living with an anxiety or depressive disorder?
  129. Paralysis and feeling stuck/missing out
  130. Are these just anxiety symptoms..
  131. Anxiety over traveling and moving away
  132. Really strugglig
  133. Questions on White Coat Syndrome
  134. Need help for elder brother
  135. What symptoms do you get from anxiety?
  136. Help with performance anxiety?
  137. Existence - really freaking me out!
  138. has anyone taken stemetil for anxety
  139. HI
  140. is there any medication for anxiety that i can as needed
  141. Anxiety during social situations
  142. Belly Fat and SSRIs
  143. Health Anxiety
  144. Being a night owl...
  145. anxiety is wearing me out
  146. Anxious I will Never Marry
  147. Always worried about health, please help.
  148. Anxiety attacks
  149. A chain reaction
  150. Anxiety and Depression: Have You Experienced These Symptoms?
  151. Worrying - It hasn't happened... YET!
  152. Kicked out of church
  153. Ten Commandments
  154. Too Long!
  155. Not sure if I need to change drugs or do something else
  156. frustrated
  157. My Partner's Anxiety...
  158. Plateaued?
  159. Being around my niece makes me feel sick?
  160. Anyone have no luck on Venlafaxine and then luck with something else?
  161. Living on my own for the 2nd time in my life and fearful of possibly being exploited.
  162. Anxiety over my brother and future relationships.
  163. Anxiety caused by quitting marijuana
  164. Anxiety Waking Up??
  165. Not sure what's going on!!!
  166. Anxiety at work.
  167. Can't Sleep or function
  168. Help, i lost the control of my life!!!
  169. please help
  170. At Disney Dealing with Anxiety/Health Anxiety (heart)
  171. Vistaril
  172. Anxiety without anxious thoughts?
  173. Bleeding from tooth extractions
  174. Vision disturbances
  175. Can you develop different anxiety symptoms after generalized anxiety for years?
  176. Taking back my life
  177. Is this anxiety? Maybe I finally found what's wrong with me
  178. I have returned! LOL
  179. Really scared
  180. Grad School Anxiety/Fear
  181. Dealing with Severe Anxiety Daily
  182. Anxiety, perfectionism and procrastination. Never feeling happy.
  183. Always feel like people are behind me/robbing me
  184. New Member here, once again I'm suffering from Anxiety.
  185. I'll never have friends...probably
  186. Please help...sever anxiety
  187. Weakness on left side of body
  188. How I overcame Anxiety and Mild Depression
  189. Trauma From Past Episodes of Anxiety/Depression
  190. ok and now I'm really freaking myself out
  191. Not important
  192. Anyone have a "tight chest" feeling?
  193. Friend visiting soon causing major anxiety... :(
  194. Groomsman anxiety leading up to AND after the wedding!
  195. Throat tightness, anyone?
  196. Have I Generalised anxiety disorder
  197. Constantly Having To Validate W/ Myself
  198. A psychiatrist just for anxiety?
  199. The One Thing That Stops ME! Please help :( Thanks guys
  200. Bathroom anxiety - getting worse?
  201. Getting over people not liking you?
  202. New here
  203. Agoraphobia and social phobia
  204. I dont want to do anything mood...
  205. In between therapists
  206. New in here
  207. New to Forum - Any Similar Symptoms Thread
  208. Health Anxiety, Pain in my chest PLEASE HELP PANICKING
  209. Anxiety and Dating
  210. I have no path in front of me. Anxiety and depression is too much.
  211. Nose whistling makes me seriously sleep deprived?
  212. Stress at work, worried about a nervous breakdown
  213. Health Anxiety
  214. Battling a full blown anxiety attack today.....
  215. Game for anxiety relief
  216. really really long post but i need to talk and share to get better
  217. Anxiety due husband's sound sensitivity. Please help!
  218. Sleep, worry and more
  219. Making Excuses for Not Drinking While on Meds
  220. Anxiety killing my appetite
  221. 3days no sleep
  222. Am I crazy?! Are the doctors right that I'm ok?! Struggling!
  223. Scared.
  224. Get with the program
  225. Pulse in left abdomen
  226. Will I get an infection?
  227. Does anyone else get this problem?
  228. CT scan risk anxiety and facts
  229. Feeling hopeless, dread everything. Don't know what to do?
  230. I think I'm a terrible person
  231. Panic!
  232. Dealing with excessive sweating
  233. Scared of the future
  234. I finally figured out where anxiety impacts my life. How do I recover from it?
  235. Help!
  236. Help!
  237. Anxiety is coming back
  238. Food, Allergies and Anxiety
  239. My anxiety changed me.
  240. Abnormal EKG, or inaccurate?
  241. My Overcoming Panic/Anxiety/Clinical Depression Story
  242. Missed out on a possible job because of anxiety
  243. Anxiety, for the good and bad times
  244. Abdominal pain realted to stress or something else
  245. How many of you exercise?
  246. Just looking for help for me to understand
  247. Can you get HIV this way??? Freaking out
  248. New Medicine Worry
  249. Magnesium benefits
  250. I'm so sick of people today!