View Full Version : Do you still think I should be worries about my heart?

Charles Price
07-04-2016, 10:45 AM
I ended up in hospital last weekend due a panic attack on Cocaine, I was convinced I was having a heart attack. I am already aware of the dangers of cocaine use and the impact it has on the heart so no need to lecture me.
after I was given a shot of Diazepam I calmed down , I was given physical examination, a blood test, chest x ray and ECG and no abnormalities were found and the blood test was negative, I was told it was a panic attack.
I asked to discharged myself but the doctor insisted I stayed for another blood test in case the results have changed, I didn't want to stay any longer so I decided to leave.
I have booked in the hospital to have another ECG and Echo on the 9th should I be worried? how accurate are the blood test to detect heart attack first time around? surely I have had enough test to rule out a problem?